Ky Matranaga's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 9, Everything, everywhere.

Ky has lived in a few places throughout his career as a Contractor thanks to his changing circumstances.

His original home was all the way in San Francisco– a lone, cramped apartment room he moved into at the start of high school, where he was supposed to live with a distant relative. However, their absence most of the time resulted in Ky ending up living independently throughout most of his time in the city. Ky never ended up decorating the place too much, preferring to live a minimalistic lifestyle.

Later on, Ky found himself imprisoned within the Misery Mountain prison in West Virginia for some time. The name itself should serve as an apt descriptor for how it was like to live there— whenever Ky wasn’t in solitary confinement, things were hell with the other prisoners.

Now, Ky finds himself staying at the Jules safe house in Pennsylvania after being busted out of prison. Like his old home, Ky hasn’t done much to decorate or personalize the space— instead opting to keep the place as clean and orderly as he can. Without much else to do other than train, meditate and maintain the place, it’s become a rather quiet place.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 9, Everything, everywhere.

Before legally dying, getting imprisoned and becoming wanted, Ky was a simple part-time delivery driver for fast food services in San Francisco. The job was more of a method for him to familiarize himself with the city streets than a pure source of income, though he did make enough to make it by on his own. What he did earn in excess was mostly spent towards indulging himself after his training— going out, ordering food, or just buying a game to relax with.

Now, Ky doesn’t actually have a source of direct income, instead living off the money left behind in the Jules safehouse. He remains quite conservative with how he spends everything as a result, mainly spending money towards living expenses, maintaining the house and necessary equipment purchases.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 9, Everything, everywhere.

Life’s been hell for Ky, and he wants to return the favor towards the pieces of shit responsible— including the one within himself. More specifically, Ky aims to conquer the devilish powers growing within him so that he can take on the Sons of Salem and, in doing so, accomplish something good with his life. While Ky recognizes himself too far gone for proper redemption, having already resulted in the deaths of many in his road towards his enemies, he still strives to do something to right his wrongs— something that will mean the deaths he’s caused aren’t just meaningless. Ky is more than willing to die if it means achieving this goal– in fact, he’s almost certain pursuing this road and continuing these Contracts will lead to his certain death. But, if his death is enough to result in something, anything good, it’ll be more than worth it.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 9, Everything, everywhere.

The Sons of Salem had been growing in strength and number within San Francisco. More and more people were getting hurt, extorted, and abused from behind the scenes– and at some point, Ky felt that he couldn't just stand by and watch. When rumors of one of his peers falling victim to this abuse caught wind at his school, Ky decided to look into things himself. And when Ky eventually came across these abusers firsthand, walking into the scene of a group of them attempting to coerce a young woman into following them somewhere, he jumped in without thought. Naturally, when footage surfaced of the beating which ensued— with no accounts or statements from the girl who ran away– life began spiraling for Ky...

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 9, Everything, everywhere.

Ky’s Parents: Ky never got the opportunity to get particularly close to his parents. His mother passed at an early age, whose only parting words to Ky were to stay kind and out of trouble. His father was a firefighter who was away from home for the most part— especially after his mother’s passing. When they were with Ky, things were distant and cold, and with Ky eventually moving to live elsewhere.

Machida Yoshiyuki: Ky’s best friend from school, who also became a Contractor for a brief period. Despite Machida being an anti-social loner, Ky was able to bond with them over their shared heritage and Ky’s own outgoing, friendly personality. The two have been estranged since they were forced to flee in separate directions– though at this point, Ky believes it’s best to leave him alone and avoid him.

Dr. Rhea Alister: Ky met Rhea when she reached out to him when he was on the run– and throughout his career, she was one of the sole people Ky could look towards for help. Her death remains one of his biggest regrets in his life, and it’s the one he hopes to atone for the most.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 10, Driftwood

Ky had a relatively shaky childhood. His mother passed away when he was a child, and since that point, his relationship between his father has been distant at best. Eventually, during high school, Ky ended up living on his own. Still, he did his best to strive to uphold the kindness and the respect his mother imprinted onto him when he was a child-- her final wishes before she passed on. As such, his school life was rather quiet as well. He moved a couple times growing up, and as such, attended a few different schools. In each, he had a fairly similar experience. No matter where he was, he did his best to be polite and outgoing toward his peers, offering to volunteer help wherever he can. However, in each, he still never found a place where he fit in truly-- remaining an outsider, disconnected from fully bonding with anyone.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 10, Driftwood

Ky hasn't been in love before. In terms of his orientation, he's somewhere on the demi/bisexual and romantic spectrum (meaning that he's not attracted to anyone he's not close to already). More importantly, however, Ky has always been more of an outsider. Though he's always been rather outgoing and polite toward his peers, he's never had the opportunity to meaningfully connect or bond with most people. In fact, he's always generally had poor luck when it comes to making long term friends or connections. However, despite his lack of luck in making connections to people, Ky still strives to maintain the same outgoing and polite disposition he was taught as a child.