Crane Albright's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 8, Devilish Designs

Crane Albright resides in the bustling city of San Francisco in the Bay Area, drawn to its status as a technology and innovation hub. As a tech enthusiast and young professional, he found the city to be an ideal environment for thriving in the dynamic tech landscape. His small apartment, situated in a lively neighborhood filled with startups and like-minded individuals, mirrors his passion for technology. The living space is adorned with futuristic and minimalist decoration, enhanced by LED lights and home made smart home gadgets. A substantial working table in the corner serves as the epicenter of Crane's creative pursuits, cluttered with intricate blueprints, mechanical parts, and gadgets in various stages of assembly. The walls feature posters of iconic tech figures and inspirational quotes, contributing to an environment that fuels Crane's creativity and determination. Fully equipped with the latest tech gadgets, from virtual reality setups to high-performance computers, the apartment underscores his commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements. Living in San Francisco not only grants Crane access to a vibrant tech community but also allows him to immerse himself in the city's dynamic culture. Proximity to Silicon Valley ensures attendance at tech events, networking with professionals, and staying connected with the ever-evolving world of innovation.



2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 8, Devilish Designs

Crane Albright's primary source of income stems from his innovative inventions and engineering projects. As a dedicated robotic engineer, he channels his earnings into funding his ongoing technological endeavors. The financial resources are largely allocated towards acquiring cutting-edge technology, essential materials, and state-of-the-art equipment needed for his ambitious projects. Having his reinvestment playing as a crucial role in Crane's financial strategy. He consistently seeks to stay ahead of the technological curve. This involves upgrading his workspace, purchasing the latest gadgets, and continually expanding his knowledge through training and education. The high costs associated with staying at the forefront of technology necessitate a significant portion of his income being dedicated to these investments. Crane has also recently secured a lucrative contract with the government, providing him with a substantial income stream. This contract not only adds financial stability but also serves as a testament to his expertise and recognition in the field. The funds obtained from this collaboration contribute to the development of more advanced and groundbreaking inventions, further solidifying Crane's position as a prominent figure in the tech world.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 8, Devilish Designs

Crane Albright's ambition is nothing short of becoming the ultimate engineering developer, gaining widespread recognition for his groundbreaking inventions, and establishing a dominant presence in the tech industry. He aspires to leave an indelible mark on the world of robotics and technology, positioning himself as a pioneer and influential figure. His driving force is the pursuit of excellence in engineering, pushing the boundaries of innovation to create solutions that have a profound impact on society. Crane is willing to go to great lengths, including taking significant risks and making personal sacrifices, to achieve his ambitious goals. He is not afraid to invest substantial time, effort, and resources into his projects, constantly seeking to surpass his own limits and redefine what is possible in the realm of technology. Though he may expose himself to potential dangers in the pursuit of his goals, Crane prioritizes safety and ethical considerations. He is committed to achieving greatness through hard work, ingenuity, and perseverance.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 8, Devilish Designs

Crane most defining event in his life was his introduction to robotics through influential cartoons and anime such as Generator Rex, Gundam, and the intense and thought-provoking Neon Genesis Evangelion. These series became the catalyst that ignited Crane's passion for robotics, shaping his dreams and sparking the inception of grand ideas within his young mind. The impact of these shows on Crane's imagination was profound. They fueled his desire to bring to life the intricate and awe-inspiring machines depicted in these fictional worlds. The amalgamation of dreams and ideas formed a long-built schematic in his mind, laying the foundation for the ambitious path he would embark upon. This transformative experience set Crane on a trajectory of accelerated learning and development. His fascination with robotics became a driving force that propelled him through his academic journey, leading him to finish college at the remarkably young age of 17. The defining event not only ignited a passion for robotics but also instilled in him a determination to turn those childhood dreams into reality. The exposure to these influential cartoons and anime characters served as the inspiration that pushed Crane to strive for excellence in the field of engineering. It shaped his worldview and fueled his ambition, providing him with the motivation to pursue his goals with unwavering commitment. The defining impact of these childhood influences became the cornerstone of Crane's identity.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 8, Devilish Designs

