
A world where the paranormal work for the government.

Latest World Events

Posted by mmmsquid, 3 days ago. Permalink

Case #1, the rivers victim.


Age: 20-30
Race:Asian American
Sex: Male
Height: 5’10
Weight: Severly underweight, appears 34kg.
Eyes: Appear blue.
Hair: Black
Body heat: Unrefrigerated when found, cooler side.

1. 50cm of red dyed jute rope found around the decadents kneck, tied into a square friction knot.

2. A pair of white cotton ankle socks, decorated with a single blue line. The left sock appears to have a single hole.



Arms, legs, torso, head and genitals found separated. The injuries upon separation appear to be reminiscent of a handaxe. Mucous membranes of the upper and lower lip, nails and feet appear cyanosed and irregularly shaped. Upon the nose, right cheek and lower right jaw reddish bruises can be found, spreading slightly to the upper neck. On the upper arm of the backside, 12cm above the elbow, bruises are found, bluish in colour. Abraisions accompany the bruises. Wrinkling on the skin present from the disposal of the body, vascular marbling, dark discolouration of skin, bloating and putrefaction appear normal. Mud, debris and sloughing of the skin appear typical. Fingernails appear to have been ripped out via the use of an implement.
In the chest, a broken upper chest bone found. Rib fractures to ribs seventh and tenth found on the left side. Rib fractures of second to tenth ribs found on the right side. Tissue damage visible in various spots, alongside spots of completely defleshed body-unclear if the work of the environment or the perpetrator. Teeth found completely missing, appearing to have been ripped out via the use of an implement. 
Expected postmortem changes that occur in immersed and submerged bodies as well as postmortem artifacts such as animal predation that may be misinterpreted as antemortem injuries. Body has been submerged for some time, despite this, due to the separation of body parts it is clear that the dumping of this body was purposeful. Cause of death is difficult to determine, but decadent likely succumbed to the various injuries dealt via heart failure due to a rip caused by blunt force trauma.
Posted by mmmsquid, 3 days, 1 hour ago. Permalink

Hey, Ed!

Frazier O’Neal (11:31AM) to Edward Graves>>

Hey, Ed!

Fucking finally, they sent those case details through. After all that talk of ‘Oh we can’t look into it yet, we have to let the other department finish up, let the investigation run it’s course’ they’ve come to their senses and forwarded the evidence over.

The thing is, are they all stupid over there or somethin? Half of these were ruled one after another as a suicide, from people with absolutely no history of that sorta thing! Plus they’re all so similar. Not even I’m this dumb (don’t comment on that in your response).

Same type of death, similar locations, all in New York itself, same weapon used. Are you thinking what I’m thinking? Gotta be the work of a serial killer, and our first too! Ed this is huge! Well..not for the victims but you feel me. We’re gonna catch this guy, and I got a feeling he’s our sort of figure.

(That means supernatural, wink wink).

See the files attatched below for any and all case notes Doctor!

p.s. I ate that rice you left in the fridge because it was out of date.

p.p.s Nevermind, apparently that was Captains.

From coolest detective, Frazier O’Neal.




Latest Journals

2 days, 20 hours ago: Caspian Seaver wrote a Downtime Journal for The Last Stand of David Jones

Crab on the doorstep

Since the last time I went on one of these jobs, I've been mostly trying to readjust to my daily schedule now that I've experienced someone dying while on one of these. One day, one which was similar to the rest at first, I heard a tap at the door to open it and realise it was that Crab from the last job I was on. And the weirder part of this is that it seems as if I could understand him? He said something about being bored of the Philippines and wanting a new place to stay. As well as this he briefly mentioned being invited by the Kraken over the internet. I don't know how but this must be something to do with that app he keeps trying to get me to download, blubber. So now I have a crab as a roommate along with already having the disembodied voice of the Kraken in trident form.  

2 days, 20 hours ago: Caspian Seaver wrote a Contract Journal for The Last Stand of David Jones

Sons of Ahab, again.

It seems as if Midas chose me for this one as well for a reason. Not only because of my experience with the Sons but also all of the other contactors were sea creatures, and I do have a tenuous link to that world being linked to a remnant of the Kraken. Speaking of, I should introduce my co-workers for the job. There was David Jones, a pirate who was also an anthropomorphic squid as well as Cadbury, a human sized mantis shrimp and crab who was just a regular crab (the Kraken didn't particularly enjoy me referring to him that way though). We started off on the ship of David Jones, a little while off the boat we were supposed to board as it had been taken over by the Sons, seemingly due to the wealth of magical artefacts on board. It seemed as if David and Cadbury were taking their time to deliberate once introductions were over so I decided to take action by throwing Crab as far as I could and swimming up to the ship as well myself. This meant, once we got to the boat, we started picking off people while waiting for David and Cadbury. Once they arrived the boat seemed to be on high alert so it seems that they took a lot of damage since me and crab were being especially cautious. Once everyone on the top was dealt with, we started making our way through the ship and had a look round, along with giving rudimentary first aid to David. Once we had a look round, more people started coming down so we had to deal with those before continuing on. Because more people kept coming though, I urged the others to keep going while I held the rest off. I expected to die then and there but I guess I was just lucky. Once the eight men were dealt with, I kept going further down, finding a room with some kind of weird bottles and later finding where the rest of the group had gone. I got grabbed by someone but I didn't take my chances in this life or death situation and immediately stabbed him. It was only after this that I had realised I had stumbled onto where the captain was with 15 or more people with her. Even that bastard Baxter was with her. The subsequent fight was life threatening. If it wasn't for each of the group formulating plans in their head that all came together well as well as the intervention of Midas, we would all be dead. Sadly not everyone could be saved though, in the end David still ended up dying. Not only that but now due to the deal with Midas I mentioned, the Kraken now has some level of control over me. That can't be good, I don't think an angry primordial entity will want much good from me. Either way, We still killed all the SoA members and most of the hired guns on the ship in the end.

