
A world where the paranormal work for the government.

Latest World Events

Posted by mmmsquid, 1 month, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

UV Insurance

First name: Alexander

Last name: Draxler

Phone number: ███████████████

Email: ████████@████.██

Type of Incident: Accident at work

[All employees who work in Switzerland are obligatorily insured against accidents and occupational illnesses. Accident insurance (UV) covers damages that arise if insured persons have an accident or suffer from an occupational illness. The benefits include medical treatment and financial support.

The premiums for insurance for occupational accidents and illnesses are paid by the employer. The premiums for insurance for non-occupational accidents are usually paid by the employee. Employers are liable for the entire premium amount but deduct employees’ shares from their salaries. The premium amounts differ depending on the insured person’s income and the type of company.]

Notes on case:

Alexander is currently staying for prolong treatment at ███████ hospital, in █████████. He has suffered numerous injuries from the plumment off the balcony at his workplace whilst setting up decorations for the festive season. Other employees were convinced the area was completely safe and the only way he could have fallen was if he had jumped, however Alexander has no such history of suicidal ideation. He cannot yet comment on the case, but the payout for treatment and for family has been swiftly managed. This case matches similarly to one from a past Christmas season, further investigation may be necessary.


Posted by CreepKit, 1 month, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Pumpkin Patch

Various public forums, mainly those focused on the paranormal, have started reporting on a mysterious place known as The Pumpkin Patch.


r/Ephemeral, a subreddit known for sharing stories of weird, supernatural events, have started talking about the Pumpkin Patch, mainly how to get there and what is there.

“Theme parks galore!”

“A fighting match!”

“A chance to see the Pumpkin King”


*EDIT ??/11/2026 - Several hours after the posting of this article, r/Ephemeral have took down the posts regarding the Pumpkin Patch. We have reached out to r/Ephemeral for comment.


  • I.Vidia

Latest Journals

1 week, 5 days ago: (Francisco) Lou wrote a Downtime Journal for Root of All Evil

February 18th, 2016.

One hell to the next. Is this better or is it worse. I don’t know. I have to pick between two forms of torture. I suppose I should be happy that this torture is of my own choosing. I hope this fight ends soon. If I don’t live I sure hope they do, that is all I want now. Safety, for someone.

1 week, 5 days ago: (Francisco) Lou wrote a Contract Journal for Root of All Evil


Johnny, myself and Dorris went somewhere in England recently. Visited a Greggs, I’ve never actually been because why the hell would I ever willingly step foot in England. Well I mean I guess I willingly stepped foot there but you get what I mean. I’m talking to myself. Fuck.

Okay, well, anyway. So we went there and everything was real..fucked. They (the workers) were all real obsessed with this root growth that had infiltrated the premises, all talking like they’d been brainwashed, speaking about root breaks and all that. You order the mystical root you get a free beverage.

Not a fan of the ghouly shit but hey, job’s a job right. So we uhh. Did what we’re best at and traced it back and caused some destruction. Fought a few wormies, blew some things up. Turns out it was some witch botanist or gardener who had let things get a tad outta hand, not sure where the worms came into play but I’m not a gardener so maybe that’s normal. I mean on a smaller scale people usually like earthworms when they’re gardening I think but I can see why’d they’d be a problem when they’re big.

Oh, and. I got a new roomate. He was complaining about working there and how he hated everything so I took him back to Mexico with me, name is Sonic, he’s looking less depressed already. Guess less working under root spores and access to the sun will do that to you, god knows I feel way better than when I was stuck in that sterile cell. Then again that might’ve just been the weird prison mashed potatoes.

