A 3-Victory Newbie Contractor played by Rainbowdragon1357 in Maelstrom
He is 16 years old, and often appears as Young man, soft pale skin with soft grey eyes and a delicate face. His hair has been completely shaved off. He is small in build and around 5'8' generally wearing (the appropriate clothing for his situation).
Elijah Whistler lives in Maelstrom, a setting where videos of the supernatural go viral every day.
2 Alertness
0 Animals
4 Athletics
3 Brawl
0 Crafts
0 Culture
0 Drive
0 Firearms
0 Influence
2 Investigation
2 Medicine
0 Melee
0 Occult
0 Performance
4 Science
0 Stealth
0 Survival
3 Technology
0 Thievery
Latest 0 of 0 answers
Elijah as a child was a prodigy, he was extremely intelligent set up to be a success in life. That was up until when he was 5 when he was diagnosed with very quickly deteriorating cerebral palsy. His life, although unknown through his childhood maturity, was slowly going down the drain. That was until the Prometheus foundation came into the picture. They offered Elijah's parents the option to give away their child to their experimental project, their child would be brought to their facility and live under their care but through their undisclosed experimentation he may have a chance of living. Elijah's parents caved they gave the child away and Prometheus shipped them off to their testing site. Elijah was then subject to project symbiotic prophet, the implantation of a newly discovered parasite that the scientists suspect increase brain activity. The implantation was successful and the affects of the brain parasite was quickly becoming apparent. The cerebral palsy slowed to a halt, and his bodily function were beginning to be restored. Prometheus began seeing the possible potential of this parasite and started researching further while simultaneously dedicating the next 10 years of Elijah's life to fortifying his mind and strengthening his knowledge readying him for the next step of Prometheus's plan for him