2 days, 21 hours ago: Caspian Seaver wrote a Contract Journal for The Sons Crash Somnus

Expo gone awry

I have been hired for one of these odd jobs again. Not doing anything similar to last time or even hired by the same person but he identified to me that he worked for the same agency. Not only that, but he identified himself as Midas. Most likely THAT Midas. Before this when his co-worker identified himself as Eros I assumed it was only a shared name but maybe not. So Midas briefed me on the contract and it involved an Expo we needed to go to that had been infiltrated by a group known as the Sons of Ahab. The name wasn't exactly familiar to me but it did spark some quite negative feelings for the voice in my head, mostly an urge to kill. Speaking of, in this time the voice identified itself as the Kraken. I don't exactly know how I keep stumbling upon mythological figures but oh well. When Midas teleported me to this Expo, I met who I would be working with. A posh looking Russian man named Haley, a Japanese businessman named Tachibana and a young girl named Boe. At least this group seemed like they'd have an easier time blending in like normal people compared to the last group. We surveyed the are and I found a large amount of SoA members around the expo, talking to and vaguely threatening some while also finding people others had replaced on the security team. While I was doing this, of course the rest of the group were doing their own things of course. most notable was Tachibana who had ended up killing someone in the bathroom. If time wasn't of the essence I probably would've helped him out but that wasn't much of an option. From here I left to go on the VIP tour to check if there was any more to gleam on what exactly was happening here and how to stop it. I snuck off into another room where they were doing experiments on some mutated sea creatures, with a scientist named Baxter following me in. While this happened Boe helped out with keeping attention off me. I freed the creature, with something in my mind telling me that was the right call, and ended up fighting the scientists there. The last thing I remember is Baxter turning out to betray me, despite pretending to not know about what was going on in there. I ended up passing out from him shocking me with a taser, after which I woke up on Blackpool pier, needing to get back to Bolton somehow.

3 days, 19 hours ago: Caspian Seaver wrote a Contract Journal for Jack and the Beanstalk

Got hired to act in a play?

Today, I got hired to act in a panto. The play itself was certainly somewhat strange, there was something up with the previous play so we needed to improvise Jack and the Beanstalk. That wasn't exactly what about it was weird though. It was more so that the person who came to ask me about it was inhumanly tall and had four arms. After agreeing (not really fully sure why, it may have been due to the promise of supernatural power that could help with the whole thing with that trident), I was teleported to that one theatre in Blackburn. On getting there I met a talking Octopus called Otto, a talking shrimp called Cadbury and some dude named Haley. These guys were the people I needed to perform the play with, although I don't really get why the audience didn't really react to Otto or Cadbury. Oh well, it doesn't really matter to me. I know the weird things happening constantly seem to be rolling over me but I've really learned to roll with the punches since the whole thing of catching a trident in the sea accidentally happened. Going on these jobs I will most likely see and do things that are much more strange than that (in fact it is probably an eventuality), but for now that has at least set me up for the idea of experiencing weird and supernatural things like talking animals. Anyway, I ended up calling some people from the drama department at uni to help with the panto. Not to skimp out on the details of what actually happened though but the play was fucking stupid, that's about it.

3 weeks ago: Edward Graves wrote a Downtime Journal for Ghosteyes

Dr. Edward Graves- Session 1

Nikki: Please, take a seat. I’ll start off with a few introductory questions to get a good grasp on what we’re going to be talking about if we continue these and if we find a path that will be helpful for you, we can go down it and discuss whatever needs to be discussed to help you. Is that okay?


Edward: Yes, that is fine by me.


Nikki: Okay, well let’s get started Edward. Should I call you Edward or would you prefer something else?


Dr. Graves: I believe that in this room we should have a strictly professional relationship of therapist and patient which is free of a pre-existing relationship and, by extension, any sort of bias. So I believe that, during sessions, it would likely be beneficial for me to be referred to as Dr. Graves.


Nikki: I see. Well what is it that is making you want to come to these sessions, Dr. graves? Is there something you wish to deal with?


Dr. Graves: Yes actually, I have a complicated issue stemming from myself and being brought to light by the contracts.


Nikki: What’s the issue?


Dr. Graves: I have, for a long time, held contempt for my powers and my… current state of being for their relationship to death. And yet even when I start to learn to overcome this, I still feel its effects on me.


Nikki: How so?


Dr. Graves: This has caused me to be unsure of my own position on life and death. I’ve always considered all life as sacred because of what I lost, myself. I lost the chance of a normal life and so I believed everyone deserved their shot at life. But what if I was wrong? What if the crimes of some people are so heinous that not only does it feel as if you need to get rid of them for the safety of others, but also feels good to do?


Nikki: Are you suggesting there has been someone you have enjoyed killing?


Dr. Graves: I don’t know. Maybe. I hope not.


Nikki: Before we further explore this, it could be beneficial to explore the context of this. That is, if you consent obviously. I have a power, one which I believe you have seen me use on others during the contracts. If we have physical contact, I can learn many things about you, and you me. This includes the nature of any time we’ve killed, any trauma we have and what you are against as a person. For some people, that may be something like murder. For others, maybe sin or harm to animals.


Dr. Graves: If you believe it will help then we should do it.



Nikki: I see, that is a lot of people. Do you want to talk about it?


Dr. Graves: Which part?


Nikki: We can start with why and then move on to how it all made you feel.


Dr, graves: The why is simple. They were all pure evil. They all consistently toyed with innocent lives like they were nothing. And for how it made me feel, that one is harder to answer. Each time, there was a deep sense of shame and regret. But before that? I felt just. And then righteous. And then powerful. And that scares me.


Nikki: You felt powerful? What exactly about it was the part that made you feel powerful? Was it the act itself or the effect of that action? Or maybe the amount of lives you believe you may have saved with your action?


