Frank Lobato's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Frank Lobato's first Contract.

My apartment is modest, an organized mess to be honest but I always know where my things are...almost always. 


Here in Detroit, it's very calm but with some robbery here and there during the day, there's a convenience store at the end of the street, a restaurant nearby, and my favorite donut bakery in the second block,I'm a regular there because of the ice ones.

there isn't much to do in the day time,I just stay on my bedroom watching the news,sometimes a culinary show or whatever kills my boredom,in the afternoon I start working,and comeback home at midnight mostly.


hm...if I could live somewhere else would be Canada,the only thing i can worry about in there is being attacked moose's,and eating pancakes heh.

a far-fetched dream,but who knows. 


2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Frank Lobato's first Contract.

I get my currency by selling my info to some private investigators here and there,not that I want to consider myself some type of informant because I know how much of a bad time I would get.

I'm somewhat of a "private photographer" if someone needs info about a thug that escaped jail,and is hiding in the neighbourhood I'm your guy,if you need someone to track down a car robber call me.

sometimes I gotta work with I get,not I really approve it sometimes but I gotta pay rent somehow.

and other times,I just like to offer myself to take wedding pictures,pays well,and I got to "borrow" some of the sweets when nobody is looking hehe.


3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Frank Lobato's first Contract.

what I want to achieve is very simple,I want to become a well known reporter,I want expose news for everyone to see,no paying for encover it,if they did something bad,they answer for it.

but I'm very well aware of the difficulties I will face in this,the people that aren't going to like me doing what I do,and the dangerous one that will try to shut me down.

I understand the risks.

if means someone gonna point a gun at head,then be it.

I've nothing else to lose except time.


however,I won't take someone's live to achieve it,unless if it is to defend myself.

once my mother told me that people who commit bad things to others just because they,will go to a bad place when they die.

might be childish for me to believe this,but my mother was never wrong. 


I'm ready to wrong whoever powerful prick that gets in my way to achieve my goal,I'm ready to uncover as many lies as i can in this life,im ready to fight for it and I'm ready to die for it.


because I would rather die than living in a world full of lies.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Frank Lobato's first Contract.

when I was little,our family was victim of a natural disaster,it took our home,our things,our memories,it took us a long time to rebuild everything.

to this day,that still dosen't make any sense to me,I can just overthink things too much sometimes,but my guts tell that something was off about that day.

my family lived on that place for generations without a single sign that might have showed us that would had happened,and in a random ass day,everything is just gone,and the day after there ware mining companies all over the place.


one day I will know the truth,one day.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Frank Lobato's first Contract.