A 25-Victory Veteran Contractor played by lumiq in Maelstrom Prime
She is 14 years old, lives in whatever shelters she can find on her travels, and often appears as a 5’, curious and content girl with dirty blonde hair, apple red eyes, and ratty clothes. She wears a clanking metal gauntlet and a belt of woven hair. The image of a younger brunette girl in a singed nightgown lays over her own, and they are often accompanied by a ghostly black cat with glowing yellow eyes.
Grace Cyanide lives in Maelstrom Prime, a setting where Contractors learn how special they really are. Her journal, I am 9 & MAGICAL, has 57 entries. Her Questionnaire has 17 answers.
3 Alertness
2 Animals
3 Athletics
0 Brawl
3 Crafts
3 Culture
2 Drive
2 Firearms
4 Influence
4 Investigation
3 Medicine
3 Melee
6 Occult
0 Performance
0 Science
4 Stealth
4 Survival
2 Technology
2 Thievery
2 "Playing Pretend"
Latest 3 of 17 answers
Sometime around the Salem Witch Trials, a girl was discovered by her senile, witchcraft-paranoid grandmother, talking to her cat. This may not have been a problem if the cat, Horatio, had not rolled in soot and appeared to the grandmother as some sort of shadow demon that her little granddaughter was communicating with. By some unlucky stroke, this grandmother was as respected in the village as she was fierce on her opinions, and the poor little girl was burned to death.
The Spirit (who has forgotten her name) was buried under an apple tree, which she bonded to; this bond has inexplicably kept the tree alive through sun and storm up until modern times, as The Spirit watches society develop around her. In these times, a little girl named Grace happened to take a liking to the apple tree. She would pass it on her way home and often spent time under it, eating apples, drawing, or reading. The Spirit took notice but was unable to communicate with Grace until the day that Grace was attacked near the tree- some druggie with undoubtedly ill intentions. The Spirit, enraged, is able to drive him off through the force of that rage and talk to Grace for the first time.
Grace lays dying on asphalt as The Spirit tells her an idea- let her inhabit Grace’s body to keep her alive, please, she doesn’t want to lose her. Grace agrees out of fear of dying, and The Spirit possesses her- two souls now living in one body peacefully, who soon become best friends.
Grace’s return to her home was met with terror; a bloody, filthy version of your own daughter with apple-red eyes and, most obviously, the flickering form of someone else overlapping hers. She was driven out violently and now scavenges in the woods under the helpful instruction and advice of The Spirit, seeking a way to keep The Spirit bound forever.
Place of Residence: Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, England
Update 1: Since the beginning of the games, Grace has become more cautious and straightforward. She isn’t as shy as she used to be, and lost her nervous stammer- perhaps she’s growing into a sapling of a good contractor.
Update 2: Grace has gained two things- a tattoo from Connor Inkz, and imprisonment. Despite the caution she’s gained, Grace was poisoned and landed herself in the hospital. A supernatural runaway isn’t the type you can just let go, and well...
Update 3: Grace, escaped with the favor of a Harbinger, has worked out with The Spirit that they need to wear a jacket for cover in public, even if The Spirit is offended by it. The jacket sufficiently covers The Spirit, unless you look especially close.