Dr. Graves: I… I think possibly the act of snuffing out the life of someone who has committed horrible, unspeakable acts, it… it feels as if you’re doing what is right. Bringing about poetic justice. It’s difficult to admit but there may be a sense of pleasure to come from it. A catharsis of sorts. And that’s precisely what I’m worried about.


Nikki: When I think about the concept of murder, I often think about why I don’t even though it would be so much simpler at times. At one point in my life I was somewhat of a delinquent and ended up getting into a fight with someone who was belligerent, with that ending with a punch and him dying from hitting his head on the pavement. I’m sure you knew that part from our contact but after that, I ended up talking to his sister. I realised the consequences and effects that these kinds of things could have on others. Someone who could be one thing to one person can be completely different to another. Someone that you kill could be a mother or a husband.


Dr. Graves: And what if that mother or that husband was a mass murderer? One without any sort of remorse? Is that still the same?


Nikki: That person is still capable of redemption. They can still see the error of their actions and choose to atone and do better. No one is beyond saving. It’s only a matter of if they accept it.



Dr. Graves: I apologise, I’m being called by my partner, Detective O’Neal. I will need to go but before we meet again, if we do so, I’ll give what we have discussed a thought.

1 month ago: Augustine Vang wrote a Contract Journal for Fight at The Museum

The museum.


1 month, 1 week ago: Augustine Vang wrote a Contract Journal for Ruinas Magicae

The snowy hills.

Rain and snow


1 month, 1 week ago: Augustine Vang wrote a Downtime Journal for Mouth of Erysichthon

Convenience store

You may ask yourself,
"What is that beautiful house?"
You may ask yourself,
"Where does that highway go to?"
And you may ask yourself,
"Am I right, am I wrong?"
And you may say to yourself,
"My God, what have I done?"

No one ever comes into this convenience store. It’s broken down, practically a junkyard fitted into a tight two-storey building. The ceilings are leaky, the tv’s play intermittent static. The news broadcasts are nothing but tragedies.

And the clerk is full of smiles, a face like sunshine, with tanned skin and a nose splattered by freckles. They tell me their name, and that they’re twenty-something, living off this job and a few others to gain enough money to move out of their crappy old apartment. They appreciate the coffee I bring them, and the fact I am one of the few customers who sticks around. They appreciate the conversations we have as I lean against the desk, gum and the sticky residue of spilt coke covering it, coating the fibres of my jacket. 

Despite all of this, I think they find me odd. Off-putting, something I can never shake. People have a sense for things, and I set off alarms no matter how sweet I am. No amount of gifts or chats can change this. Unfortunate. 

I thought the clerk might’ve been more interesting to me then they actually were. We didn’t click.

And now no one at all comes into this convenience store. It’s still broken down, still the same junkyard fitted into a tight two-storey building. The ceilings are leaky, the tv’s play intermittent static. The news broadcasts are nothing but tragedies. 
And the clerk is missing, a chalked outline behind police tape the only evidence of a human life. Tanned skin mutated into a twisted pattern of green and purple, bloating out of the torn clothing. A nose splattered by blood and fractured across their face. I know their name, and that they’re twenty something, that they’re dead in the middle of a harshly lit aisle 3. They scream like a child, and broke off a nail trying to claw themselves away. They gasp and nod, telling me they always appreciated our conversations we I lean against the desk, gum and the sticky residue of spilt coke covering it, coating the fibres of my jacket.

I see why no one uses this store, now.

Same as it ever was,
same as it ever was,
same as it ever was,
same as it ever was.


1 month, 1 week ago: Augustine Vang wrote a Contract Journal for Mouth of Erysichthon


Mostly cloudy
1 month, 3 weeks ago: Tachibana Retsu wrote a Contract Journal for An Imposter In The Ice

This day SUCKED!! I LOVED it.

Guess who’s finally making it out there! That’s right, me, AND I’m writing all my adventures up. No more will my business be a side store, we’re going to be expanding! 

It started when this man-Midas-showed up and asked ME to help, I mean, of course he would right. I’m pretty much the best at my trade..whatever that is at this point. And even better, everyone there practically folded in my presence, believed I was absolutely unharmable by their powers. There was also, what was his name? Sun Wukong, nice guy, unfortunately I am nicer than him. We spent a while arguing on who should go ahead first. He will not be out-mannering me, I can promise you that purple work notebook.

I have to say, it all hurt though. You won’t believe how close to death I came, I think one mpre injury and I would’ve been GONE…but I hung on, and despite how awful I felt afterwards..and the day after, the adrenaline and the sick missing eye sort of made up for it.

I think that without me and the fact I was the one to outlast those creatures, the rest of them would’ve succumbed too.





4 months, 4 weeks ago: Dorris Green wrote a Contract Journal for Contractor Appreciation Day!


What is Appreciation? It is defined as the recognition and enjoyment of good qualities of someone or something. You can appreciate the life you are given, the friends you have made and the things you have. Dorris, for one, appreciates them a lot.

But, what does Dorris have in his life? Friends? That's one way to describe his work colleagues on the various Contracts he partakes in.

Billy Chance is one significant workmate in his life. He was one of the first people Dorris had met and Billy understood the struggle that the former was experiencing. He helped him through a great deal of it, in fact, to the point that Dorris started developing "Humanity".

But "Humanity" is only a temporary thing for a wooden puppet like Dorris. Sure, he has skin. An eye (his other one no longer works) and even a fleshy arm and legs. But, the transformation only helped with the exterior. Regrettably, Dorris still lacks a heart. Frazier O'Neal was a weird work friend. Dorris didn't really speak to him much but they seemed to get along somewhat.

Johnny Rooks. He was a mean one. Constantly reminding Dorris of his lack of Humanity. But, to his credit, he helped Dorris understand the various negative emotions that life forms feel.


