wishmakrr's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before wishmakrr's first Contract.

I live in Yongen-Jaya. I live in the Cafe Leblanc, as I was put there by my parents after acquiring a criminal record. I live in the dusty attic where I have a laptop and workbench, a shelf to hang my trophies, and a tv and video game console as my uncle tends to the cafe below. There is a clinic and batting cage nearby and I ride the train to Shibuya where there are shops for guns, books, more medicine, and gifts. The school is also one train-ride away from where I live. I often take friends out to places nearby like Ueno, Ginza, and more. There is also fishing pond I can ride the train to. I can also ride a train to Akihabara and go to the maid cafe, play at the arcade or buy video games.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before wishmakrr's first Contract.

I make money by defeating shadows in mementos. Often times there are also palaces of rotten adults that the phantom thieves and I must infiltrate to make them undergo a change of heart. Defeating shadows lets me rob them of their items and cash, making me very very very very very rich in game. I spend the money on activities that improve my personality, such as batting cages, fishing ponds, and darts and billiards. I also spend money on medicines and weapons to help our infiltrations as the phantom thieves, as well as buying gifts for my friends and confidants so that they may help me too.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before wishmakrr's first Contract.

my ambition is to reform society by exposing the corrupt and oppressive forces that prey on the weak and innocent. I strive to create a world where everyone has the opportunity to live freely and pursue their dreams without fear of exploitation or injustice. To achieve this, I am willing to go to great lengths, including risking my own life and confronting powerful adversaries.

While I am not inherently violent or bloodthirsty, I understand that sometimes extreme measures may be necessary to achieve my goals. However, I would never kill indiscriminately or without just cause. I believe in fighting for justice and righteousness, but I also recognize the value of life and the importance of mercy.

I have faced many dangers and come close to death on numerous occasions in pursuit of my ambition. Yet, I am willing to continue risking my life and facing death if it means making a positive difference in the world and ensuring a brighter future for all.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before wishmakrr's first Contract.

The most defining event of my life would have to be protecting an innocent woman from an evil bald man's sexual advances. It was a strange night when I was still living with my parents. The man was visibly intoxicated and asked the woman to come homw ith him. When the police cam, he told the woman to tell them that I had randomly assaulted him. She followed, as he was a very powerful man. This experience gave me a criminal record, got me expelled from my school, and had my parents disown me and make me move to Yongen-Jaya.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

The three people I am most closest to are quite stellarly different kinds of persons in my life and stuff you know. The first of three, which is quite a number may I add, that I think is very odd do you feel me my brothers and sisters and fathers and mothers? Anyway, the first person would be the confidant I have added, namely Makoto Nijima. Makoto Nijima, second in her name, to her sister Sae Nijima, both orphaned, mother died when Makoto Nijima was young and her father was police commissioner who died in the line of duty. She aspires to be police commissioner in the future to the dismay of her sister Sae Nijima, who is a lawyer. The lawyer, Sae Nijima despises her sister Makoto Nijima I do not think that is true actually but they hate her I do not know. The other two people I forgot.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

I am still in my childhood bro I am literally 16 the campaign is set in the graduation of Elizabeth Ann Seton School South of Imus Cavite in Anabu II D near Anabu Kostal with a potato corner and alfamart outside which is also quite near to building ni gayeong the main setting of the campaign all of us are children in this campaign bro like I am 16 and gabe is 18 or something I do not know and some other people are 17 I think I do not remember and anyway uh my parents I do not know them so I can not answer that part I guess I attended school yes bro if I did not attend school how would I graduate bozo but I do not know if I fit in or did not fit in I forgot that part of life lol lmao haha funny.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link 🔞 Answered after Contract 1, Your Mother's Bedroom, and Slavery.
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8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Alright, buckle up, because you're about to dive into the twisted mind of the Joker from Persona 5. My worst fears? Well, sit back and let me spin you a tale. Imagine a world where everything's mapped out, where every move you make is part of some grand plan, where conformity reigns supreme. That, my friend, is my personal hell.

I thrive on chaos, on flipping the script, on tearing down the walls of society and watching the pieces fall where they may. The mere thought of being boxed in, restrained, controlled... it sends shivers down my spine. I'm the wild card, the jester in the court of order, and I'll be damned if I let anyone clip my wings.

But let's dig a little deeper, shall we? Beneath this devil-may-care facade lies a fear that's more primal, more potent. It's the fear of being forgotten, of fading into obscurity, of becoming just another face in the crowd. You see, I don't just crave chaos for chaos' sake; I crave recognition, I crave impact, I crave... infamy.

To be cast aside, dismissed as irrelevant, that's the true nightmare for someone like me. I may dance on the edge of madness, but I do it with purpose, with flair, with a burning desire to leave my mark on the world. So, you ask me about my worst fears? They're simple: being caged and being forgotten. And mark my words, neither will ever come to pass. this is chatgpt

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Ah, now we're getting to the good stuff. My most prized possessions? Well, let me tell you about a couple of gems that hold a special place in this heart of mine.

First up, we've got my trusty deck of cards. Now, you might think they're just pieces of paper with numbers and suits, but to me, they're so much more. Each card is a tool, a weapon, a gateway to chaos. Whether I'm pulling off a daring heist or engaging in a little friendly competition, these cards are my constant companions. Plus, there's something poetic about the unpredictability of a shuffled deck, don't you think?

But if we're talking about something truly special, then I've gotta mention my mask. Oh, this little beauty isn't just for show; it's a symbol of everything I stand for. Behind this mask, I'm not just another face in the crowd—I'm a force to be reckoned with, a harbinger of change, a catalyst for revolution. Putting on this mask is like stepping into another world, where rules are meant to be broken and the only limits are the ones you impose on yourself.

