Albie Aristae's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Albie Aristae's first Contract.

Albie lives the California, in the suburbs and busy streets of San Jose. He rents out a small, decrepit apartment -the only thing he can afford with his salary- in the middle ring of the city. He lives there simply due to lacking any other better options, as although he may be a qualified entomologist, his actual job is just as a cashier in a convinience store. He hasn't been able to find a job in his field.

Despite this, he is making the best of things and was able to construct a small terrarium where he keeps and studies a small variety of insects and arachnids. He sometimes gives lessons to younger school kids with them as a side gig.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Albie Aristae's first Contract.

As stated, Albie works at retail in a convenience store and occasionally gives lessons about insects in the local high school as a side gig. He spends the vast majority of his earnings on the upkeep of the terrariums, lighting, temp. regulation and food are his main cash-dumps. Although it is not very common, he keeps on the lookout for interesting or new specimens to add to his collection, some of which may not be entirely legal to own in the US.
Otherwise, money is pretty tight, so he doesn't spend much on food and clothing, giving him his signature anxious and messy looks.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Albie Aristae's first Contract.

Albie's ambition is, odd to say the least. He was born with a weak body and thin blood, which left him always in need of the pity and help of others. He hated it. It may be simple insecurity, but Albie felt like he could do nothing on his own for most of his life, always in need of some help, it was frustrating.
Entomoly came, in part, from the feeling of control he has over the creatures in his care, how they didn't talk behind his back, how they were predictable and docile if handled well, and how they were family to him.
Albie hates his frail body, and after an encounter with a yet-undiscovered species of centipede, decided to focus his research on how to enhance himself with those creatures in his care. he wouldn't like to -and hasn't- killed anyone yet, but if someone was to stop him, he wouldn't give it a second thought. 

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Albie Aristae's first Contract.

Albie's most defining moment was very recent. He found an undiscovered species of centipede that was able to "merge" with another creature, a host, and live as a sort of parasite inside them while giving the host no real adverse effects during its stay inside them.

He was scared of the thing, something which could, in part, take control over him. One more thing to the list, but he had a thought: What if I let it inside? It didn't appear dangerous, and it seemed to... whisper to him. It said that it understood his troubles, and if he allowed it inside, it would help him flourish into his true self.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Albie Aristae's first Contract.

There are three people with significance in Albie's life. First, his coworker Tom. He was a simple man, nothing really of note, but he was always bumbling, messy, and in need of help from Albie. He resembled a bug to him, one of the many under his care, and Albie quickly developed a strange love for him, like one would love a pet.

Then there was his older sister. The exact opposite of him. She was outgoing, physically brilliant, and still no slacker in the more academic fields. She was important to him in the opposite manner than Tom, she was always looking out for Albie, but it felt overbearing, and exhausting, making him feel guilty.

Lastly, there's his father. Jackson. He was a strict man, a military vet. His importance is more akin to a goal post, as he always kept being disappointed in Albie, always putting up another wall, another challenge, another test for him. Opposite as one may think, Albie is really thankful to him, for being the only one who actually expected something out of him.