It was a cold, winter night. Dorris sat in his apartment, on his small, wooden chair. It was 1 year since his master had passed away and 1 year since he had been in the public eye. People still recognised him wherever he went but always remarked that they missed seeing him on stage. Dorris' sparkly green jacket lacked a "spark" behind it and his disfigured appearance caused many passersby to feel sorry for him rather than admire him.


"Well. It sounds like ya not the only one who has been pushed out of the spotlight and is no longer admired." The Black Bunny remarked. He wasn't wearing much, apart from some blue shorts. His hair was very messy but his face was quite attractive, the attractiveness you'd expect from a Hollywood star.

"I knew you would understand. I feel like, though, that it is almost time for me to come back. I don't have as much baggage as you for coming back into the spotlight but I feel like there is a hole in my chest that could be filled by entertainment." Dorris stood from the small, wooden chair. He held his fleshy arm out to the anthropomorphic rabbit.

"You sure that the vultures and wolves of Hollywood won't eat ya?"

"I don't think so...You know, I think you might one day be able to go back there."

"Mickey Mouse hates my fucking guts, Dorris. He controls most of the media. I stand no chance against that rat."

Dorris chuckled a little.

"Well. I'd say a Lucky Rabbit might have a chance. Besides, there's something that might pique your interest...

Oswald the Lucky Rabbit"

5 months, 3 weeks ago: Sanzō ‘Wibi’ Jun wrote a Contract Journal for The "Monster" of Halloween

Someone finally came.

Hello! Diary, it’s been a while since I have actually written in here. Well, anything other than daily visits from travelers up the mountain talking to me for fortune or an interesting fish I’ve seen.

Yesterday the temple and shrine were closed, but someone showed up anyway, they looked young at the time but apparently they’re not school age! They were also completely green. I thought maybe it had something to do with me finally getting insight into my glorious destiny or something but I’m unsure, maybe it’s a start at least? But they invited me to watch a magicians show, I’ve never been to one of those before.

I got there and it was in Germany, also never been there. And I was paired up with another monk, a christian one and a plastic skeleton who..was sentient? I thought maybe he was a yōkai too but no, just plastic. Odd, but hey what can I say.

so we watched the show and I got distracted after some of the tricks, the fly averted my eyes from the show…so I completely missed the fact there had been a murder! A murder…Jones Bones and Amos were talking to the others I think, the people in the audience who saw it to get clues, when I was approached by this big man named Adam, I was confused at first but he took the three of us into the basement of the theatre and it turns out he was created, not born, by the magician himself, and that his daughter was controlling him and had taken part in the murder.

She ordered him to kill us, and I was very scared actually..I accidentally um, spat in his mouth at first as a response, I can’t imagine my toxic phlegm tasted good..but we managed to convince him to break away from her I’m glad there was no fighting. As for the daughter, she disappeared and Adam was taken back by the green one.

what a strange day? Maybe I’ll see them again.

7 months, 2 weeks ago: Lucius (strákur) Emmanuel Jóhannesson wrote a Downtime Journal for Cannibals of Colgarac

A Doctrine of Sulfur

The one who lives in sulfur is vastly unknown due to that of mankind for various reasoning, several reasons escaping us due to our limited knowledge. It could be that Sulfur is unknown purposefully, a being shadowed to allow only the strongest and most faithful to find their way into it's pits. It could also be that Sulfur has been overlooked itself, other deities and powers favoured over the 'assumed' weaker being. Whatever the reason may be, these volumes attempt to chronicle tales of Sulfur, ties to our own world, it's cultists and believers and it's principles in an easy to understand way.

Who, or what is Sulfur?

Sulfur,  in the common sense is a chemical element with the symbol S and atomic number 16. It is abundant, multivalent and nonmetallic. The element of sulfur is a bright yellow, crystalline solid at room temperature and once burnt becomes a blood-red liquid emitting a blue flame. Sulfur has been recognised throughout human history, referenced in the English translations of  the Christian Bible, commonly referred to as 'Brimstone', giving rise to the term 'Fire and Brimstone', and similarily titled sermons, in which listeners are reminded of eternal damnation that awaits the unbelieving and unrepentant.

Sulfur, in the sense of the individual, can be likened to the chemical element, although perhaps in reality it is the chemical element that can be likened to the individual. The 'Fire and Brimstone' description of the Christian Hell is a vivid one, and one that has been taken from the context of the One who lives in Sulfur. The Sulfur, or Sulphur pits are pits of 'Fire and Brimstone', of burning blue and blood-red boiling pools, pits of scorching hatred and agony surrounding the individual themself, known as 'Sulfur', 'The liar' or 'The one-eyed'.

The individuals depictions differ, but are often of an immobile, gargantuan and complexly shaped 'loosely humanoid' torso, dipped deep within the pits of sulfur, with peeled away skin and tortorous wounds. Sometimes it is depicted as a snake, similar yet different to the ouroboros present in many cultures, a snake cut in half attempting to eat it's own tail, a tail yanked away and bloodied by violence. However, in all of the different depictions there reamins one similar feature, a singular 'eye'. To call this feature an 'eye' is misleading, a more apt description would be that of an eye-hole, hollow and devoid of anything like the bodyparts we label eyes, but instead sporting a tongue.

Sulfur spends it's times in a perpetual state of torture and wait, with no way out of it's found predicament it lies in wait, no arms to move, no legs to run, no eyes to see, nothing but a singular hole in which it forces out it's tongue in order to feel anything at all.

The ideas held by the cultists of Sulfur is that of 'If I must suffer, so must they.' following in the footsteps of their deified one and it's torturous existence. These cultists, at least those who are well-known enough to be somewhat documented speak of time spent personally within the sulphur pits, their stories insinuating that they exist not as a place to inflict punishment upon sinners and morally corrupt, but as a way of initiation for the cultists. A cultist is cast into the pits to spend time in the same state as their deified, effectively dying themselves in the process, suffering for so long that they undergo a transformation, understanding the point of view of Sulfur and the reasoning behind it's need for bloodshed, and suffering upon a grand scale. However, these claims are not fully verified due to the lack of knowledge on the subject.