1 month ago: Lucius Emmanuel Jóhannesson wrote a Contract Journal for Casino Luminos - The Sinful Family

Casino 3

i didnt really like this part so sorry diary if i dont have good idea of what to writ here but yes okay

so at table i met mammon and amos was there and it was only us at first when he told me who my father was actually and that my other father who was gone was my stepfather and my father is Lucifer from bible and then uh amos is my cousin and his father is asmodeus and while i am writing this i think they are bad at names or very self centre 

I always wanted a cousin or sibling and this is it but I wish it was under better reason

the other contracters and the harbingers all were argung about something and he turned up my father and he did not say much and he did not know me and i hate him!!!!! I do not like him and i have never met him and why did he never see me if he knew

did cain know and did my parents know and why did noone ever tell me this

i am not that stupid!!! Ok well maybe a little i dont understand much but i know i am very different to the other peopl i met and i just wish that maybe i knew sooner or or people trusted me with knowing because now i feel like a big lie because of alot of things and it does not feel good


my uncle. One of them gave me a DS so i have been playing a game and ignoring my problems and i will continue not to think about it for now i think

1 month ago: Lucius Emmanuel Jóhannesson wrote a Contract Journal for Casino Luminos - Roll the Dice

Casino two

ok diary so this is the part two of the casino so we got to casino and i got to gambel on a game that i dont know if i won or not because I forgot but it was fun and there was a man called slank and i liked him he looked nice and then we started doing the detectiv work and me and Haley met a real spy he sounded upset that he was not in Rusia and that they had left him at the casino but he seemed to like Haley i think

so we plaid some of that old people game i think it is bingo and i won and i got this weird thingy that made me feel stronger and also i got a turkey but i dont eat meat so uhh I dont know what i will do with it

we carried on and kept hearing about this golden man and how he was the big boss of the place and he sounded scary but we kept on going anyway and we got to the top where we met some people and they were all interesting and stuff but then i was grabbed by a worker at the casino who was scary and taken throufh a portal wich was strange but amos came with me and then the others tried to come aswell and i found myself at a big table and he was there the big boss and the big boss was actually Mammon


ok part three in next page bye diary

1 month ago: Lucius Emmanuel Jóhannesson wrote a Contract Journal for Casino Luminos - Play Your Cards


Dear diary this is long one so i am going to break it into parts so this is part one

i was invited to casino by Invida the green one but befor we got in we hadto prep-are and all that so we did that by going to shops and getting things so i got nocticium money and also lockpick like in movies and other things too like walkie talkie

then we met demons and they were less scary then i thought they would be and they let me touch their horns and were nice to me 

then invida made us write name on other contract wich was different from the other one we put name on and then finally we got to go to casinoto begin long adventure like usual and i thought it would go like usual but i was wrong but i will write about it in next part ok bye bye diary

1 month ago: Lucius Emmanuel Jóhannesson wrote a Contract Journal for The Pumpkin Patch

Mixed adventure

Dear Diary it is two months until my birth day and i am very exited about that

today Invida the green one invited me and other contracters to a pumpkin patch wich i have never been to before so i went to have fun and we did have some fun because we got to go on fast rollercoster and i am not tall enough for most of them sometimes so that was fun but then we got to the show thing with Haley and i did not like that because they tied me to the wheel for show and threw nives at me

i dont mind nives but i did not like wheel that was not very nice and i cried about it

also we foght big scary demon man with pumpkin head and he exploded on everyone and i watched Haley die wich is another person dead which is not good i dont think

i am starting to think that my parents did not go on holiday

i miss haley

3 months, 4 weeks ago: Tachibana Retsu wrote a Downtime Journal for Faith is Your Anchor

Not the answer.

I thought they were feds at first. I received a call from someone, looking for fraudulent documents. I didn’t ask why, I never do, and we met in Okinawa.

Turns out, they’re contractors too. Nikki Sparks and Edward Graves. Contractors looking for Nathaniel..


I’ve been manipulated again, of course I have. I’m a con artist myself, but whenever someone actually seems to care about me. It’s..

He just wanted me for information on contractors, for my connections. Dammit!


I drank myself half to death with Dr Graves. He tried healing me. It didn’t work. He and I..we’re not too dissimilar.

I’ve found it hurts, in a way. To slaughter people. It’s not a good feeling but it isn’t a bad one either. Now I’m full of more clarity and I’m not writhing in constant pain, I understand it’s a brief thrill. I don’t feel overwhelming guilt anymore..but I remember them. All their little details.

