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Announcing the Winners of the First-Ever Power-Building Contest!

We are proud to announce the winners of The Contract’s first Power-Building Contest!

All winning Powers will be added as Example Powers and their creators will receive 4 Experience points to spend on any of their Contractors.

Best Flavor: Finally Bonding by Lumiq

This Power expertly marries its Effect with the story of its Contractor (a girl whose body is co-habitated by ghosts). Its subtle creepiness fits naturally with the Contractor’s and elevates the unique flavor of both.


Best Mechanics: Devil’s Deal by jwesley123

Another great Power for Jeremy Wesley that uses a variety of Drawbacks to transform its starting Effect and empower a unique flavor for the Contractor.

(NOTE: While there is some concern around double-dipping on Drawbacks, the developers consider that lack of clarity our responsibility, and the highly-limited nature of this particular Power may justify some amount of double-dipping.)


  • Ragdall by Glutant The creative choice of sense is paired nicely with the Dull drawback here, which provides a concrete system for GMs to use during game-time.

Best Description: Imposer Les Mains by Bombshell

A Power’s Description does more than assign flavor: it is a practical tool that informs GMs and Players how the Power’s appearance might impact other characters. This description does that and provides an emotional hook for the patient as well, transforming a generic healing Power into a powerful storytelling moment.


  • Skin Bubbles, Blood Boils by T3K This Power’s Description is very functional: summarizing the multitude of Enhancements and Drawbacks in a way that makes this Power something that can be easily understood at playtime.