Sulfur is different from the concept of destruction as an alternative to creation, and  is different from the moral and religious concepts of Lucifer or the Devil as a mirror flip of Christ and the Christian God, instead opting for principles of Hedonistic living due to lived experience, hedonistic living which increases the suffering of others being placed above all, Sulfur does not punish Sinners, nor congratulate them, and Sulfur does not push for a moral life, Sulfur simply exists in torment, a state which many of us experience in day to day life, some of us for our entire lives and just as Sulfur itches to ennact it's rage and pain upon others, so do we.


7 months, 2 weeks ago: Lucius (strákur) Emmanuel Jóhannesson wrote a Contract Journal for Solvestrum Castle

Long contract

hello diary this contract was long and i don't remember alot of it so i am going to summereyes.


i was at home when the bad guy from the bible came and told me i had to work well not had to but i dont like missing out on the work

so i went with and we went to russia and it was also cold like here! Not warm like lots of other jobs i am glad it wasnt warm i get very sweaty 


but i made some new friends there was a little monkey and he talks kind of like that bird

very cool

oh! And he shoots fire from his hands!


there was also a big weird thing i dont know what it was but it looked like a sea cretur so maybe a wierd fish but they were nice and there was someone older than me called Cassie but they didn't have a good time


we found a guide who took us to the castle and i punched a wolf which was fun

i was allowed to becaus it tried attacking us first

so we got to the castle and the fish person was injured so they took them to cure them and we all went to eat but there wasnt very good vegetarian options for me

then they brought out the fish person on a big plate and we all realised the food was people that had gone on holiday like the ones in georgia


i dont understand why people keep doing this but maybe it isnt as bad as I thought...i dont know if its good or bad but alot of people do it


anyway we killed him and it took a while but it was pretty cool because we all combines out srength and powers like in a comic! But the castle working people locked us all up and well we had to try and get out but it wasnt that hard there were nice people who helped us by teaching us about working and skills and checking papers and if you forget your jacket you die


so i worked for the first time a regular job and i liked it and i spent my wage on candies


thats all thankyou diary

Latest Completed Contracts

77 Contracts have been run in this Playgroup
3 weeks, 6 days ago: CreepKit ran Witch Coven
1 month ago: geniebottle ran Done Deal
1 month, 1 week ago: CreepKit ran Ruinas Magicae
1 month, 2 weeks ago: geniebottle ran The Sons Crash Somnus
2 months, 1 week ago: mmmsquid ran Flipped!
2 months, 2 weeks ago: CreepKit ran Ghosteyes
2 months, 2 weeks ago: geniebottle ran Soulfare Speakeasy
2 months, 3 weeks ago: mmmsquid ran Jack and the Beanstalk
3 months, 1 week ago: CreepKit ran Runaway Hexpress
3 months, 2 weeks ago: mmmsquid ran Bean boy senior
3 months, 3 weeks ago: mmmsquid ran BUNCO!
3 months, 3 weeks ago: CreepKit ran Insert +1 Body to Retry
4 months, 1 week ago: mmmsquid ran The Goblin King
4 months, 2 weeks ago: mmmsquid ran Rad Amphibian
4 months, 2 weeks ago: CreepKit ran The City of the Night
4 months, 3 weeks ago: geniebottle ran An Imposter In The Ice
5 months, 2 weeks ago: GreyCrownedKi ran World's Worst Moth Man
5 months, 2 weeks ago: mmmsquid ran TEKKEN 5: THE DARK REVIVAL
5 months, 3 weeks ago: CreepKit ran The "Monster" of Halloween
6 months ago: mmmsquid ran Trail of death.
6 months, 3 weeks ago: mmmsquid ran The Temple of Gorlash
6 months, 3 weeks ago: geniebottle ran Root of All Evil
7 months, 1 week ago: mmmsquid ran The Great Scourge Scylla
7 months, 3 weeks ago: BenGre24 ran A Final Chance
8 months, 1 week ago: BenGre24 ran Solvestrum Castle
8 months, 2 weeks ago: geniebottle ran Web of Lies
9 months, 1 week ago: BenGre24 ran The Jack in the Box
10 months, 1 week ago: mmmsquid ran The MALL (not evil)
11 months, 2 weeks ago: BenGre24 ran Multiverse of Midness
11 months, 3 weeks ago: BenGre24 ran The Jewel of Augothorn
11 months, 3 weeks ago: BenGre24 ran Moleman Suprem
11 months, 3 weeks ago: lunaticwhale ran hijinks house
1 year, 1 month ago: mmmsquid ran The Acropolis Casino
1 year, 1 month ago: geniebottle ran The Elephant Gardens
1 year, 1 month ago: geniebottle ran This Party Sucks!
1 year, 1 month ago: geniebottle ran The Headlights
1 year, 1 month ago: geniebottle ran Territorial Dispute
1 year, 2 months ago: geniebottle ran The Chupacabra
1 year, 2 months ago: geniebottle ran The Black Jellyfish
1 year, 2 months ago: lunaticwhale ran The Bagman
1 year, 2 months ago: geniebottle ran The Kelp Sheep
1 year, 2 months ago: lunaticwhale ran Beware the Assassin!
1 year, 2 months ago: geniebottle ran Ghoulish Ghosts
1 year, 2 months ago: geniebottle ran Prison Bus
1 year, 3 months ago: geniebottle ran Worst Night Ever
1 year, 3 months ago: geniebottle ran Wendigo Again!
1 year, 3 months ago: geniebottle ran Manananggal Mayhem
1 year, 3 months ago: geniebottle ran Cannibals of Colgarac
1 year, 3 months ago: geniebottle ran Cool Off!
1 year, 3 months ago: geniebottle ran The Spectacular Spud
1 year, 3 months ago: geniebottle ran Magic Convention
1 year, 4 months ago: geniebottle ran Saving Saint Gnorshlak
1 year, 4 months ago: lunaticwhale ran Mushroom Hunt
1 year, 4 months ago: geniebottle ran Home Infestation
1 year, 4 months ago: geniebottle ran Party Rockin'
1 year, 4 months ago: geniebottle ran Club Siren's Wolf Problem
1 year, 4 months ago: geniebottle ran Agents of P.I.S.S
1 year, 5 months ago: geniebottle ran Book Hunt
GA5-1921 was created by geniebottle 1 year, 5 months ago