Drinking away my sorrows though, it’s probably not the answer.



6 months ago: Billy Chance wrote a Downtime Journal for A Final Chance

Finding Myself

Passage of the Day: 'Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him.' - Psalm 62:1


After regaining my lost pieces, and having my spiritual, heavenly encounter, I have given much thought to the ways of my heart, and how I must act moving forward.

For a long time, my goal has been vengeance. Vengeance and wrath upon the sinner, upon the unmakers of His creation, and those who would harm His children. My anger burned red hot, keeping me forward and ready, pointed like truest compass towards my hated foe. 

But, hate is not what should feed a man, I have thought on that now. Salvation. Redemption. Love. Love for my fellows, and hope that they may achieve what is justly their deliverance. 

Planting my boots in a mud of hate, and loss has only had me stuck for so many years. The wildfire winds of my stolen flame are gone, so I need not seek shelter in that cold, bitter mud any longer.

And I must not cling so strongly to the Good Book, neither, for in my studies time and time again there have laid things despicable. It would kill my Momma, but I have grown to find my faith in others, and through the love and care I find within myself and my companions do I find proof of the work of God.

I must drive myself with hope. And kindness, moreso than ever before. I must not think myself mighty. I am a man. And I am his striking hand as I am his open palm.

6 months, 2 weeks ago: Tachibana Retsu wrote a Downtime Journal for Faith is Your Anchor

A new direction of business.

Since I am out and about again, I decided it was due time I visited the office again. And so I did.

I gave the workers a choice to stay, or go, because I was taking it in a new direction. We’d still deal with the supernatural of course, weird ghoul exorcisms and the like with my talents, but I’ve made a few connections, and we’d be a front for something more.

Surprisingly, they stayed. Well, Mr. Oldina says he’s going to Vegas soon for his retirement, but they all stayed anyway.

6 months, 2 weeks ago: Tachibana Retsu wrote a Contract Journal for The Sons Crash Somnus


Well, well this was a WEIRD one.

So, get this. There’s me, some kid who kept talking to himself, a Russian man I forget the name of immediately and someone made of literal bubblegum. 

When we were sent to this event I thought it’d be..easier than it was, but we got it done anyway, all thanks to me I’m sure. But, well after looking at the fish, great fish by the way, we had to find those members of that sons something or other.…

I killed a man. It was in self defence and I mean I don’t have anything against it but. Well.

It was just, strange. I’d talk more about the squid people or the experiments we saw, but I can’t stop thinking about the bathroom altercation. 

He swung at me and I had no choice but to reciprocate. I had to just keep punching and tackling, and the blood it. Well, it sprayed everywhere. All over me. All over the tiles. All over the mirrors. It should’ve been horrifying really, but it gave me some sense of accomplishment, I guess having power over the guy who had tried to yoink out my lights gave me some satisfaction..

Let’s, not think about the ramifications of that. I mean, I’m not going to go triggercrazy anytime soon or anything like that anyway, it was a first and probably a last. At least in a situation like that, close quarters and weirdly personal.

Well, it was a success and I’m sure many more will be just the same as long as I am amongst the chosen contractors.

6 months, 2 weeks ago: Tachibana Retsu wrote a Contract Journal for Faith is Your Anchor

Contract. Again.

When Midas walked into my home, lingering in the doorway. I have to admit, I was unsure how to react. Part of me wanted to screech at him and the consequences of what happened, but the past..well it’s in the past, isn’t it? Besides, what better opportunity to try out new and interesting things than another contract?

To my surprise there was at least one familiar face, that of Jolly. I believe I’m growing attatched to him, having had him see me at my worst suffering. As well as this there was a new face, Lacey I think he was. Says we’re friends now, fine by me. I seem to be collecting quite the roster of cannibals.

Anyway, the place we had to get into was very tightly guarded, but we all had our moments of teamwork, taking out the tower guards. Who knew shooting someone’s head open would be so fun! Haha! Well, am I GLAD I spent my time perfecting my aim.