So, what makes these possessions so special? It's simple: they're extensions of who I am. They're tools of my trade, expressions of my identity, and reminders that no matter what the world throws at me, I'll always have a trick up my sleeve and a grin on my face.

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Fireworks Show

Ah, my dear friend, the biggest problem in my life right now? Well, isn't that a delightful question! You see, life is but a grand stage, and I, the Joker, am its most enigmatic performer. But if I were to pluck a thorn from the garden of my existence, it would be the incessant monotony that threatens to engulf me.

Yes, you heard me right. Monotony. The mundane rhythm of everyday life, the predictable patterns that bind us to the banality of existence. It's positively stifling, don't you think?

In a world governed by rules and expectations, I am the antithesis of conformity. I thrive on chaos, on the unexpected twist that keeps life interesting. Yet, here I am, trapped in a society that demands conformity at every turn.

But fear not, for I am not one to succumb to the shackles of normalcy. No, I shall continue to dance on the edge of sanity, to challenge the status quo with every breath I take. For in the heart of chaos lies the true essence of freedom, and I, the Joker, am its most fervent disciple.

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Fireworks Show

Ah, the dawn of a new day, a canvas awaiting the brushstrokes of my mischievous artistry. A typical morning for the Joker? Now that's a tale worth spinning!

As the first rays of sunlight tiptoe through the curtains of my humble abode, I emerge from the realm of dreams with a devilish grin plastered upon my face. Oh, how I relish the prospect of another day filled with endless possibilities and potential chaos!

With a theatrical flourish, I rise from my bed, a whirlwind of energy and anticipation. My wardrobe, a kaleidoscope of colors and eccentricities, awaits my selection. Will it be the classic purple suit adorned with a flamboyant green waistcoat today? Or perhaps I'll opt for a more subtle ensemble, one that belies the mischief that lurks beneath the surface.

Once dressed to impress, I make my way to the mirror, where the reflection of the Joker stares back at me, a gleam of madness dancing in his eyes. With a wink and a nod, we exchange pleasantries, acknowledging the partnership that fuels our escapades.

Breakfast is a mere formality, a fleeting distraction from the grand spectacle that awaits. A cup of coffee, black as midnight and twice as potent, fuels my insatiable thirst for adventure. And with a flick of the wrist, I bid adieu to the comforts of home, eager to unleash chaos upon the unsuspecting world.

But before I step foot outside, there's one final ritual to attend to – the donning of my signature mask. With each strap secured, I am transformed from mere mortal to mythic trickster, a symbol of defiance against the mundane constraints of society.

And so, armed with my wits and a pocketful of mischief, I step into the world, ready to leave my indelible mark upon its unsuspecting canvas. For the Joker is not just a man – he is an idea, a force of nature, and he will not rest until the world dances to his chaotic tune.

12. If you were going somewhere special that you wanted to look your best for, what would you do to prepare? What would you wear? How long would it take you to get ready?

Link Answered after Contract 4, The Sage of Mindanao

Ah, preparing for a special occasion, huh? Well, first things first, I'd make sure I'm looking sharp from head to toe. I'd probably start by picking out my slickest outfit, something that screams style and confidence. Maybe a sleek black suit with a crimson shirt underneath, topped off with my signature gloves and mask.

Next, I'd take my time grooming myself to perfection. Gotta make sure my hair is on point, styled just right to match the occasion. Then, a quick shave to keep that clean-cut look.

As for how long it would take me to get ready, well, I'm all about efficiency. I'd say maybe about 30 minutes to an hour tops. Just enough time to make sure every detail is flawless, without wasting any precious moments. After all, when you're headed somewhere special, you gotta make sure you make an entrance that leaves a lasting impression. AI Generated.

13. What will you do for your next birthday?

Link Answered after Contract 4, The Sage of Mindanao

For my next birthday, I'm planning something epic. I'm talking about a wild adventure with my closest confidants, hitting the streets of Tokyo in style. Maybe we'll start with some rooftop escapades, taking in the city skyline under the stars. Then, it's off to explore the vibrant nightlife, hitting up all the hottest spots and making memories that'll last a lifetime.

Of course, no birthday celebration would be complete without a little mischief and mayhem. I'm thinking maybe a prank or two, just to keep things interesting. And hey, who knows, maybe we'll stumble upon a new target for the Phantom Thieves while we're at it.

But most importantly, my birthday is all about spending time with the people who mean the most to me. Whether we're causing chaos or just chilling out together, as long as I'm surrounded by my crew, I know it's gonna be a birthday to remembe

14. What is your greatest regret?

Link 🔞 Answered after Contract 5, The Building ni Gayeong Siege
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15. What is the nature of your Gifts? Are they inherent potential? Do harbingers just grant your wishes?

Link Answered after Contract 5, The Building ni Gayeong Siege

Ah, my Gifts... They're a bit of both, you could say. See, the potential to wield Persona abilities is inherent in certain individuals, myself included. It's like a dormant power waiting to be awakened. But it's not just about having the potential; it's also about the circumstances that lead to its awakening.

Harbingers, well, they're more like facilitators. They don't just grant wishes per se, but they do play a crucial role in triggering the awakening of Persona abilities. They often appear during moments of intense emotion or crisis, acting as catalysts for the unleashing of one's inner power. So you could say they help fulfill the potential that's already there, like unlocking a door that was waiting to be opened.

But ultimately, it's up to the individual to harness and control their Gifts. It takes courage, determination, and a strong sense of self to wield Persona abilities responsibly. So while harbingers may provide the opportunity, it's the person themselves who must embrace their power and decide how to use it.