Buttons the Clown's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Buttons the Clown's first Contract.

Buttons doesn't live in one particular place, rather she and her circus travel all around the country and sometimes even the world! She can't stay in one place too long if she wants to make everyone out there happy. She finds herself most at home in her cozy trailer surrounded by a caravan of all her friends. The trailer is rather modest, and perhaps a bit gaudy with its bright colorful paint job. The inside is a maximalist's fever dream, wall to wall with the most whimsical and fun décor you've ever seen. The trailer seems to be entirely gutted and custom-done inside, much more luxurious than it appears from the outside.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Buttons the Clown's first Contract.

Buttons makes all her money doing clown work! She travels with a circus most of the time but can also be found at private events, always doing what she does best. She likes to spend her money on making herself and everyone she meets happy, especially children who might be less fortunate than her. She would spend every dollar she had if it meant that one kid was happier for it. She loves to buy gadgets and trinkets for her trailer so long as they fit her aesthetic, no sad beige anything here. Otherwise, she likes to expand her professional skillset by taking classes or paying for private instructors.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Buttons the Clown's first Contract.

Buttons wants to make every single child in the world happy and free from danger. She sees how the world can be so cruel to children and she will do almost anything in her power to fix that. She would be willing to travel anywhere and face any foe if she thought it meant she could even help one child. She would only kill if she thought it was going to help a child, she doesn't care nearly as much for adults since they're often the reason for children's sadness. She would not want to do something that seemed like it could very obviously kill her since that would get in the way of her goal. She would never do something that would traumatize a child, she never wants to be the reason for a child's sadness.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 1, (0-3) Homesick

The most defining moment of her life would be the day she decided to begin her career as a clown. She always found the expectation of working a standard job boring and unfulfilling, like she could do something way more with all her skills. She always felt sickened when she saw terrible things going on in the news, especially when there were children involved since they never did anything to deserve it. From the day she started her job, she knew she was actively contributing to the joy of children all over. From that day she knew her life goal would be to make every child out there she could happy so long as she still could.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 1, (0-3) Homesick

Lars 'Lucky' the Clown, mid 50s clown who travels with the same circus as Buttons. He is somewhat of a father figure to her, being the one who introduced her to clowning when she was younger. He taught her all the basics she knows and can proudly say that Buttons has surpassed him in every way. Harriett the Hairy is an obese, middle-aged woman who also travels with their circus. She is the surrogate mother to Buttons, teaching her how to keep herself safe and take care of things around the circus. Anything she didn't learn from Lucky first, she probably learned from Harriett. The last person is the owner of the store where she regularly buys her props, an elderly man named Marty. He has dedicated his life to only supplying the newest, best,  and most innovative in the circus industry. He is the only supplier for the circus they all work at and one of Buttons' regular duties is handling orders with him.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Dirty Business

Bonnie had a rough childhood, she grew up incredibly poor with two alcoholic parents. She never liked to spend much time with them, seeing as they were rarely ever sober enough to notice she was there and when they did notice her it was not usually a good thing. She was often caught in the middle of their binge-fueled fights, and she was always the one to clean up the mess left after when they were both passed out in separate rooms. She did go to school, but never did very well academically; barely graduating high school. While her grades were poor, she was always very popular among her peers. She spent what energy she did have becoming a beacon of joy and light, always the one to crack jokes that even the toughest of people will smile at. School taught her that she didn't need to be smart to do something good for others and that continues to hold true for her.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Out to Lunch

Buttons has been in love many times before, with many people. She has always been very charming and social, which usually results in at least a few admirers everywhere she goes, which for her means she rarely ever lacks choices for companionship. As she's gotten older, she has found that her heart is too big and open to just have one partner; she has enough love to share, and it would almost be a disservice for her not to. Most of her partners don't stick around very long, but she cherishes every happy moment spent together and holds no ill will for any of them. Her current partners are a woman named Lila, whom she met while attending an Improv show to do some studying up, and a man named Ezra, who saw Buttons perform and was so captivated that he begged to join the troupe so he could be with her always.