A 8-Victory Novice Contractor played by therustyy257 in Maelstrom
He is 27 years old, and often appears as 6'1 Asian American, blonde shoulder lenght hair in a bun, tired eyes, black trench coat, black pants, gloves, boots.
Damien Lee lives in Maelstrom, a setting where videos of the supernatural go viral every day. His journal, the book of woes, has 5 entries.
4 Alertness
0 Animals
4 Athletics
4 Brawl
0 Crafts
0 Culture
2 Drive
4 Firearms
0 Influence
2 Investigation
1 Medicine
1 Melee
0 Occult
0 Performance
0 Science
4 Stealth
1 Survival
0 Technology
0 Thievery
3 Intimidation
1 Lucid dreaming
Latest 0 of 0 answers
Pre-Contract :
Last name Lee, call sign Bones, former field medic of his mercenary unit "White Ravens" that subsequently became infamous for unknowingly taking part in a series of missions against the civilian population after being feed fake intel by one of the members working in the intelligence support branch of the unit.
The squad met it's demise shortly after the civilian missions, being led into an ambush by the same intelligence branch member.
Damien was the only one to make it out, and after a trial that got country wide coverage, was fount not guilty thanks to a technicality.
After the trial Damien tied himself to the criminal underworld, pulling off a series of difficult and daring jobs thanks to his field experience, before getting noticed by the Harbingers.
Contract :
Cursed by Henry Fox (7dmg half armour.)