Legacy Power: LOG-003


A 1 Gift Injure Power used by UA-417, created by therustyy257.


The subject's salivary glands have adapted to secrete a highly toxic, fast acting venom.


Spend an Action, Exert your Mind, choose a target within 300 feet, and roll Dexterity + Athletics Difficulty 6. The target may defend by rolling to dodge or Defend (as for an attack with a thrown weapon) as a Reaction.

Damage dealt equals the difference between your attack roll's Outcome and the defensive roll's (if one was made), plus 1.The target's Armor is Reduced to 1/2, rounded up.


  • Cantrip (Activating this Effect has no Exertion cost, but its Gift Cost can never be increased above 2.)
  • Painful (The target suffers a -3 dice penalty for the next hour or until the Injury is healed. This dice penalty does not stack multiple times on the same target.)


  • Slow (Instead of dealing Damage all at once, the Injury caused by this Power starts at Severity 1 and worsens at the rate of one level per Round until it reaches the Severity it would have otherwise been.)
  • Biohazard (This power only affects Living targets.)


Range: 2 ( 300 feet ) Armor Effectiveness: 1 ( Reduced to 1/2, rounded up ) Damage: 0 ( 1 )

Edit History

You are viewing an old version of this Gift.
To view the most recent version Click Here

May 17, 2022, 11:31 p.m. - Adjustment Cost: 1. Text field change

May 17, 2022, 7:35 p.m. - Upgrade Cost: 1. Upgraded from old powers system

- Dec. 9, 2021, 12:48 a.m. - Adjustment Cost: 1. Text field change

Dec. 3, 2021, 10:56 p.m. - New Cost: 1. Initial power creation

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