Benoit Beaumont's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Witch Coven

Generally, Benoit often moves around and doesn’t stay in one place due to the nature of his profession but no matter what his one true home will always be Corsica. Corsica is an island that is considered a territory of France but has been aiming to achieve complete autonomy. It is the fourth largest Mediterranean island and consists of a mix of stylish coastal towns, dense forest and craggy peaks. Benoit was raised, and often still goes back to, the capital city of Ajaccio. Ajaccio is most famous for being the birthplace of Napoleon Bonaparte, with Maison Bonaparte (the ancestral home of the Bonaparte family) being open to the public to this day.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Witch Coven

Currently, Benoit gets his money from the jobs he does for the Corsican mafia. These jobs often consist of hired hits on whoever ends up crossing paths with the group and creating problems for them. This can lead him to travel around the world as the group’s business doesn’t end at the island alone. Usually, Benoit would spend this money on luxuries that would make him feel more powerful, not in the traditional sense but in influence. Whether this be expensive clothes or fancy foods, it doesn’t matter much to Benoit. He even buys fancy art and decor for his home in Ajaccio that he rarely visits.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Witch Coven

Benoit’s ambition is extremely simple and very common. Truly all he cares to gain is power. This is why he goes to such lengths in dealing with the Corsican mafia. He hopes to one day rise the ranks and be untouchable. To this end, he has proven that he would stop at nothing for this goal. He has killed many and will kill many more. Although he is too cautious to let himself be put in harms way for this, there has been times when a fatal mistake, whether by him or another, has nearly cost him his life. Almost dying isn’t exactly common for Benoit, but it’s not exactly unheard of either. He would much prefer near death (or even dying itself) than failing and living to experience the consequences.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

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5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Witch Coven


An enemy of Benoit’s whom he often comes in conflict with when in the Americas, being a murderer/criminal and someone who kills criminals. It could be argued that the two aren’t so dissimilar but are locked into conflict purely on terms of the reasoning for their similar actions

Baiboi the Pierrot-

Another clown-type individual that Benoit used to grow up with until his sudden disappearance. He was always quite poor and alone but Benoit took pity on him and befriended him. Both helped each other out and got along extraordinarily well, even if Baiboi was uncomfortable with the path in life Benoit was going down.

Bianca Luciani- 

Benoit’s most profitable business partner within the Corsican mafia. Usually, members would be wary to enlist Benoit’s help, not being sure if they can trust him or not, and only doing so when there is something of grave importance that they need a professional for. Bianca, on the other hand, doesn’t follow this same intuition as she sees Benoit as a useful tool (albeit a somewhat expensive one) and doesn’t have the same concerns about keeping him on a short leash and whether it is possible or not.


6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Witch Coven

Benoit’s childhood was rough, to say the least. It was very clear that no matter where and with who (with the sole exception of Baboi), he didn’t fit in anywhere. His parents, unlikely to be biological, weren’t anything like him; the children on the street weren’t like him; no one was. He grew up in a poor family and so he went to school but found no use in it as it didn’t lend towards earning money. Eventually, because of this, he found himself a job at the local restaurant. The restaurant was owned by the mob which is how he ended up slowly working his way up the ranks. This meant that he ended up dropping out of school early, not that it mattered to him. He wasn’t exactly treat well by the other children there and believed it wouldn’t lead to a job where he’d be earning the kind of money he was.