Tachibana Retsu's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Tachibana Retsu's first Contract.

Tachibana Retsu lives in Umeda, Osaka. A major commercial, business, shopping and entertainment district in Kita-Ku.

The district's name means "plum field". It is a central hub for transportation , with JR Osaka Station, private railways that go to Kobe and Kyoto and the Umeda subway station, which connects all subway lines. Umeda is bristling with commercial complexes, housing three major department stores and many shopping malls. It’s also known to offer cheap and yet delicious cuisine, such as mixed juice, grilled meat and higher-class foods like Kobe beef.

A 1,300-year-old shrine with a tragic story, Tsuyuten Jinja is a must-visit for couples and those wishing for love. Once discovered on an island, the shrine now is situated at the existence of Ohatsu-Tenjindori Shotengai, the shrine is dedicated to the tragic, sad legend of Ohatsu and Tokubei. The tale known as The Love Suicides at Sonezaki tells the story of the two forbidden lovers in Osaka and their sad ending.

The Osaka Museum of Housing and Living is an interactive museum you won't want to miss! step back in time and wander through Osaka’s different historical periods, visitors can explore the Japanese traditional townscape featuring attractions and facilities from the Edo, Meiji, Taisho, and Showa periods!

From Higashi-Umeda Station the museum takes a 4-minute train ride and then a 3-minute walk. For those who don't mind an adventure, it takes a 30-minute walk from Umeda and visitors can stop by Nakazakicho along the way! Please note that the museum is closed on Tuesdays..

Visit today!


2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Tachibana Retsu's first Contract.

Some things are affordable, some things aren’t.

Let’s talk about food. That’s Tachibana’s area of expertise. Food is fun to talk about. It’s universal. Why are some foods prized, and expensive, why are certain foods considered premium specialty items, reserved for holidays, or special occasions, while other foods are abundant, affordable, taken for granted, and given less attention? This varies a lot, from culture to culture.

Fish eggs, salmon roe.

This is premium stuff.

A modest package of this stuff can cost upwards of ¥3500 (32.00 U.S dollars) or even ¥5000, for a larger package.

If you want to purchase a generous package of just salmon eggs? Break out the wallet.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Tachibana Retsu's first Contract.

Some of the core values are thinking of others, doing your best, not giving up, respecting your elders, knowing your role, and working in a group. These concepts are taught explicitly and implicitly from nursery school into the working world, from a very young age.

Not for Tachibana, though, he has that fighting spirit.

How far would he go to achieve this? Not very, he’s lazy.

Would he kill for it? No, are you insane?

How close to death would he come to for it? Now you’re just being silly.

Tachibana wants to travel the world, to set up his business as MORE than successful, global and world-wide baby! He wants the fame, he wants the attention, the knowledge and the opportunities.

Or, alternatively, he can settle for infamy, negative media attention, useless knowledge and just one opportunity..that’s fine too..less than ideal but..something? Anything?


4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Tachibana Retsu's first Contract.

Have you ever tried starting a business, do not search online how to start business and do mot purchase courses on how to start a business. Do not do it. Whatever you do.

Anyway, unrelated, Tachibana Retsu used to be an average salaryman, slaving away to get his money, having a ‘boss’ or whatever, terrible time overall really. Until he quit, left, fell into terrible depression and emerged anew, starting his own thriving (kind of) business! He’s the boss now and you’ll never forget that because it’ll be all he talks about. Japan. Asia. The continents. The world. Global! Soon..

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Tachibana Retsu's first Contract.

His employee number 1:

Anxious, weirdly sweaty, but not all the time. Mostly when he’s anxious. Which is often. But he’s a hard worker and isn’t afraid to get out in the field, well he is but it’s being worked on, he’ll do anything from paperwork to doing more paperwork. Reliable. Trustworthy. Doesn’t complain when doing any paperwork.


His employee number 2:

Also a trustworthy and reliable, this one isn’t anxious to go and do anything more than paperwork though, and isn’t weirdly sweaty. Out in the field more often with clients, he’s sure to win anyone over with a cute face and smile. Well maybe not a smile, has Tachibana even seen him smile?


The wonderous cat, Bean:

Soft, loves people and purrs in the mere presence of any living breathing human, or occult spirit, or divine entity, or odd shadow, or anything else Retsu dreams up at the time. Sits on work laptops. Enough said.