Augustine Vang's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Mouth of Erysichthon

Augustine Vang is Norweigan-Czech, having moved on his own when he was capable to England, before moving once more to New York. 

He lives in the city of New York to easier persue the object of his affections, despite the fact they’ve only recently spoken for the first time ever. Augustine’s home is liveable, it’s fairly nice from the outside and sizeably large for one man to live in on his own.

His kitchen, bathroom and living room are kept spotless, incase of visitors. Everything has it’s own place and never leaves it’s place for more than a few minutes. He particularly likes to keep houseplants and candles in these areas for decoration.

Augustine’s room is mostly taken up by the shrine he keeps on his desk and wall, unwillingly taken photographs plastered upon the sides, trinkets and stolen items scattered over the table. A single shoe, a disposable camera, a plastic bag of fingernail clippings.

He doesn’t need much more space for anything else.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Mouth of Erysichthon

After working hard and receiving his money, Augustine spends it first and foremost on savings, putting away money incase it’s needed later. After this, he invests into upgrades, a better camera if it is needed, more storage space, a better desk, higher-quality picture frames, a trinket box, better lockpicking tools, new fresh flowers.

Once that’s dealt with, he’ll treat himself to a new meal in a nice location, chosen specifically for another’s tastes and interests. Perhaps he’ll take a short leave to visit places his beloved has been, places he’s spent time in.

Finally, groceries and bills. Unfortunately. Oh well.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Mouth of Erysichthon

Augustine’s main goal in life is to make sure, no matter what, that he spends the rest of it with the undying love of his darling. However, he’s acted quite shyly, and they’ve only spoken once, so it’s been slow progress.

He would go as far as necessary to achieve this, and he had before, he would kill, and he has killed, innocent coworkers or acquaintances of the object of his affection slain for no reason other than they briefly spoke, and their eyes lingered a little too long upon the others face.

Augustine will and has broken the law for it, Augustine will and has come close to death for it. With this goal being all he really keeps in mind, it’d be a shorter list asking what he WOULDNT do for it.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Mouth of Erysichthon

The most defining moment of his life would’ve likely have been the first ‘meeting’, though to call it a meeting would be overkill, it actuality he simply admired the man from afar, but back then it wasn’t an obsession, just finding someone attractive..until he pushed to learn more about him, and it delved deeper.

It changed him drastically, he’d have his obsessions before, but they were almost never people, and not this extent, he was always just treading through life unsure of his next moves, unsure of his future, until this moment. Now, Augustine knows exactly how he’s planned out his life and future, and nothing will sway him from his plans.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Mouth of Erysichthon

His beloved:

He’s certainly a person in Augustine’s life, even with the little they’ve talked. Augustine knows everything about him, his daily routine, his favourite everything, his family, his coworkers, his friends, the inside and out of his home, each of his bodyparts. He knows almost everything there is to know.

His brother:

They don’t talk much, outsiders would assume they don’t get along, but that’s not really true. Augustine is apathetic when it comes to his siblings, or well, sibling now, since his sister has been unheard from for years. His brother is a wonderful, lovely and successful man, garnering all the support and attention of his family. He’s hardly mean or horrible to Augustine, rather the opposite, making an attempt more often than not to include him, this doesn’t make Augustine any more likely to hear him out however.

His mother:

He treats his mother with respect, and that is all really, she’s one of the only family members he thinks of fondly, remembering memories that make him occasionally smile, the good outweighing the bad, he remembers her cooking and baking, and how they’d spend Christmas.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Mouth of Erysichthon

His childhood was shaky to say the least.

While his mother was as caring as she could be, and more, and for this Augustine appreciates her, his father was far from that, loud, obnoxious and always annoyed at Augustine for the slightest perceived inconvenience.

He doesn’t talk about his father much, ever. These days he suffers from health complications, leaving his mother to care for him.

Augustine did attend school, he excelled in projects as long as they weren’t group projects, those were his bane, he hated having to share his ideas with others.

He had his friends, he wasn’t lonely or anything, they were few but they would often hang out after and during school, playing card games and digging holes in annoying places, putting glass in the road and shredding tests behind teachers backs. He was never really seen as a troublemaker though, often not caught anf referred to by the teachers as ‘too nice’ to do anything of the sort.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Mouth of Erysichthon

Oh, he’s in love alright. More than love, infatuation, obsession. He wants his beloved to absorb him, to hold him and never let go, to dice him into mush and consume him so they could never be apart. He’d settle for marriage though.

What happened? far, but Augustine KNOWS he was infatuated the first time they spoke. He had to of been.  Augustine’s life has spiralled into an obsession as a result of this man.. It’s simply slow progress, as Augustine himself puts it. It’ll work out in time..and while that happens, it gives him more opportunities to steal his personal items, to stalk his home and work routine..

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Fight at The Museum

Worst fears? Augustine probably wouldn’t consider himself to really have fears, sure, like anyone else he dislikes things that are bad or otherwise scary, but he’s much more neutral about it, if it happens, it happens.

But, more realistically he likely has some fears deep down, to be locked in an impossible situation away from his latest obsessions, or the person he believes wholeheartedly should love him amongst these, coupled with the idea that maybe everyone will eventually refuse him again and again, and he’ll die alone before truly sharing his life with anyone.

This is because he’s lonely, and convinced fully whenever he finds his ‘soulmate’, he wants to share everything he has with someone, things that you’d share in a normal relationship or otherwise. His time, his money, his body parts if they so wished, he’d even rip the teeth from his mouth with pliers if someone he loved asked..but if he was hated by all, then why is he here, and what does he have to live for? 

Other than this, he probably has a slight fear of going to prison, not because he’d be outed or because of the jail time itself, but because it connects to the above, how will he find anyone stuck in prison? And, how would he continue his rather important hobbies and job. He has a life to keep up with, and jail would get in the way.