When reinforcements were sent to deal with us I put on the best show to date, not only did they truly believe I was this ‘Joshua’ I made up, but most of them stuck with it to the very end, even when I had punched out their priest leader. What a sad man he was.

The prisoners, ultimately, seemed to have revolted and made it out with us just fine. Perfect, as usual with me, I get the job done afterall.

And oh, I have both a zoo and a cabin to visit now…and a new rifle and explosives to my name. You can never be too careful afterall, hm.

I should get out more! How I have missed this..

6 months, 2 weeks ago: Tachibana Retsu wrote a Downtime Journal for Sanctuary

The answer

 [It’s illegible scribblings…]

6 months, 2 weeks ago: Tachibana Retsu wrote a Downtime Journal for Sanctuary


Grazing my skin with my fingertips. It’s not wet anymore, not that squelchy moistness of exposed feels..strange. Like rubber. I have no lips. Or nose, and if I close my mouth you can see the jagged edges of my teeth. I only look when I have to, in the broken shards that litter my home from broken mirrors..

I take the bandages off, my skin feels hot to the touch. I clean myself and wince through the pain, through gritted teeth. I remove the pus from wounds. I redress the skin. Again, and again. 

I look horrible. No one is going to buy anything from me if I look like this. I.. 

Am I dead?

6 months, 2 weeks ago: Tachibana Retsu wrote a Downtime Journal for Sanctuary


I am surprised the hospital did not keep me for longer. I can barely hold this pen enough to write this out, but I’m home now. I’ve been home for a little while. At least I have Nathaniel to help me, no one else would want to.

I can walk again, slowly. And I can eat mushy foods that I am sick of. I have to change my bandages every day, and use every salve known to man.

They didn’t really ask questions in the hospital, just looked at me with pity. Eugh.

Everything feels like a constant blur, days melt into eachother. I keep my blinds closed, so the sun doesn’t blind my remaining eye, and I just think. Sometimes I shuffle about my own house. And yesterday, I saw myself in the mirror. 

I’ve set myself back, here I am, scrawling letters on this paper covered in blood and glass..did I deserve this?

6 months, 2 weeks ago: Tachibana Retsu wrote a Downtime Journal for Sanctuary

The Visitor

The atmosphere is bleak, the blinds of the hospital room pulled tightly shut. Static buzzes in and out from the tv, as a bandaged hand clutches at a pillow with an unshakable grip. Eye glossed over staring directly at the wall. The door to the room unlocks, a nurse smiles and nods at the guest coming to visit and leaves them to it.

The man is tall, with long hair tied back, it’s shades of red and wine maroon, shiny and well kept. He wears a uniform, black. Military perhaps. His face is..well, a little odd around the edges, and his eyes are a little too large and expressive. 

The man takes a seat at the end of the bed, carefully as not to disrupt the patient, and places a bouquet of flowers upon the empty table.

”My only guest..someone I’ve never met before. Have you come to gawk at me..”

A pained, croaky voice eminates from the patient as he, struggling, pulls himself up to better face the other man.

”Not at all..” 

Responds the other, with a smile.

“I imagine it feels horrific, more painful than anything you’ve ever experienced or imagined before..I would not mock you for such a thing. I pity you, Tachibana Retsu..sent into a contract far beyond your skill level.”

Tachibana winces, as best he can through bandages and the fleshy bloodied mass that’s yet to fully much as it will recover.

Don’t try to argue with me, it’s above your skill level. All of it is. You may be the world’s greatest liar, but you have little to back it up with.. you’ve considered it, haven’t you? That you may be a coward afterall?”

His eye, is unchanging. Glossed over, staring at the visitor all the same.

My name, Tachibana, is Nathaniel. It’s not my birth name, and I were born here just as you were. In this very country, but I haven’t been here in the longest of times. For most of my life, Tachibana, I was a coward. A fool. But now, I am more than I ever hoped to be. And those that underestimated me, I crushed them, Tachibana.”

There’s a pause, a strange feeling in the air.

