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Harald Seine
"Howdy, Nice to Meet you"

A 1-Victory Newbie Contractor played by Skelebro in Maelstrom

Harald Seine is a Farmer of Fae descent who will risk his life to become the ultimate Deity of Nature and Establish a heaven for those who return to grass and those who seek peace.

He is 25 years old, lives in Belmont, Indiana, and often appears as mid 20s, medium build and height, Blonde hair and Blue Eyes.

Harald Seine lives in Maelstrom, a setting where videos of the supernatural go viral every day. His journal has 2 entries. His Questionnaire has 7 answers.













2 Alertness

3 Animals

2 Athletics

2 Brawl

1 Crafts

0 Culture

1 Drive

2 Firearms

0 Influence

1 Investigation

2 Medicine

0 Melee

1 Occult

0 Performance

0 Science

2 Stealth

3 Survival

1 Technology

1 Thievery

(Tap for Combat reference)
Initiative: 0 dice
Movement: 0 feet
Dash: 0 feet
Perception + Alertness: 0 dice


(Harald Seine is unharmed)

(Tap for Severe Injury reference)

Battle Scars

Dice penalties from Battle Scars do not stack with Stress

(Harald Seine has no Battle Scars)

Body 7


8 Mind





  • Instinctual Struggles When in a social event or somewhere with strict social protocol, roll a mind roll to resist fight/flight response.

  • Source


    Finances: Comfortable
    From Assets and Liabilities
    Your finances are in-order, and you can afford to spare some for your Contracting. You have access to $35,000 (or equivalent currency) per Contract.


    From Assets and Liabilities
    Gullible You are trusting and honest to a fault, and believe almost everything you hear. You automatically fail any roll to detect a lie, and any rolls which involve telling lies are at +3 difficulty.
    Focused You’re cool under pressure. Stress from Mind Damage is reduced by 2.
    The Hunger: Sweet Tooth (Honey, Chocolate, Candy, Literal Sugar) You have an insatiable urge to consume something unusual. You no longer recover Mind through restful sleep. Instead, you may recover 1 point of Mind per day by consuming the subject of your hunger. Any day you fail to do so, you take a point of Mind Damage.
    Bane: Wrought Iron You are weak to a specific material or type of attack. All Damage you take from your weakness is increased by 2 and ignores any non-material Armor you may have.
    Imbued After accepting your first Invitation to a Contract, you are Imbued, altering you in several ways. After completing a Contract, your learning and conditioning improves rapidly. However, you require the Contracts to advance. You have an indomitable Will to Survive. You may Exert your Mind to improve the Outcome of your Actions. You are highly receptive to therapy and may "cure" one of your Traumas with counseling on a Downtime.

    Loose Ends


    Contractor Timeline

    1 Victories - 0 Failures
    Remaining Exp: 0 (Earned: 163 - Spent: 163)
    An itemized record of every Contract, Reward, Experience change, Condition, Circumstance, and Move


    Harald Seine has made 0 Moves.
    Only GMs who have permission to run Contracts and post World Events in Maelstrom can post Moves for Harald Seine.


    Harald is tall, with a Lean Muscular Physique that is conditioned thanks to heavy labour. - His skin is of Medium Tone with an obvious tan difference when clothing is removed due to being in the sun exhaustively. - He has neck-length Messy blonde hair with a Goatee. - His eyes are of a vibrant piercing baby blue - The distinguishing feature that he has is a scar on his left cheek that has nearly long faded after years of healing, his hands and feet are calloused and rough. - He dresses in Midwestern fashion which is a varied use depending on weather and time, It is a mixture of practicality, casual, and farmwear influence. Meaning a very common use of layering, access to pockets and love of vests, and regular denim, leather and flannel clothing.

    Harald Seine, a simple farmer who simply worked with his father on their farm. Life simply being as simple as can be, he went through life normally. High school dreams, crushes, and incredible love of football and parties indeed. He goes to college for a degree in agriculture to work on the family farm and stay where his heart is, a lack of a desire to go beyond the land, peaceful one can say. Till the day his father is dying of old age and returns to the family graveyard as his request in the homeland of Finland leads to his final words being the truth of what he truly is, and the release of something deep within. Now he seeks more of ancestry, what he truly is and embraces it further in order to give the gift of heaven for his father, bound to figure out the ways and society that is the world of Fae.

    Le ref for Drip -

    Assets And Liabilities


    -15 Gifted
    -6 Focused
    -0 Imbued
    -6 Finances: Comfortable


    +9 Gullible
    +6 The Hunger
    New Food: Sweet Tooth (Honey, Chocolate, Candy, Literal Sugar)
    +6 Bane
    Weakness: Wrought Iron