Crane's parents, immigrants to the bustling city, have always provided him with a foundation of support in his endeavors. However, being from a different generation and background, they find it challenging to fully comprehend Crane's passion for robotics. Their dream for him to become a doctor reflects their desire for a more conventional and secure career path. Despite their reservations, they offer financial support, demonstrating their love for their son. The cultural gap, however, keeps them somewhat distant, as their aspirations for Crane differ from his own. On the otherhand, Crane's older sister, Bianca, stands out as the person closest to him. Unlike their parents, she fully understands and supports Crane's ambitious journey into the world of robotics. Despite maintaining some distance from the family, she remains a steadfast ally for Crane. Bianca, recognizing her brother's passion and determination, encourages him to pursue his dreams. Their bond remains strong, with Crane reaching out to her regularly to share updates on his progress. Bianca serves as a source of emotional support, understanding the challenges Crane faces, and reinforcing his belief in the path he has chosen. Despite all of this, though, he rarely keeps in contact with his family, occasionally, every once or twice a month, he will call them to discuss how things are going. Keeping his distance ever since the contract started knowing that it may endanger them.


6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 8, Devilish Designs

Crane Albright's childhood was marked by a fascination with the entertaining and thought-provoking shows of the time, particularly cartoons and anime that introduced him to the world of robotics. His parents, Nightingale and Roland, were loving but somewhat strict figures in his life. Despite their conservative mindset, they attempted to understand and support Crane's interests. The clash of their traditional values with Crane's unconventional passion for robotics created a tension, but the foundation of love remained intact. Attending school, Crane found his place within the robotics club, where his excitement for the subject made him stand out. As a child, he was easily thrilled by various things, showcasing a chaotic yet vibrant energy. Once he discovered his dream in the field of robotics, his academic journey took a rapid trajectory. Fueled by determination, Crane accelerated through the grades, graduating early to pursue his ambitious goal of becoming the ultimate engineering developer. While he initially fit in with the robotics club, his growing passion for his chosen field set him apart from his peers. As he delved deeper into his ambitions, the gap between his interests and those of his classmates widened. This divergence ultimately led him to accelerate through his education, seeking an environment where he could fully immerse himself in the world of robotics without the constraints of a traditional academic setting.


7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 8, Devilish Designs

back in middle school, Crane Albright experienced a fleeting but intense crush on a girl named Shayla. Their connection blossomed within the shared realm of the robotics club, where Shayla's brilliance shone brightly. While their friendship grew, Crane found himself drawn to her, experiencing the tender feelings of a young crush. As time passed, however, Crane and Shayla naturally drifted apart. There was no dramatic event or falling out; rather, they simply evolved in different directions as individuals often do. The ebb and flow of life led them along separate paths, and their once-close friendship gradually faded. Despite the passage of time, Crane occasionally reminisces about those middle school days, cherishing the memories of his first crush and the shared excitement of their common interest in robotics. Crane, however, remains forward-focused and doesn't let the past hinder his progress. While he may reflect on the innocence of his middle school crush, he understands that life moves on, and he channels his energy into his ambitious pursuits in the field of robotics. The brief chapter with Shayla serves as a nostalgic interlude in Crane's journey, a reminder of the passage of time and the growth that accompanies it.


8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 8, Devilish Designs

Crane Albright harbors a deep-seated fear of the dark, a fear rooted in the mysteries and unknowns that the darkness conceals. Whether stemming from a childhood trauma or simply a persistent unease, this fear has a primal grip on Crane's psyche. The darkness represents a realm of uncertainty for Crane, where the familiar becomes obscured, and the imagination can conjure all manner of unknown dangers. This fear may be a manifestation of the primal instinct to fear the unknown, a common human response deeply ingrained in the psyche as a survival mechanism. It's possible that Crane's fear of the dark has persisted into adulthood, serving as a symbolic reminder of the uncertainties and challenges he faces in his ambitious pursuits. The fear may symbolize the uncharted territories of the technological frontier he is exploring, where the outcomes are unpredictable, and the potential pitfalls are hidden in the metaphorical shadows. Despite his fear, Crane continues to confront the figurative darkness in his professional life, driven by his determination to illuminate the unknown and push the boundaries of technology. However, the fear of the dark remains a lingering, primal aspect of his psyche, a reminder of the inherent uncertainty that accompanies his ambitious journey. Along with that, Crane Albright is haunted by the fear of his technological creations becoming obsolete. This fear is deeply intertwined with his identity as an innovative robotic engineer, someone who prides himself on his ability to create cutting-edge solutions. The mere thought of his creations losing relevance or being surpassed by newer technologies is a driving force that compels him to constantly push the boundaries of innovation. 


