World Events of Still Waters

Posted by Somnium, 2 years, 1 month ago. Permalink

American archeologist uncovers ancient tomb in Egypt near the valley of kings

A sizable tomb of an as of yet unknown era of ancient Egypt was discovered by American archeologist Craig Morris from the International Archeological Research Institute (IARII) on yesterdays Wednesday, 8th of January, near the valley of kings. The find could be the biggest discovery since the discovery of the Saqqara Tomb in 2019. The tomb did not seem to have a substantial amount of valuables. This could mean that the person buried was only a lesser noble. Craig Morris told reporters that his team is working hard on uncovering whose grave this is and what period it stems from. 

Morris is ecstatic about his found in Egypt: "The feeling of being the first one to enter a sacred place like that in thousands of years is one I will never forget. I'm ecstatic to have achieved something as remarkable as this." The find represents a major development in his career, he elaborates. "We're proud of the incredible feat Dr. Morris has achieved. It's a huge contribution to the study of ancient Egypt. We couldn't be happier to count him among our trusted experts. He perfectly embodies the values we want to represent", says J. Stephen Athens, founder and CEO of the IARII.

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