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Richard Cummings

A 3-Victory Newbie Contractor played by rene as a Free Agent

This character is dead. RIP

Richard Cummings is a body guard who will risk his life to become the ultimate world class body guard and seek out and serve the most important & powerful person in the world; whoever they are.

He is 46 years old, lives in Hollywood, California, and often appears as middle-aged, bald, wears black suit and black aviator glasses.













4 Alertness

0 Animals

2 Athletics

3 Brawl

0 Crafts

0 Culture

1 Drive

4 Firearms

3 Influence

3 Investigation

2 Medicine

0 Melee

0 Occult

0 Performance

0 Science

3 Stealth

0 Survival

2 Technology

0 Thievery

(Tap for Combat reference)
Initiative: 0 dice
Movement: 0 feet
Dash: 0 feet
Perception + Alertness: 0 dice


(Richard Cummings is unharmed)

(Tap for Severe Injury reference)

Battle Scars

Dice penalties from Battle Scars do not stack with Stress

(Richard Cummings has no Battle Scars)

Body 7


6 Mind





(Richard Cummings has no Traumas)



Respected Expert: Private Bodyguard
From Assets and Liabilities
You are highly respected and influential within a given field or industry. Just about anyone in _____ will know of you and respect your status and ability within that field. Social rolls made against anyone in your chosen field receive +2 dice.
Finances: Average
From Assets and Liabilities
You can live stably off your money. You have access to $2,500 (or equivalent currency) per Contract.


From Assets and Liabilities
Tough You can function under intense pain. Dice penalties from pain are reduced by 2. This includes Body penalty.
Nightmares: recurring images of his friends dying in front of him during battle Your sleep is plagued with horrible nightmares. At the start of each Contract and each time you fall asleep, make a Self-Control roll. If you fail, you take one Mind damage.
Focused You are able to remain focused despite your circumstances and surroundings. Any Mind Penalty you have is reduced by 2.
Deep Sleeper You require more sleep than most people, and are quick to fall asleep but slow to wake up. All attempts to put you to sleep succeed automatically. A full restful sleep requires at least 10 hours of sleep. Attempts to wake you up while sleeping, as well as Perception checks you make while you’re sleeping, are at +2 difficulty.
Disorder You have a mental or emotional disorder which is chronic and hard to treat. PTSD - You have been mentally scarred by war; and prone to shutting down in critical moments: Make a Self Control Roll during a "Gunfight", "Critical Moment", or otherwise situation in which someone may die, to not shut down / "Freeze" (Atleast 1 Round!). You may Exert your Mind, even on a failure, to overcome it.
From Illuminated Earth
PTSD You have been mentally scarred by war; and prone to shutting down in critical moments: Make a Self Control Roll during a "Gunfight", "Critical Moment", or otherwise situation in which someone may die, to not shut down / "Freeze" (Atleast 1 Round!). You may Exert your Mind, even on a failure, to overcome it
Nightmares recurring images of his friends dying in front of him during battle At the start of each Contract and each time you fall asleep, make a Self-Control roll. If you fail, you take one Mind damage.

Loose Ends

Police Investigation

Imminent Dangerous Given by badtzmaruboy
You were a perpetrator in a day's worth of police killing, arson, grand theft auto, and it's only a manner of time.

Police Investigation 2

Imminent Dangerous Given by badtzmaruboy
The Contractor is aware that they may be under, yet another, police investigation.


Contractor Timeline

3 Victories - 0 Failures
Remaining Exp: 10 (Earned: 167 - Spent: 157)
An itemized record of every Contract, Reward, Experience change, Condition, Circumstance, and Move

Richard Cummings has not written in his journal yet.


Latest 0 of 0 answers


Richard Cummings has made 0 Moves.
Only Contractors in Playgroups can make Moves.


Richard Cummings is a 46 year old ex-military man originally born in Little Rock, Arkansas. After serving in multiple wars he now suffers from PTSD after having to helplessly witness countless friends die in front of him. But this drives him to want to become the best protector he can be, even being able to protect the most sought after targets. He finds himself living in Hollywood working for celebrities.

Assets And Liabilities


-0 Finances: Average
-6 Focused
-3 Respected Expert
Field: Private Bodyguard
-6 Tough


+3 Deep Sleeper
+3 Nightmares
Subject: recurring images of his friends dying in front of him during battle
+6 Disorder
Permanent Trauma: PTSD - You have been mentally scarred by war; and prone to shutting down in critical moments: Make a Self Control Roll during a "Gunfight", "Critical Moment", or otherwise situation in which someone may die, to not shut down / "Freeze" (Atleast 1 Round!). You may Exert your Mind, even on a failure, to overcome it.