Jason Kyle's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Passing the Hours

The one, the only baton Rouge Louisiana, the city of many people of many backgrounds and my childhood home.

I simply live there out of convenience, my house belongs to my currently hospitalised mother and it is also where I had worked on... "Trading" of sorts with the locals. The "products" I used to sell to the people in my youngest helped to sustain a sort of income, and I simply needed money, not much else to think about on that regard.

My home is a simple Dutch styled building with 3 bedrooms and a bathroom, a fairly decent kitchen and living room. The home is in an alright condition so far, but I suppose it could do with refurbishing.


2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Passing the Hours

Currently, I make money through the student program at my medical school through a learnership wherein I spend extra time at a pharmacy or drugstore for extra credit and obtaining a future possible employment opportunity at said pharmaceutical company.

I spend my funds on things such as chemicals and poisons for my own separate research on the creation of something somewhat of importance to I. And I also spend it on hard illegally sourced drugs and poisons, by buying equipment to concentrate and safely safely extract lethal amounts per milligrams. Though that's done when I know no one is home or has intentions to visit.


3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Passing the Hours

I strive for two things:

* To cure my mother of her cancer

* And to annihilate AIDS and cancer in its totality.

How far would I go? As far as I would need to, I don't care about the ethics, huge medical advancements weren't made without "extremely morally depraved" acts as some call it.

Whether it be so or not, I'd go as far as I need for my goals, no matter which they are. I would kill for such things, easily even. The lives of the few matter not with my intentions. As for how close to death I'd get close to... I'd have to say quite close, but not painfully close, I'm still human after all. Pain is never an enjoyable experience, but if my actions can benefit me in the near future, I don't mind a bit of pain.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Passing the Hours

The day I fell into the depths of humanity and seeing the true worth of money, medicine and drugs... Becoming a small time druglord.

There were many people I've seen, family, friends of friends, schoolmates fall into the bottomless addiction to my products. Though that's their own fault, I simply was fulfilling a demand in the market and I had the tools to do so at the time, so it was a win for me, and that's all that mattered at the time... Until my mother fell ill.

At that point, I saw no point in the small scale drug business, so I left. I had changed plans for something more financially beneficial in future. I had finished my academics and went to university on scholarship, thankfully, and began looking for many occupations, internships and learnerships relating to my studies of medicine and pharmacy. I found a few and have been sticking to that so far.

But now looking back, it seems I did all of this for the sake of my mother in two ways:

* If she passes away, she at least has a son she could be proud of.

* And if she doesn't, it can help to accomplish my goals of getting a cure for her.

Though this is the only person I'd think so much for. Everyone else is just a stepping stone for now.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Passing the Hours

My uncle, Travis Kyle, a local teacher at an elementary school I used to go to in my younger years. The people love him, call him an inspiration and "a prime example of black excellence" they call him. I have to say, I don't particularly disagree, he's a great man, though of no significant importance or use to me so far.

Next would be my neighbour, Layla Roberts, a woman I had went to most of my school life with and around. From her I had learned how to seem more approachable to others for later purposes. She is described as a beauty by others, though I don't necessarily disagree either. She seems to be aware of my past activities but never beings them up, so it seems she's beneficial to be around for now.

And finally, my mother, Danielle Kyle. The only person who has had to deal with my so-called "shenanigans" as she says, to put it frankly, I love her. I would be in a much worse place in life of she hadn't shaped certain aspects of my personage. And therefore, she's my most important priority so far. I even took her last name.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Passing the Hours

My childhood was... Stale, but not detrimental to the way I turned out. Aside from the constant abuse from my then alive "father" as I am to call him. I personally never cared for the drunkard. My mother was, as others would say "trying her best", and I shall believe for now as I have no memory of her doing something I would consider worthy of revenge.

School was odd, I wasn't quite a loner, but I certainly never felt like those people. I felt different, and they could see that too. One day, I had made the decision to change my way of approaching them and developed a facade of a "class clown" as it was called. It certainly helped with fitting in and expanding my circle of influence. So by the end I seemed like the "funny guy" most people couldn't help to be around.

It worked well enough on most, Addison was one to read me easily I suppose.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Passing the Hours

Love huh... What does it truly mean to love. To have someone I can be myself around and share my deepest darkest secrets with? If so, that would be my mother then...

But if it was someone I always found myself around, always thinking of and desiring to be closer with, then that might just be... It would be... Quite difficult for me to determine. Though I do think of Addison a bit more than I'd want to, so perhaps I love her. But I see no need to confess such feelings to her, considering she is aware of my ailment and I presume the stigma that comes with it would warp the meaning of my words if I were to tell her, so I won't be telling her such thing at least anytime soon.