Playgroup Leader

Oisin the struggling undead ghoul
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor
Zhu Gāngliè the pig demon slam vocalist
A 1-Victory Newbie Contractor
Nikki Sparks the vigilante hero
A 7-Victory Novice Contractor
Mugs the fantastical merchant
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor
Eric Bellamy the friendly guy buddy to all
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor
Spaghetti the chill individual
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor
Sol Baron the newspaper editor
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor
Billy Chance the cowboy phoenix warrior of God
A 12-Victory Seasoned Contractor

Playgroup Member

Helcolm the Doctor clone army
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor

Playgroup Member

Louie E the escapee from The Vault
A 1-Victory Newbie Contractor
Louie G the money laundering 'plumber'
A 10-Victory Seasoned Contractor
Louie the cursed old man
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor

Playgroup Member

Haïta the average office worker
A 3-Victory Newbie Contractor

Playgroup Member

Playgroup Member

John Doe the Runaway within the church
A 1-Victory Newbie Contractor

Playgroup Member

Playgroup Member

darren the guy
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor

Playgroup Member

Wilp the snail preteen n/a
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor

Invaded Earth

Throughout history, humanity has been plagued by traces of the supernatural. However, in recent years the number of paranormal creatures spilling into our world has increased exponentially thanks to one group. The Djinn. Some call them demons, evil spirits, wishmakers, Sin Incarnate, or occasionally guardian angels; whatever they call themselves, though, they have one purpose. To make deals. Thus, GA5-1921 was created, a group of government agents each making deals with one or more of these beings in an attempt to quell the threat with the powers acquired. Sometimes they get by with a flash of a badge and a well-pressed suit, but most are prisoners, outcasts or those simply taken by the program because no-one would miss them wearing simple street clothes and hoping they can bullshit their way into a new case.

Whatever their circumstance or the words of their contract, the squad has one job. Uncover the truth, and exterminate the problems.

House Rules

Contractors from GA5-1921 Are portable, and may play in Contracts in other Playgroups.
  • Under Contract: Gifts may only be acquired by Contractors by signing contracts with Djinn or Handlers and completing Contracts. Otherwise, they must be the result of curses, faith or other forms of occult worship/circumstance, not by happenstance.
  • Invoke the Contract!: Each player may, once per Contract, reduce the Difficulty of a roll by 2 by specifying an aspect or term of their contract narratively to the GM which would grant them authority in this case and gain their Djinn or Handler's assistance. However, if this is not convincing to the GM, they may increase the Difficulty of a subsequent roll by a number befitting the severity of their failed invocation.
  • More Power!: Bonuses to dice pools granted by Gifts stack with bonuses granted by other sources, though not with others from Gifts of the same type. In addition, temporary bonuses always stack with permanent ones. 

Full Setting Description

The supernatural is not all commonplace but rather hidden in plain sight by a veil barely maintained by its population and governments. Handlers, as they are known to the various task forces that make up the branch, are only known to the initiated, or those who manage to push through the ecurity of the national government, but rumours do sneak out occasionally. GA5-1921 is a similar urban legend, like the Men in Black (or the progenitors of this phenomenon), their deeds covered up by rumours of mass hysteria, drug scandals, gas leaks, censorship and the occasional scapegoat.


Each Contractor within the squad has a Handler, a higher-up and servant to the Djinn who mediate contracts and deal with the bureaucracy of it all. Generally, each Handler has a specific kind of Contract that they deal with, such as exterminations, retrieving supernatural objects etc, but many dabble in different areas. Squad members can change Handlers, but do not go without one. (Handlers stand-in for Harbingers.)



World Events

Posted by mmmsquid, 3 days ago. Permalink

Case #1, the rivers victim.


Age: 20-30
Race:Asian American
Sex: Male
Height: 5’10
Weight: Severly underweight, appears 34kg.
Eyes: Appear blue.
Hair: Black
Body heat: Unrefrigerated when found, cooler side.

1. 50cm of red dyed jute rope found around the decadents kneck, tied into a square friction knot.

2. A pair of white cotton ankle socks, decorated with a single blue line. The left sock appears to have a single hole.



Arms, legs, torso, head and genitals found separated. The injuries upon separation appear to be reminiscent of a handaxe. Mucous membranes of the upper and lower lip, nails and feet appear cyanosed and irregularly shaped. Upon the nose, right cheek and lower right jaw reddish bruises can be found, spreading slightly to the upper neck. On the upper arm of the backside, 12cm above the elbow, bruises are found, bluish in colour. Abraisions accompany the bruises. Wrinkling on the skin present from the disposal of the body, vascular marbling, dark discolouration of skin, bloating and putrefaction appear normal. Mud, debris and sloughing of the skin appear typical. Fingernails appear to have been ripped out via the use of an implement.
In the chest, a broken upper chest bone found. Rib fractures to ribs seventh and tenth found on the left side. Rib fractures of second to tenth ribs found on the right side. Tissue damage visible in various spots, alongside spots of completely defleshed body-unclear if the work of the environment or the perpetrator. Teeth found completely missing, appearing to have been ripped out via the use of an implement. 
Expected postmortem changes that occur in immersed and submerged bodies as well as postmortem artifacts such as animal predation that may be misinterpreted as antemortem injuries. Body has been submerged for some time, despite this, due to the separation of body parts it is clear that the dumping of this body was purposeful. Cause of death is difficult to determine, but decadent likely succumbed to the various injuries dealt via heart failure due to a rip caused by blunt force trauma.
Posted by mmmsquid, 3 days, 1 hour ago. Permalink

Hey, Ed!

