Still Waters

A world where the occult lurks just under the surface.

Latest Journals

1 year, 8 months ago: Jason Valent wrote a Downtime Journal for Descend

An untitled Journal

I still don't know how O was able to get out of this. I was prett impressed with my ability to get out of there. But I don't remember what happened. My fat ass was just there one the ground. Now I need to get with the program and get moving. I think the more I do these things the easy way but that is not possible any more. I just need to make some more friends and get this going. I have my shop and I can make some items of interest but not much else. I know it sounds like a sob story but it's the truth. I really do feel kinda sad with all the things going on in the world.

Any ways enough about that. I really need to go see a Dodgers game again you know see them play some ball and do something fun for a change. I mean it's fun on the couch just drinking a beer but nothing like drinking a beer and getting out into the world like it was my job. So I think I will get some tickets this month and see how it goes. Maybe get a hot dog or something invite some people out and have a good ol time. Not worry about everything going on and just get out for a while. Something fun ya know? Not have to worry about deadlines or the contract stuff. Something to take my mind off what is going on. For real.

1 year, 8 months ago: Jason Valent wrote a Downtime Journal for Excavation

An untitled Journal

So when you are trying to find yourself sometimes it's best to try and take the high road. This has never been the actual case for me. I am a greasy mechanic that likes to sit on his ass and drink beer. Some day I will figure my shit out and get all of this figured out. I have no clue if this will really get done. I am really trying to figure out what is best for this is it really needed for me to do all this just for some job? Or can I get my shit together and find my kid and have a real life. I honestly doubt any of this will really do it for me. But I can try. I really can. But I don't know any more. I'd rather just watch a game and let things go buy. That way I don't have to do shit? Ya know? Do the damn thing and make this life better. 

so after the job I decided to bring more rope as that was really what I needed some thing that was better than before but not the same as the last I figured I needed to figure a few things out. The most important for me is how to go about this life and make it my own and not just skate by. So I got out there and was able to help some folks out. But not without a cost or trying to do better by others.

2 years, 7 months ago: Davina wrote a Downtime Journal for Descend

Sick Joke from the Mystery Hacker

So, I went on that damned side mission thing to pay back for the plane tickets. I swear this has either got to be some disgusting joke from the mystery hacker or I have really shit luck. Sounds pretty bad either way.

It was supposed to be a simple delivery job. I showed up at the local train station and picked up a backpack from the lockers. There was an address with the name 'Klein' that sounded real familiar, but I couldn't remember where I knew it from for the life of me. I got curious while I was getting there, so I took a tiny peek, turns out it was a map of Texas and a bunch of tiny brown bottles with some unknown liquid in them. Very fucking weird especially when the entire map of Texas is on the Internet for free, like you seriously had to hire a questionable organization just to deliver a useless piece of paper??

Anyways, I arrived at the place, and that son of a bitch from the gang was just standing there. I slapped on a disguise and slipped past him easily, before making my way to the apartment. They were insistent on inviting me in, but that apartment looked worse than the hellhole of a forty year-old dude living in his parents' basement, it looked quite literally like a crackhouse. Well, as it turns out, Kerem fucking Ahmed was sitting inside, along with some scrawny guy. Boss must've sent them here for me, because they seemed quite serious about 'finding her'. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure who 'her' might be. That mystery hacker really sent me to my own potential kidnappers/murderers like some sick early Christmas present, what the actual fuck. That fucker has the absolute worst sense of humour I've encountered and I've met some really bad ones from the mafia. Are they trying to kill me? First the mission that went south in Brazil and now this shit, every mission they send me on feels like being sent to my doom.

After I "left", I snuck back in to do some eavesdropping. All I heard was something about map, city, find, strike and night, which sounds pretty fucking ominous if you ask me. If the mafia has already managed to find out I'm in this city, I don't think it'll take long for them to find my exact location. Extra points on the fuck-this-shit scale for a possible plan to strike me at night. I don't know what was in those brown bottles but I don't feel particularly good about them right now, considering the high probability they'd be used against me. I'll have to start looking for a new place soon, won't hurt to start brainstorming for a new alias either. Oh to redo all that hardwork with a fraction of the funds, this is going to fucking suck.

2 years, 7 months ago: Julius Faust wrote a Downtime Journal for Three days and three nights

Not exactly a mind trick.

After returning from that expedition in Berlin, I found myself with another dream, a phantasm, a ghost, pale white, yet as soon as my hands touched it, it turned completely black as with the rest of the world. In that moment I awoke and I knew, I had once more found myself given a new ability. At once, I had to test it, I put on my usual gloves and as soon as I did, they turned black themselves. I found myself able to produce dark shadowy hands from my gloves, and these hands acted with my though and direction. To do as I would command them, as I would with my normal hands.