9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 8, Devilish Designs

Crane Albright's most prized possession is his metabolizing nanite factory, a compact and sophisticated device reminiscent of the arc reactor from Iron Man. This invention holds immense significance for him due to its revolutionary capabilities and the unparalleled advantage it provides in his daily life. The metabolizing nanite factory operates by efficiently recycling all of Crane's bodily waste within his own body, creating an infinite cycle of energy. This remarkable technology enables him to remain active without the need for regular meals or extended periods of rest. The nanite factory serves as a self-sustaining energy source, allowing Crane to dedicate more time to his work in the workshop and pursue his ambitious goals without the limitations of physical fatigue. The device not only showcases Crane's prowess as an innovative engineer but also reflects his commitment to overcoming biological constraints through technological ingenuity. Its compact and advanced design makes it a symbol of his ability to push the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of robotics and bioengineering. Beyond its functional utility, the metabolizing nanite factory represents a key element in Crane's pursuit of efficiency and optimization. It embodies his determination to maximize his productivity, pushing the limits of human potential through the integration of cutting-edge technology into his own physiology.


10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 8, Devilish Designs

The most significant challenge currently facing Crane Albright is the strategic decision of how to capitalize on his groundbreaking creations. While he has successfully developed innovative technologies and inventions, determining the most effective and impactful ways to bring them to the market is a complex and pivotal decision. Crane is confronted with questions about market entry, business models, partnerships, and intellectual property considerations. The challenge lies not only in showcasing the technological capabilities of his creations but also in navigating the competitive landscape of the tech industry. This decision-making process requires a delicate balance between maintaining control over his innovations and securing the necessary resources for their widespread adoption. Additionally, acquiring full usage of the tech world poses another layer of complexity. In a dynamic and ever-evolving industry, establishing a strong and influential presence requires strategic networking, collaborations, and staying attuned to the latest trends and advancements. Crane must navigate the intricacies of the tech ecosystem, build meaningful connections, and position himself to wield influence over the direction of technological progress. Balancing the technical aspects of his creations with the business and networking challenges poses a significant hurdle for Crane. The decisions he makes in this regard will not only shape the trajectory of his career but also determine the broader impact of his innovations on the tech world. The weight of these decisions adds a layer of complexity to Crane Albright's journey as he strives to establish himself as the ultimate engineering developer and leave an indelible mark on the technological landscape.

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 8, Devilish Designs

Crane Albright's mornings kick off with his smart home gently waking him up. The ambient lights gradually brighten as he checks messages on his high-tech gadgets, staying updated on tech news. In his compact bathroom, his unique metabolizing nanite factory gives him boundless energy and nutrients. Following a quick but invigorating shower, Crane gears up for the day. His wardrobe is a blend of futuristic and minimalist attire, reflecting his tech-savvy persona. Adorned in comfortable yet stylish clothing, he moves to the substantial working table in the corner of his living space. He reviews projects, surrounded by blueprints and motivational posters. A virtual reality session sparks creativity before he enjoys a nutrient-packed shake instead of a traditional breakfast, optimizing time for work. With the latest gadgets in tow, Crane steps out into San Francisco's tech hub, ready to take on the day's challenges and opportunities in the fast-paced world of innovation.



12. If you were going somewhere special that you wanted to look your best for, what would you do to prepare? What would you wear? How long would it take you to get ready?

Link Answered after Contract 8, Devilish Designs

If Crane Albright were preparing for a special occasion where he wanted to look his best, his preparation would be a strategic blend of efficiency and style. Starting with a meticulous grooming routine. This would include a precise shave, hair styling, and perhaps a quick check on the status of his metabolizing nanite factory to ensure optimal energy levels. His wardrobe for the occasion would be a fusion of futuristic elegance. He might choose well-tailored and technologically advanced clothing, combining comfort with a stylish edge. The outfit would reflect his tech-savvy personality. Crane would likely opt for minimalistic yet statement accessories that complement his look. Perhaps a high-tech watch or a piece of smart jewelry to add a touch of sophistication. With a carefully selected outfit hanging ready, Crane would streamline the dressing process. His focus on efficiency would ensure a quick change, minimizing the time spent on getting ready. Before stepping out, Crane would make a final check in the mirror, ensuring every detail is in place. This brief moment allows him to confirm that his appearance aligns with the image he wants to project for the special occasion.