Frazier O’Neal (11:31AM) to Edward Graves>>

Hey, Ed!

Fucking finally, they sent those case details through. After all that talk of ‘Oh we can’t look into it yet, we have to let the other department finish up, let the investigation run it’s course’ they’ve come to their senses and forwarded the evidence over.

The thing is, are they all stupid over there or somethin? Half of these were ruled one after another as a suicide, from people with absolutely no history of that sorta thing! Plus they’re all so similar. Not even I’m this dumb (don’t comment on that in your response).

Same type of death, similar locations, all in New York itself, same weapon used. Are you thinking what I’m thinking? Gotta be the work of a serial killer, and our first too! Ed this is huge! Well..not for the victims but you feel me. We’re gonna catch this guy, and I got a feeling he’s our sort of figure.

(That means supernatural, wink wink).

See the files attatched below for any and all case notes Doctor!

p.s. I ate that rice you left in the fridge because it was out of date.

p.p.s Nevermind, apparently that was Captains.

From coolest detective, Frazier O’Neal.




Posted by geniebottle, 1 week, 6 days ago. Permalink


[ Falchion Fiend is a niche magazine-slash-blog apparently authored by ex-exorcist and current monster hunter Callum DeWick, appearing to be a fictionalised account of various escapades fighting monsters, mixed with information on other hunters.

However, some realise certain tales contained inside are anything but fictional...which could inspire fear, or admiration. The magazine's origins, the location of its author, as well as how information is gathered...are all mysteries currently unsolved. How you subscribe to the mailing list is just a well-kept secret.]



(Published 02/09/2025)

- Your Friend, Callum DeWick


To all who are reading, let it be known the villain Francis Leblanc, collector of the profane that he is, has finally been found, and his cruise ship ceased. Turn to Page. 21 to see the details, but the summary is that justice was served! Courtesy of our hotshot hero Ignacio Cardosa, slayer of a Hydra, and Captain Monica Rexx, a hunter so tough she convinced the usually male-only Sons of Ahab to allow her membership.

See the action, the gore, and the shocking twist in the newest edition of Falchion Fiend! 

Posted by mmmsquid, 2 weeks, 1 day ago. Permalink

Horror in Moutment!

Those local and otherwise experience shock in the small town of Mountmend! In a surprising and horrific tale, the mayor, long standing and loved by many-has been arrested- but not for murder charges as was assumed (due to the recent string of disappearances and the finding of the odd body), but for a severe case of neglect.

Civilians recall  Nancy, the lovely mayors daughter, speaking of her being ‘lively’ and a ‘Absolute charm to talk to’, many having just assumed she had moved away since those youthful days! Unfortunately, this hasn’t been the case, and the rotten, burnt and maggot infested remains of Nancy were fished from the Mayor’s residence this morning.

He sits in the county jail, held currently for intensive questioning. Hopefully, for the rest of us, this justice served will finally bring things back to the way they should be around here, and maybe the police will successfully finish their job for once.

Posted by CreepKit, 4 weeks ago. Permalink

The Faces of Boe

The Bubblegum slime has existed for many, many, MANY years. It has watched the rise and fall of many notable figures. It took many forms before landing on a more “permanent” appearance. But there was one particular appearance that was quite memorable for her. Esmerelda.

It was back in 1818. She had taken on the form of a witch, wanting to see what Witches were like. But, she quickly realised that she would be found out if she remained at the coven any longer.

Not for being a Bubblegum Slime. But for whom she associated.

One of the first people she ever met was a green-faced woman. She introduced herself as Invidia. She helped Boe find somewhere to live. To exist. All she asked in exchange was for some recon on a coven called Hecate’s Finest. She agreed and uncovered many things:

  1. Hecate was the leader
  2. She was also known to some as a “Harbinger of Envy”
  3. A family known as the Satanicas were plotting with Hecate to “Ascend”


That was all the intel Invidia needed. She asked Boe one last thing.

“When the day comes that runes illuminate the sky and everyone is plotting to become Gods, will you be by my side?”

Boe agreed and they shook hands.

Posted by mmmsquid, 1 month, 1 week ago. Permalink

Autopsy report.



Rigor: absent
livor: purple
Age: 24
Race: Caucasian
Sex: Male
Height: 5’9
Weight: 73 kg
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Amber/Hazel
Body heat: Unrefrigerated, room temperature.

1. White dress shirt, bloodstained, multiple tears of different sizes upon the front. 

2. Red tie, shredded.

3. Brown pants, irregular shredding.

4. Brown belt.

5. Brown socks.

6. Brown shoes.


The decedent was a caucasian 24 year old male with no significant past medical history. Past repeat medications include Amitriptyline used to treat major depressive disorder and tension headaches after a failure in other treatments, no Amitriptyline was found in any concentration in the blood during autopsy.

Patient continuously failed to attend arranged appointments from specialists.

Well developed, well nourished white male with multiple groupings of pruritic urticarial lesions. There are lacerations of face and scalp, there are gaping lacerations of the left lower abdomen and thigh with partial evisceration of sigmoid colon and small intestine. Top layers of skin hanging loose in patches.

The esophagus and stomach are discoloured, but without evidence of ulcers. Evidence of Intestinal myiasis found within the gastrointestinal tract. These larvae were identified as living third-instars of Muscina stabulans, the false stable fly. Examinations of stool specimens from other family members showed no larvae. Evidence of serious tissue damage.

800 grams of brain fragments submitted separately, found littered with juvenile Scolopendra heros as well as unhatched eggs. Similar specimens have been observed within the lacerations of the face and scalp.

A singular live Vespula Germanica found trapped within the left external auditory canal.

