Reggin Floda N. Reltih's Journal

🔞 Your Mother's Bedroom, and Slavery.
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Resting after Contract

Lounging in my workshop, surrounded by my trusty robots, I'm taking a good, hard look at each of them, pondering how I can tweak and fine-tune their designs to perfection. See, I'm not keen on repeating the mistakes of our debut mission, so I'm diligently ironing out any kinks and hitches I come across. It's all about learning from past blunders and striving for improvement.

On top of that, I've been ruminating on the art of storytelling, mulling over ways to craft more convincing narratives. After all, a well-told tale can be just as potent as any technical skill when it comes to swaying opinions and gaining cooperation.

And then there's the matter of checking in on the team. That first mission was a real doozy, and I want to make sure everyone's coping alright. It's important to understand how that experience impacted each of us individually, so we can support each other moving forward.

Once I've wrapped up those check-ins, I'll find a quiet spot to unwind and recharge. After all, dealing with the fallout from what we now fondly refer to as the "first job disaster" can be pretty draining. So, a bit of relaxation is definitely in order.

🔞 The Robbery of Blaster Silonga's Guitar
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Fireworks Show
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We Resting up like always


Lounging comfortably, I take a moment to ponder the cool stuff I can do with my powers. It's downtime for us, just chilling with the guys, chowing down on some grub, and sipping on drinks. We're all chatting about what's next, swapping stories about past missions, and trying to guess what's in store for our next adventure.

But then, things take a serious turn when we find out that Tobi, one of our buddies, doesn't have a place to stay anymore. Turns out, his home got wrecked during our last mission. It's a real bummer, and it makes us realize the consequences of what we do. We all pitch in to help Tobi out, making sure he's got a roof over his head and some support during this tough time.

Meanwhile, I'm geeking out over my awesome robot sidekick. It's like something out of a sci-fi movie, and I can't get enough of tinkering with it. I'm checking out all its gadgets and gizmos, thinking about how I can make it even cooler.

As the evening wears on, there's this feeling in the air, a mix of excitement and nerves. We know another mission is around the corner, and we're ready for whatever comes our way. Even though things can get tough, we've always got each other's backs. And with that, we raise our glasses to the adventures yet to come, knowing that together, we can handle anything.

The Sage of Mindanao
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Preparing Defenses

Today kicked off a seriously wild adventure as we dove headfirst into a mission that had us going up against ninjas. Yeah, you read that right – ninjas. It all started as a crazy idea tossed around during one of our late-night hangouts, but before we knew it, we were knee-deep in planning.

The whole hostage rescue thing? Yeah, that was just the beginning. It wasn't about justice or anything noble like that; it was more about proving ourselves and spicing up our lives with a bit of excitement. Plus, who doesn't love a good challenge?

So, here we are, prepping like crazy for the showdown of a lifetime. Our hideout has turned into this makeshift fortress, complete with an arsenal that would make even James Bond jealous. And let me tell you, the training sessions have been intense – think Rocky montage meets ninja flick.

But what really gets me pumped is the camaraderie among us. There's this electric energy when we're all together, bouncing ideas off each other and cracking jokes in between. We might be facing off against ninjas, but with these guys by my side, I'm feeling pretty darn invincible.

Sure, the ninjas might think they've got the upper hand, but they're in for a surprise. We're not just a bunch of amateurs – we're a tight-knit crew with a hunger for adventure and a knack for pulling off the impossible. So bring it on, ninjas. We're ready to show you what we're made of.

The Building ni Gayeong Siege
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