13. What will you do for your next birthday?

Link Answered after Contract 8, Devilish Designs

Crane would organize a tech-themed gathering, inviting like-minded friends and colleagues. The venue might feature the latest gadgets, virtual reality setups, and interactive displays, creating an immersive tech experience for the guests. To make the celebration unique, Crane could arrange live demonstrations of his latest inventions. This would not only showcase his achievements but also provide an opportunity for guests to engage with and appreciate the advancements he's made in the field of robotics. As a tech enthusiast, Crane might organize interactive workshops or discussions on emerging technologies. This could include hands-on experiences with his inventions or insights into the future of robotics and artificial intelligence. To add an artistic touch, Crane might incorporate a digital art display featuring works inspired by technology. This could include digital installations, projections, or interactive art pieces that resonate with his passion for the intersection of art and technology. Embracing the theme, Crane and his guests might dress in futuristic or tech-inspired attire. This could range from sleek and modern outfits to costumes inspired by iconic sci-fi characters. Considering the ever-connected nature of Crane's life, he might also incorporate a virtual component for friends or colleagues who are unable to attend in person. This could involve a virtual reality meetup or a livestream of the celebration.


14. What is your greatest regret?

Link Answered after Contract 9, Lil Game Hunter

Crane Albright's greatest regret is a moment of weakness when he acquired an item called the infinite glitter tube. In an impulsive act, he used this seemingly harmless device, unaware of its destructive potential (kind of, he totally knew but thought it would be funny). The consequence was massive destruction and unintentional eco-terrorism within the city of San Francisco. This regrettable incident not only caused immediate havoc but also set the stage for ongoing troubles in Crane's life for months later on.

The fallout from this act not only damaged the environment but also led to complications that lingered into the future. Crane carries the weight of this regret, recognizing the impact of his momentary lapse in judgment and the unintended harm it caused to both the city and his own aspirations in the tech world. Though he still found it a bit funny, Crane used the next few months to attempt to rectify this mistake. Creating a new robotic system that will clean up and remove AND dispose of the glitter properly.


15. What is the nature of your Gifts? Are they inherent potential? Do harbingers just grant your wishes?

Link Answered after Contract 9, Lil Game Hunter

The nature of Crane's gifts are simple. Schematics and designs, knowledge that he discovers and/or request from the harbingers for a hint of where to go. Each gift is an offshoot of his research into nanites and its bio-mechanical uses. Converting his own body into nanites that has fully replicated every single cell in his body. Each gift is an extension of Crane's own knowledge and love for his designs, his crafts, his creations, and so much more. Limited by the technology of his time though, until the harbingers appeared. For instance, his infinite power loop, while in theory impossible due to entropy, with but a hint from the harbinger, Crane managed to actually steal entropy from space itself, the energy that lingers around us, whether its from just natural heat, lights, rays, radiation, and what not, it powers and fuels his nanites. Such is the nature of his gift, technology past the modern day age.

16. How do you feel about spirituality? Are you religious? What do you believe?

Link Answered after Contract 9, Lil Game Hunter

Crane Albright is not religious; instead, he aligns with a more philosophical perspective rooted in humanistic psychology. His belief system centers around the idea that every individual possesses free will. In Crane's view, this autonomy grants people the power to make choices, leading to both positive and negative outcomes. His philosophy acknowledges that, with free will, individuals have the capacity to make choices that may be detrimental to others. This includes instances where some might attempt to infringe upon the free will of others. However, Crane sees this as a natural consequence of the inherent freedom everyone possesses. For Crane, the duality of good and bad represents two sides of the same coin, both stemming from the exercise of free will. While recognizing the potential for individuals to misuse their autonomy, he accepts it as an inherent aspect of the human experience. Which is why he seeks solace within the machine. Wishing to create something with free will and wanting to see how, free will at its infancy will grow and develop.




17. How do the events of the Contracts conflict with your worldview? How do you react when everything you thought was true is put in doubt?

