
Member Since March 15, 2023 | Send GreyCrownedKi a Message

Sheltered Professional

GreyCrownedKi has played 16 Contractors in a total of 86 Contracts, earning 80 Wins, 1 Failure, and 4 Contractor Deaths.

They have survived 1 Contract where another Contractor died.
View Contractors

Pillow Referee

GreyCrownedKi has run 3 Contracts and 0 Moves in 1 Playgroup for 9 Contractors and 4 Players. Contractors in their Contracts received 8 Gifts, failed but survived 2 times, and met with 0 unfortunate ends.

They have achieved the Golden Ratio 0 times.
View Contracts and Scenarios


Johnny Rooks (real) The ∞ Caracaras creature

23-Victory Professional Contractor from GA5-1921

Jones Bones The animated skeleton halloween decoration badass

10-Victory Seasoned Contractor from GA5-1921

Rosolio The Wizard Monkey master sorcerer

8-Victory Novice Contractor from GA5-1921

William "Grill Bill" Rhodes The man in a metal suit specialised for grilling respected hero

3-Victory Newbie Contractor from The Others

Evil Jimmy The sapient cricket evil hater

3-Victory Newbie Contractor from Weavers of Fate

Hoyt Mayo The Class-D Personnel living human, hopefully

3-Victory Newbie Contractor from Site 61-9

Ernest Blair The simple bluecollar man who saw something he shouldn't force to be reckoned with

2-Victory Newbie Contractor from GA5-1921

Francis "Dead Ringer" Sims The shapeshifting scumbag member of her majesty's chosen

2-Victory Newbie Contractor from The Others

Salvator The babysitting squamate friend to the world

2-Victory Newbie Contractor from Weavers of Fate

Stripes The instance of SCP-9145-B good boy

2-Victory Newbie Contractor from Site 61-9

Grubmeister The enthusiastic interviewer Oracle

1-Victory Newbie Contractor from Weavers of Fate

Othniel Finch The Fame obsessed natural scientist respected name in science

1-Victory Newbie Contractor without a home World

Sigmund "Deathstalker" Maele The badass crime fighting machine respected viligante

Newbie Contractor from The Others

Lonnie Ferris The weirdo roboticist's assistant weapon for hire

Newbie Contractor from GA5-1921

Deceased Contractors

Haley Mimus The glorified tourist supernatural entity

A 15-Victory Seasoned Contractor from GA5-1921

Paul Shearwater The children's entertainer and sock puppeteer one man army

A 4-Victory Novice Contractor from GA5-1921

David Jones The anthropomorphic ammonite pirate like his father

A 2-Victory Newbie Contractor from GA5-1921

Randal Rex The human swiss army knife godslayer

A Newbie Contractor from GA5-1921

Contract Record