Legacy Power: Bullseye

Pop goes the weasel.

A 1 Gift Mark Power used by Raphael Alessi, created by Dragonlizard.


Raphael's most recent gift manifested itself in his stash the same as many of his other gifts. He was out shopping with Sav'ant and was preparing for his next job and was able to place a mark on Sav'ant so Raphael could keep track of him while they were out shopping, but its not like its hard to find a one armed monk in the middle of a crowd.


Exert your Mind and spend an Action placing your mark on a target within Arm's Reach. As long as the mark is active, you know the direction and distance of the mark. A Mark lasts until destroyed, replaced, or you choose to end it.

You can have 1 marks active at a time.

The mark looks like Small Black Bullseye. It can be intuitively removed if discovered, but removing it will inflict a Severity 1 Injury.


  • Stealthy Mark (Your mark is difficult or impossible to detect through mundane means.)
  • Target Lock (You receive +2 dice to any rolls made against a marked target.)


  • Focus (Using this Effect requires a specific kind of item.)
    • Object - Onyx Ring
  • Unique Focus (This Power takes the form of a specific, unique item, which can be borrowed, lost, or stolen. You must use / wear this item as intended to use this Power.)
    • Focus - Ring


Range: 0 ( Arm's Reach ) Maximum Active: 0 ( 1 )

Edit History

You are viewing an old version of this Gift.
To view the most recent version Click Here

March 2, 2022, 1:16 a.m. - Adjustment Cost: 1. Text field change

Feb. 22, 2022, 2:09 a.m. - Revision Cost: 1. Removed Enhancement: Target Lock, Removed Drawback: Unique Focus

Feb. 16, 2022, 6:50 p.m. - Adjustment Cost: 1. Text field change

- Feb. 12, 2022, 5:48 p.m. - New Cost: 1. Initial power creation

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