Juno's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Blood on the Snow

I live in the city of Victoria, British Columbia, a province in Canada. My family has only been here since my grandfather who travelled here to escape fears of witchcraft migrated here, and when my parents died in a car crash I came to live with him. I cannot dream of living somewhere other than what has quickly become my family's home. It is a great wooden structure, inundated with magic I cannot comprehend, and have yet to unlock. Also, in what other place could I create a little world for myself to learn and practice magic, with an isolated environment, and where the house is already avoided. My houses library, aside from a few texts, is largely mundane, but covers many different topics in the classics and more arcane and historical topics.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Blood on the Snow

I got my money from the inheritance my grandfather left me, and I honestly have no idea where it came from. I do know that I also inherited many investments and other such streams of income that my grandfathers account has not been able to explain to me. Honestly I do not care. My grandfather trusted her, I trust her. I mostly spend my money on furthering my studies, taking part time classes at multiple universities, and hunting down artifacts that might have arcane or academic significance. I spend a large sum as well supporting charities that provide support to gender and sexual minorities across the world, personally funding many peoples gender affirming care.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 2, G.O.A.T. Milk

I would do nigh anything to increase my arcane power in this world. I wish to increase my knowledge of this world, the fabric of this world that is ignored by those who would rather live their lives in ignorance and a pathetic lack of understanding! I would travel to the ends of the earth, to another plane, to the realm of death itself to learn a new rune or a new word in the tongues of power. I have and will kill for this knowledge. The only thing that I will not do is kill someone that does not pose a threat to me in search of this knowledge. I wish to understand and further understanding cannot be gained through unnecessary murder. In addition I wish to be recognized as a great archmage, a master of the occult and a power in the stage of magic, sorcery and arcana.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 2, G.O.A.T. Milk

Moving in with my grandfather after he died. My parents died in a car crash, and he took me in. He taught me on the occult, and the mysteries of the hidden world. His knowledge and ambition taught me how to live. His magic inspired me, although he was unable to truly pass it on. When he died last year, he left all of his worldly belongings to me, his life's work his magical texts that he wrote himself. From these I have been teaching myself, trying to understand what he could not teach me, what I NEED to understand. This is our legacy.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 2, G.O.A.T. Milk

I have few friends and people in my life, most of the people I would consider to be close are dead. My parents died in a car crash, my grandfather died from rapid cancer. The few people in my life are my accountant, my repair man and Harold Ford. my accountant was my grandfathers, and I just inherited her services to keep the fortune up and running so we can practice magic. I also inherited the services of my repair man from my grandfather, he keeps the manor house running and not that decrepit. Harold Ford is another contractor who seems to have taken me under his wing and is teaching me the ropes of that world. I would say I am the closest to Harold. This is not saying much, I am very isolated and lonely. I have few friends and the ones I do have do not know the true me, just a social costume, these three people are the only people who can say they saw me.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 2, G.O.A.T. Milk

My early childhood is mostly a blur. Before I was 5, my parents died in car crash. My first few years with my grandfather were rough. I was a scared little girl, not understanding what was going on and he was an old man who did not fully understand how to help me. One thing he did know how to do was teach me, he taught himself how to think in a classical manner, teaching himself the traditional liberal arts, and making sure I knew them all. However I excelled at the occult. He did make sure I went to school, but I never enjoyed it, even though I effortlessly excelled. I was that kid who never spoke up, and already knew everything the teacher was trying to teach us. She never had any friends and no one is school knew anything about her. She was the kid who lived in the massive mysterious house on the hill, with the old man who never left. No one outside of admin even knew her last name.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 2, G.O.A.T. Milk

I do not know if I have ever been in love. I do not think so, but how would I know. What would that be for me. I never have really been good at people, and I do not know what people are really talking about. Some scenes of what people call love seems great, but I have never seen the great appeal. However, this has given me additional time to dedicate to my true pursuit of the Arcane! The mysterious and magical are my true love! I love the strange fabric of the world and the different ways and means through which they can be dent.