Link Answered after Contract 9, Lil Game Hunter

Events from the contract afflicts crane with a feeling of... incredulity. Each contract he has been on, his view on the world has changed and flipped. From giant-monstrous creatures who only wishes to live. To werewolf that were peaceful and vampires who were tricksters. From ghost, to dreams, to haunts, to the occult, to even aliens, it seems every contract, Crane can't escape from his worldview being challenged every time. At first, he was panicked, young at his age, he was confused, but with every passing contract and months, his perspective changed. Crane looks at them with curiosity, a wish to understand them, to break them down and figure out how they work. He wishes to absolve ghost's problem so he can understand what causes *sentience*. Wanting to investigate further, its fully possible, with enough time, enough contracts, Crane may go down a path that he cannot return from. A rabbit-hole into the world of the mysterious and cryptic.

18. Give a brief description of the other Contractors you see often. What do you like or dislike about them?

Link Answered after Contract 9, Lil Game Hunter

The contractors Crane has met over the months of his journey has been rather interesting, from fellow interesting tech wiz, to rich millionaire, to the poorest of the poor, to the most unexpected of people, to even were-creatures. They generally are rather... decent people, but Crane has a heavy distaste for the occult-y one's. In one of his most recent contract, one of the occult contractor nearly costed them the entire contract because of his arrogance. This has left them all scrambling in different ways to resolve the problem. On the other hand, his fellow tech wiz contractors are more aligned with his taste, though often also creating... rather odd creations instead of creating more useful ones, perhaps they will rethink what to make. Of course, there are... in some cases, such as the firm, who are a little too ambitious and prioritize on just getting money while throwing crane under the bus. This has caused crane many levels of frustration.

19. Describe the perfect room.

Link Answered after Contract 9, Lil Game Hunter

The centerpiece of the room is a spacious and well-equipped workspace. A large, clutter-free table with a built-in holographic display serves as the epicenter of his creative endeavors. The table is surrounded by ergonomic, tech-infused chairs, creating an environment conducive to focused work and innovation. Every aspect of the room is seamlessly integrated into a smart home system. Voice-activated controls allow Crane to adjust lighting, temperature, and even initiate virtual reality simulations with effortless ease. The walls are equipped with interactive displays that showcase real-time data, blueprints, and inspirational quotes, contributing to an environment that sparks creativity. LED strips line the edges of the room, casting a soft glow in customizable hues. Adjacent to the workspace, a large, high-resolution screen for entertainment and information from the news. Cabinets and drawers are equipped with automated opening and closing mechanisms, each item having its designated place. The room features energy-efficient lighting solutions, mimicking natural daylight to enhance focus during work hours.

20. Everyone excels at something. What is your philosophy about the thing you are best at?

Crane adjust his seat as he looks into the camera "why are some of my questionnaire already filled? whaaat in the world? ok then, anyways, my philosophy regarding the thing I excel at revolves around the relentless pursuit of excellence and innovation. I believe in pushing the boundaries of what is possible, constantly challenging myself to surpass my own limitations and expectations. For me, it's not just about achieving success but about continuously striving for improvement and growth. I approach my craft with a deep sense of passion and dedication, pouring my energy into every project and endeavor. I believe in the power of creativity and ingenuity to drive meaningful change and make a positive impact on the world. At the core of my philosophy is a commitment to never settle for mediocrity. I believe in setting high standards for myself and holding myself accountable to those standards. This means embracing challenges, embracing failure as an opportunity to learn and grow, and never being content with the status quo. Ultimately, my philosophy is rooted in the belief that excellence is not a destination but a journey. It's about continuously striving to be the best version of myself, pushing the boundaries of what is possible, and leaving a lasting legacy through my work and contributions to the world." 

There's a level of smugness in his answer that can't really be pinpointed it seems.

21. What do your Limits say about you? What would it take to make you break them?

Crane puts on a pair of glasses for a moment before he reads over it. "My limits? You mean my fears and morals that would make me question reality? hmmm, fair enough. " Crane starts playing with his little bracelet 

"My fear of failure stems from the way I grew up. Born to an Asian household, my parents were strict and that expectations held me up but also nearly broke me. Its a level of trauma and just something I grew up with. I feel a sense of ego whenever I am working with what I am best at. Hence whenever I fail, it truly hurts my pride.


As for anguish, maaann, I'm 18, pain sucks and hurts. That's about as much as I can really explain, I'm young, I don't like pain 

For my limit, I do fear death. For obvious reasons of course, it will be the end of my ambition and I'm way too young to die man.


Realistically, I guess I would break them if to protect my ambition, tech, research, and/or have someone that will follow in my footsteps.