Ricochet Reuben's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Ricochet Reuben's first Contract.

Reuben lives in Texas, he travels. He lives there because he can’t stand to return home just yet, not without finishing what he set out to do, and not without finding his past friends once again.

He doesn’t need much to keep him happy, so he usually camps out or stays in the small town hotels, made of wood and in the middle of a hot day, with a quiet bar. Or with a tent, and a light breeze, and no company but the stars.

He used to live in North Dakota, and one day he will return, but for now, he’s travelling and taking in the sights, whether they be good or bad.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Ricochet Reuben's first Contract.

To make money, Reuben has been offering multiple services. Pest control, bounty hunting and animal hunting to name a few. With the help of his handy pistol Reckoning, he’s easily able to hit his targets-no matter if they’re criminals or particularly fast rats ailing a secluded home. He’s paid for his services, a moderate to comfortable amount, but enough to get by as long as he continues to take on jobs. And there’s no shortage of work in the more rural areas anyway.

When he can, he’ll barter and trade. The best way to get by when you have items you no longer need.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Ricochet Reuben's first Contract.

He has several ambitions, and hopes to complete them all accordingly.

Continue to live his life virtuously, as much as he possibly can. He’s been given another chance at life due to his actions and aims to make himself, and anyone else he can proud.

Find his old companions, he has a gut feeling they’re alive or out there. They’re hardy and always have been, so they have to be, and Reuben will find them. The day he threw himself in front of that train, he thought he’d never see them again. But they look at the same moon he does now. They’re out there.

He came close to death once, so if necessary, he’ll do it again in a heartbeat. To protect the people he loves, to do the right thing, to spare an innocent. Would he kill? If it was necessary, but Ricochet Reuben isn’t one to kill willy nilly.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Ricochet Reuben's first Contract.

After the train had hit, and he felt every part of his body shredded before so many sets of eyes. He opened his own, to nothing except a strange smooth interior. His body hard to move, he pecked and pecked until the rays of moonlight hit his body, and he emerged, a baby owlet. Alive and well.

This was a defining event, which he now remembers well, even if back then his past faded quickly. It changed him to realise that he had changed, and that in an instant he put others before himself. And for that, he had been reborn.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Ricochet Reuben's first Contract.

Billy Chance, his closest friend and past mentor in a way, the man himself who put him on the right path, changing his ideals as a outlaw. At the time, he didn’t think he would ever measure up to Billy in any way, his strength, his hardiness, his virtue. But now he realises they’re different, as much as some things overlap. But hey, that’s what friends are for. To share interests.

Nancy, another outlaw he hasn’t seen in a long time. She was also on the path to redemption alongside Reuben.

Ames Wesson, a friendly bartender who would always slide over an extra drink or two for Reuben. They’d make great conversation all night, every week. 
He also considers his families close relationships, both his past and present families, even if the former is most likely dead, the ones he knew anyway, he knows his tribe lives on to this day despite the hardships they faced in his absence.