Multiple lacerations of liver, Dermestid larvae and adult dermestids found burrowing into liver and surrounding tissues.

A. Blood and vitreous fluid tested negative for alcohols.
B. Blood tested negative for acidic, basic and neutral drugs.
C. Evidence of venom belonging to Dorylus Gribodoi, Formic acid (methanoic acid) is the predominant compound.

Cause and manner of death incredibly unclear, possibly connected to the intestinal myiasis rather than the presence of other organisms, who are mostly connected to entomological decomposition. The Vespula Germanica has been ruled as unimportant overall to the cause of death, and a coincidental hazard.


Posted by CreepKit, 1 month, 1 week ago. Permalink

Cooking with Cadbury (Teaser 2/5)

The Shrimpish Sauce is a famous restaurant, known for the unique gimmick of having its visitors enter into a fish tank to dine there. The owner, Cadbury, is well known for his skill in Cooking and is happily married to his husband, Galaxy, who manages the finances of the restaurant and also is a professional Mantis Boxer. 

It has been a busy week for the restaurant. As a friend of famous entertainer, Dorris Green, Cadbury has been tasked with producing food for the event. Tying his white apron around his torso, Cadbury starts by reading the list of preferred dishes.

“Hmm, cheese sandwiches, chips, pizza…oh so basically a buffet. Well, that's something I can do quite well.” As Cadbury slowly prepares the food, however, he notices on the list of food that there is a letter from Dorris personally. 


Hey Cadbury,

I know you’ll do a good job with the food. I was wondering though. Do you have any ideas for what sort of food witches like to eat?

There’s a lot of them coming to my event so I want to make sure they are catered for.


-Dorris G


“Witches? Why would they be interested in Dorris?”


Posted by geniebottle, 1 month, 4 weeks ago. Permalink

FALCHION FIEND: Issues #35 - #43

[ Falchion Fiend is a niche magazine-slash-blog apparently authored by ex-exorcist and current monster hunter Callum DeWick, appearing to be a fictionalised account of various escapades fighting monsters, mixed with information on other hunters.

However, some realise certain tales contained inside are anything but fictional...which could inspire fear, or admiration. The magazine's origins, the location of its author, as well as how information is gathered...are all mysteries currently unsolved. How you subscribe to the mailing list is just a well-kept secret.] 

[ Here are a few snippets we were able to gather. Treat information gathered with caution, as some may be dramatised to obscure the truth.] 



(Published 4/02/2025) 

- Your Friend, Callum DeWick

Prepare, everyone, for a tale many have told, but with some fresh faces. Last night, at the end of our Month of May, an up-and-coming hunter by the name of Ignacio Cardosa defeated a Hydra, taking cues from the famed Heracles! See Page. 13 for how our modern hunters adapt to new adaptations by praeternatural creatures unseen in prior generations. 



(Published 18/02/2025)
- Your Friend, Callum DeWick

It likely comes of no surprise to some of you that the Anomaly Surveillance System that was in development by members of the Paranormal Investigators for the Safety of Society, destroyed October 2024, has so far been lost. (Operational Theory on Page. 6!)

However, we can learn a lesson from this! We are scattered, uncoordinated. Small groups fighting a larger evil. Perhaps with more resources they would have succeeded, if not more manpower at least. It is of no use to us to scoff at less supplied and less professional brethren...since in some capacity we are all fighting the good fight. 



(Published 15/4/2024)
- Your Friend, Callum DeWick

NEW SCOOP! Witchcraft around Central England and Pendle at a record low in the last few weeks, and according to witness testimonies (The Interrogations of Nasty Nancy & Blind Beatrice, Pages 8-16) gathered by Ignacio Cardosa and a few notable members of the Recusants (Vigil & Tower) in a rare moment of allegiance, the reason is that a major transport line for occult practitioners was disrupted. 

There are histories here, folks, and there are those who wish to hide it from us. Stay sharp! 



(Published 27/05/2024)

- Your Friend, Callum DeWick. 

To all fans of RexTech, even after their management shift, subsequent bankruptcy, then reopening after the kerfuffle caused by their merger with the POMLI and the launching of Somnus, I'm afraid their continued operation dips its toes into cohorting with the enemy. 


A few anonymous tips inform me that there has been a drastic increase in marine monster sightings over the past few months, near their research lab in Jackrabbit Cove, Lincoln County, Oregon. This has ruffled feathers with the Ahabites, as you can all imagine, and I encourage all of you to hear them out. Dabbling with things unknown have led them to trouble before, and in this writer's humble opinion, it will do so again. 

A grand reopening is being held 10/06/2025. I trust you all to BE THERE OR BE SQUARE! 



Posted by mmmsquid, 2 months ago. Permalink

Radio recording 11:15.



…Eros? Hello. I have worked with your employees before. They are competent, they are the people I will need. I ask you to send them my way. Humbly, I cannot do this alone. But the scourge must be eradicated before they succeed in whatever vile plans they have in store. Please, let your contractors know when you can. We will need to infiltrate.


Posted by CreepKit, 2 months ago. Permalink

Dorris Green's Comeback? (Teaser 1/5)

The Dream Works agency has announced that their most profitable star, Dorris Green, is going to come back in theatres around the world! The agency has also announced that he will have his friend, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, join him as his opening act. We spoke to the green guy himself and this is what he had to say:


"I believe it is finally time for me to return to the lights and the audience, especially since nothing is holding me back. My excellent friend, Oswald, is joining me as the opening act. That guy is honestly so funny that I'm worried that he'll end up performing better than me.


Seriously though, the guy deserves to find his audience once again. And now is no better time."


It is also believed that Dorris is in the works of debuting a new children's show for Beceebies, a channel for children owned by CBB. He has dropped hints that a friend of his, known only as "Bubblegum Boe", will be presenting the show. There isn't much information regarding this new star, other than the fact that paparazzi have photographed the three stars together quite frequently.




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