
Calculating Veteran

Rainbowdragon1357 has played 28 Contractors in a total of 123 Contracts, earning 98 Wins, 12 Failures, and 9 Contractor Deaths.

They have survived 22 Contracts where another Contractor died.
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Just Ruler

Rainbowdragon1357 has run 30 Contracts and 4 Moves in 4 Playgroups for 90 Contractors and 40 Players. Contractors in their Contracts received 101 Gifts, failed but survived 11 times, and met with 6 unfortunate ends.

They have achieved the Golden Ratio 5 times.
View Contracts and Scenarios


Terra Abaddon The Demon Mercenary/Hitman demonic entity

A 11-Victory Seasoned Contractor from Project *******

Gulliver Archer The Cannabalistic Wendigo Wendigo

A 15-Victory Seasoned Contractor from Maelstrom

Elijah Whistler The Test subject with a symbiotic parasite in their brain

A 3-Victory Newbie Contractor from Maelstrom

Simon chatmon The soldier

A 11-Victory Seasoned Contractor from Pilos

Changsai Paowsong The time displaced Thai pirate

A 5-Victory Novice Contractor from Illuminated Tokyo

Hawthorne Davis (UA-553) The Extra-terrestrial super intelligent plant life inhabiting the dead body of a little girl

A 10-Victory Seasoned Contractor from Project *******

Archibald mortym The Soul and body manipulator

A 1-Victory Newbie Contractor from The Netherworld

Lily Foreman The Cheerleader with a love for monsters

A 7-Victory Novice Contractor from The Tattered Curtain

Chris Charvis The Psychotic taxi driver who enjoys seeing people scared

A 3-Victory Newbie Contractor without a home World

Deceased Contractors

Artemis Barclay The botched cultist of Hastor the Yellow King

A 2-Victory Newbie Contractor from Maelstrom

Wilfred Jameson The elderly man with a big dog formerly a dental hygeinist

A 2-Victory Newbie Contractor without a home World

Will Forbes The Awkward teen, particle manipulator

A Newbie Contractor from Pilos

David Jones The Nomad musician

A Newbie Contractor from Pilos

Sahir Haj The Photographic War corresponder

A 6-Victory Novice Contractor from Pilos

Mitchel Gosben The Blood magic butcher

A 2-Victory Newbie Contractor from Maelstrom

Zeus the dog The Wilfred Jameson's animal companion

A Newbie Contractor from Maelstrom

Floki Lobo The a somewhat mad man of voodoo magic

A Newbie Contractor without a home World

Contract Record