Tachibana Retsu's Journal

An Imposter In The Ice

This day SUCKED!! I LOVED it.

Guess who’s finally making it out there! That’s right, me, AND I’m writing all my adventures up. No more will my business be a side store, we’re going to be expanding! 

It started when this man-Midas-showed up and asked ME to help, I mean, of course he would right. I’m pretty much the best at my trade..whatever that is at this point. And even better, everyone there practically folded in my presence, believed I was absolutely unharmable by their powers. There was also, what was his name? Sun Wukong, nice guy, unfortunately I am nicer than him. We spent a while arguing on who should go ahead first. He will not be out-mannering me, I can promise you that purple work notebook.

I have to say, it all hurt though. You won’t believe how close to death I came, I think one mpre injury and I would’ve been GONE…but I hung on, and despite how awful I felt afterwards..and the day after, the adrenaline and the sick missing eye sort of made up for it.

I think that without me and the fact I was the one to outlast those creatures, the rest of them would’ve succumbed too.





Nightmares in Wolfsburg

Finished onceagain!

I, the best choice, top occultist of all time, have done it again. Midas, the boss, the professional, came into my office in the hours of night with a lament, practically tears in his eyes with a job only I could accomplish-with a little help of course.

So, you know me, always wanting to help out for the greater good, and for the reward, not that that’s the important thing. I was off, wayward, to the apartments! Of..Germany? I forget where, I’m not German nor do I speak it. Maybe I should learn though..could be some good clientele in Germany.

Now, where was I? Oh, right. So we got there to speak to this man about who the sorcerer causing trouble was and we found him in a state, my associate..Sos…njh.. Sos. Yep, got us in with the old lockpick trick, and this old guy was on his last legs, I had to call the German emergency number, and tell them I was his grandchild.

Medics took him out, and before police got there to question us as to why there was a dent in his chest we scoured that place and got outta there with my handy rope. Whew, glad I’m just about nimble enough to slide down it still. From there, after a food break at mcdonalds, we found that there was a club in the area that attracted supernatural attention, so of course that was our first go-to.

Getting there was easy, but I had a trick up my sleeve, busting out the oldest trick in the book. OBA SU! THIS TIME THE GREATEST HEALTH INSPECTOR OF THE 21ST CENTURY.

I didn’t do much health inspection, the place seemed fine enough, but they took the bait and we made it to the boss. Past..drunk Germans. Anyway, he told us we were a bunch of morons for the supernatural sorta stuff, even saying no to a gamble. Who does that? Weren’t really even any stakes. OR SO WE THOUGHT! Turns out, this boss? That was the sorcerer, and with me and Sos, my punches and salt and his..strange clawing at the spirits. We exorcised them all! 

Sorcerer was dealt with, and another win under my belt. I’ve GOT to advertise this.

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