Clyw Aiohn's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Clyw Aiohn's first Contract.

Clyw's player, Jade (not that jade, i just like the name), lives in Florida along the coastline, they work doing freelance IT service and commissions for building websites and whatnot. While not exactly a lucrative or prosperous business, it keeps them afloat in a relatively cheap apartment.


Clyw, on the other hand, resides within The Data Matrix, their own custom domain that they added to the game with the (presumably) built in level editor. Painstakingly built by hand, it is Clyw's palace, where they reign over an empty kingdom of 1's and 0's for most of their days when not adventuring. The area itself is mostly just for working away at hacking skills and showing off to any possible friends. The Data Matrix is also home to an in-house combat testing area which allows both user and avatar to hone their skills with a plethora of weapons and skills as well as capitalize off of those nice level-ups.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Clyw Aiohn's first Contract.

This was mostly explained in the previous entry, but Jade gets a lot of their money through IT work, the occasional part time job, or big commission. At least, in a perfect world.



Clyw earns most of their funds through pawning off cheap loot and harmless farming, a small source of passive income is also generated through some code of their own they injected into The Data Matrix using a little-known bug in the game. They aren't 'high level' enough to be doing any big party raid bosses or quests, so they just stick to the easy stuff.

Jade primarily spends their money on rent, new tech, and food.

Clyw spends a lot of it on frivolous things- Cosmetics, transmog effects, new weapons, and of course, Hacking gear.