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 6, See Me Not

Losing what makes me human. I fear the day when I simply become a cog in a wheel for another's ambitions. I fear the inner greed and intricacies of the filth living amongst us that call themselves human. I fear few, but that which I fear, I fear greatly. I fear it because it is other people, things that are inconsistent, paradoxical, hypocritical and overall just things I do not wish to be around. After experiencing a percentile of the depths of depravity one will go, I am to say I fear them.

A second thing I fear would be the sudden demise of my mother. I am working so hard, doing so much just to heal her, to bring her back to full health, to get rid of cancer as a whole. To get rid of AIDS as well, but I guess if I ever fail this one thing I might just lose it. Honestly, it's the only thing that truly scares me due to the uncertainty of me ever failing so hard. I fear some other things but only in a way that keeps me cautious of such things as I don't want anyone who I would consider to be an active threat to me or my ambitions to be close to me in any way, shape or form.

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 6, See Me Not

My faux first-aid ring is definitely something I  consider of high value.

It fixes me up when I'm greatly injured, it is simple and sleek for what its purpose is, and it is the main reason I can currently breathe a breath for another day and am not a cripple, I guess.

So yeah, I consider my faux first-aid ring a prized possession of mine as it was the first thing of mine I could say that fully belonged to me. Another thing would be a picture of my mother when she was healthy, a picture of... Better times for me, know what I mean. But I suppose that would be my most prized possession in comparison to all the other things that have come into my possession throughout my life and without a doubt certainly something I could not do without. Third place definitely goes to my coffee machine, no explanation is needed there.

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 6, See Me Not

I suppose that the right way to describe my current situation is that I am trapped.

I have gone through a lot in my life to accomplish what I had desired as a young, strange child. Yet at this moment, nothing more than a sombre feeling permeates through my person when I imagine that it was all for nought in the end, seeing as this is how things are bound to end up. Imagine, working so hard, doing things within the bounds of and outside the bounds of the law just for the betterment of others. My biggest problem is that I don't feel like any of my work is putting out any results so far, that I will die before it gets accomplished and that I will wallow in this emptiness that will consume me once my will to strive for the wellness of those that do not stand in my way, the one's I truly do some of my actions for. But I digress.

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 6, See Me Not

I wake up, I work out for 25 minutes. I use 0.25 ounces of Colgate original toothpaste, I then tend to my somewhat itching skin grafts for 30 minutes at minimum, then shower for about an hour. Afterwards, I trim my hair, then I get all my clothes ironed out and ready to wear, and then get changed. Then I wash the clothes I use from any time I attend any of those Contracts, usually just all my outerwear lately, it gets covered in blood a lot, sometimes my own and sometimes someone else's. After that, I go and get ready for my lectures for the day while also having breakfast. I catch up to the daily news networks and such before eventually actually leaving my home and heading to my lectures, at whatever time they are to occur. But other than that, my life is as normal and as uninteresting as the average person at that point

12. If you were going somewhere special that you wanted to look your best for, what would you do to prepare? What would you wear? How long would it take you to get ready?

Link Answered after Contract 6, See Me Not

I would probably research a fair bit about the place, any history, trivia or conversational pieces regarding any aspect of the location itself. Secondly, I would adorn myself with the appropriate attire for the occasion, if a party, then I'd wear a suit or whatever manner of clothing suits the theme, for more sombre events, formal attire, for a job interview, something that denotes a tone of professionalism to have a better lasting first impression. To that end, I would simply dress for the occasion while also having a backlog of conversation starters in case I need to engage in sudden chatter with other people. The amount of time it would take for me to accomplish such things is significantly dependent on the level of urgency I assume would need to be required for that specific event, you can't determine how long I would take on average for any set place I would desire to look my best for. With that said, probably an hour. 

13. What will you do for your next birthday?

Link Answered after Contract 6, See Me Not

I have no clue honestly. Would just finally resting my head and closing my eyes be considered something to do? In all honesty, I would just find a nice quiet park to sit in, buy some food and maybe a few drinks for when the thoughts in my head get a little too painful to bear and just watch from the beginning of the day as the sun rises with the dew slowly dripping off and evaporating off the grass, until the sun sets and there is nothing else to be there for besides whatever drinks I didn't finish and whatever food I hadn't finished by then.

TLDR: A picnic. I'd have a picnic.