Instantly, I set to train and focus my mind to hone in on these new 'appendages' I was gifted with. My mind, it seemed, couldn't work fast enough and I seemed to have needed to maintain my focus on any tasks I perform with these phantasmal hands. I considered the possibilities and decided that I'd do something I had sworn off. I'd learn to fight with my hands, a barbaric task, but someone had to do it. With it, I knew, that once my body and mind learned to perform these acts of violence, I could then begin to perform them with my other hands, as well, which will be useful in the future to combat any threats like that Hunter from before. The Cloak, it would seem, had undergone some changes of its own. If I didn't know any better, I'd say I was turning into one of those space monks from an old sci-fi movie series that had now been dropped of. For the gods, I would hope not.

2 years, 8 months ago: Connor McClark wrote a Downtime Journal for Descend

Limping Limb

- Restock medkit
- Look up first aid
- Look up giant centipedes
- Get a pocket knife

My knee almost doesn't hurts now, and I can actually walk without limping. I did, however, decided to inspect my medkit I have in my house. Inspection revealed that I don't have anything to handle serious injuries. I don't think some pills, including some expired ones and even one pack of unlabeled pills, as well as some bandages can count as decent medkit. Most of it went straight to the garbage, and restock of the medkit took some time and funds, just like the following refreshment on my first aid knowledge, but now if I ever get a serious injury - again - I can somewhat confidently say that I'll be alright.

Other thing I decided to do was investigate into giant centipede species, and I haven't found anything about it. Either the centipedes ate everyone who tried to investigate them, or no one found them until now. I doubt both are the case, because then people would still catch on, so there is likely more going on than meets the eye. I honestly don't want to think about it, because the more I think, the more ridiculous ideas come to my mind, like a doomsday cult worshipping those giant centipedes as deities or something.

It did spiraled out of my control into research into other insect and animal species. Thank God for modern technology and the ability to watch documentaries on animals from home, and not having to do the research myself, be it out in the open field or in the library.

Lastly, I got a pocket knife. Two pocket knives, even, one of which I keep near my bed at all times, and the other stays with my bag or in my pockets. This is completely normal behavior, and I don't care if anyone says otherwise - I'll listen to their opinion only when they will get bitten by a giant poisonous centipede.

2 years, 8 months ago: Julius Faust wrote a Downtime Journal for Descend

One Hell Of A Day

After the whole cave journey, I was able to procure more eggs than needed. Of course, the idea is to nuture them in the veritible monsters they were back in the cave. The first step is to find an expert and gain their know-how on the matter. This was easy to do, but difficult in following up. It seemed the expert has her eyes on my findings and will take any opportunity to scam me out of them. Typical. After a long drawn out conversation, I was finally able to come to an understanding with her. In exchange for one egg, she'll provide me with the enzyme needed to keep the eggs alive. After that, it was only a matter of securing a place of living while they do hatch.

When all I said and done, I'm quite out of pocket. It'll be a while before I can recoup my money from the stock market, but I can wait.

In the night, as I slept, I had a strange dream of a woman in black who came to embrace me. When I awoke, I had a dark, pitch-black cloak wrapped around it. A bit tacky, but it seems to have more qualities that I could see at first. By dawning it, I can use it to project a barrier for myself. Interesting. Perhaps this tool will help me to further my ambition. With control over the dead and a way to protect myself from harm, I do believe I have a great chance against whatever may come next.


Ghosts, witches, cults. Every folklore and more. It is all real, hiding in the shadows of modern civilization. Only few people dare to try and uncover the secrets that lay beneath the mask of the mundane and even fewer of them come out of it alive. But what spells certain death for some is an opportunity for others. Great powers, intricate rituals and fantastical creatures. This world offers much to those willing to venture beneath the surface.

House Rules

Contractors from Still Waters Are portable, and may play in Contracts in other Playgroups.
Still Waters grants 6 Experience points to GMs who achieve the Golden Ratio.

Applies to everyone:

• No Child-Contractors

• Side-Games and Out-of-Contract-Roleplay will only be avaialable to world members. Foreign Contractors will return after the contract is over.

Applies to contractors with Still Waters as their home:

• All restricted assets must be approved.

• A contractor may start with gifted or a chairon coin but not both.

• No defective sense smell unless it is closely linked to your backstory.

• Passing of time and Downtime-Healing is enforced. Consult date for the current month.

Full Setting Description

Ghosts, witches, cults. Every folklore and more. It is all real, hiding in the shadows of modern civilization. Only few people dare to try and uncover the secrets that lay beneath the mask of the mundane and even fewer of them come out of it alive. But what spells certain death for some is an opportunity for others. Great powers, intricate rituals and fantastical creatures. This world offers much to those willing to venture beneath the surface.

Still Waters is a world much like our own. Although the supernatural is very much real, few people know about it.  Powers, magic and otherworldly creatures do exist outside of games but the average joe doesn't know that. Law enforcement and civilians will react with fear and mistrust to any signs of the occult. This isn't an accident. There are forces at work that want to keep a tight lid on the occult. If a contractor decides to make waves they better be able to handle what follows after. Nonetheless Players should strive to fulfill a character's goals even outside the contracts. Side Games and roleplay outside of the games will be highly encouraged.