”This is your chance. You’ve been reborn. Now open up that eye of yours and seize this chance by the reigns…”

The guest takes out a small envelope, and places it next to the flowers on the bedside table. With a final smile, Nathaniel gets off the bed and walks out of the room, closing the door behind him. Leaving the patient to simmer and suffer as static plays, in and out..

6 months, 2 weeks ago: Tachibana Retsu wrote a Contract Journal for Sanctuary



The last thing I remember before collapsing was seeing Lau, Jolly and..a man I’ve never met before, before I collapsed. I heard the voices of my employees but wasn’t up long enough to see them. Everything burnt, everything still burns.

The contract itself went as it usually does, as the others did. I did everything like I usually did. But..

It could’ve been a hand, a leg, something like that. But…

When I fell into that well, I could hardly muster the strength to pull myself out of that stupor. I knew somewhere in me what would ultimately happen, and for a moment to be ripped apart seemed like something that I did want. I mean, I’ve been trying for as long as I’ve known with my day to day habits regardless. But, when I felt it too much I fought back. I struggled. I could have let myself go in the easiest way possible but I chose not to. 

Lau and Jolly, they fought back against that current so easily. I did not. And I only did it because I was scared. Because I had second thoughts.

And now I’m here.

It seems my employees dragged me to the hospital, I’m glad they care more about me than I care about myself. But I woke up here, in this hospital bed. Alone. Nothing but the noises of beeping machinery from the other rooms and a pale white bed. I look horrible. I feel horrible.

What am I doing? Lau was right. I am a coward.


I have to get out of here.

6 months, 3 weeks ago: Tachibana Retsu wrote a Contract Journal for Nightmares in Wolfsburg

Finished onceagain!

I, the best choice, top occultist of all time, have done it again. Midas, the boss, the professional, came into my office in the hours of night with a lament, practically tears in his eyes with a job only I could accomplish-with a little help of course.

So, you know me, always wanting to help out for the greater good, and for the reward, not that that’s the important thing. I was off, wayward, to the apartments! Of..Germany? I forget where, I’m not German nor do I speak it. Maybe I should learn though..could be some good clientele in Germany.

Now, where was I? Oh, right. So we got there to speak to this man about who the sorcerer causing trouble was and we found him in a state, my associate..Sos…njh.. Sos. Yep, got us in with the old lockpick trick, and this old guy was on his last legs, I had to call the German emergency number, and tell them I was his grandchild.

Medics took him out, and before police got there to question us as to why there was a dent in his chest we scoured that place and got outta there with my handy rope. Whew, glad I’m just about nimble enough to slide down it still. From there, after a food break at mcdonalds, we found that there was a club in the area that attracted supernatural attention, so of course that was our first go-to.

Getting there was easy, but I had a trick up my sleeve, busting out the oldest trick in the book. OBA SU! THIS TIME THE GREATEST HEALTH INSPECTOR OF THE 21ST CENTURY.

I didn’t do much health inspection, the place seemed fine enough, but they took the bait and we made it to the boss. Past..drunk Germans. Anyway, he told us we were a bunch of morons for the supernatural sorta stuff, even saying no to a gamble. Who does that? Weren’t really even any stakes. OR SO WE THOUGHT! Turns out, this boss? That was the sorcerer, and with me and Sos, my punches and salt and his..strange clawing at the spirits. We exorcised them all! 

Sorcerer was dealt with, and another win under my belt. I’ve GOT to advertise this.


Invaded Earth

Throughout history, humanity has been plagued by traces of the supernatural. However, in recent years the number of paranormal creatures spilling into our world has increased exponentially thanks to one group. The Djinn. Some call them demons, evil spirits, wishmakers, Sin Incarnate, or occasionally guardian angels; whatever they call themselves, though, they have one purpose. To make deals. Thus, GA5-1921 was created, a group of government agents each making deals with one or more of these beings in an attempt to quell the threat with the powers acquired. Sometimes they get by with a flash of a badge and a well-pressed suit, but most are prisoners, outcasts or those simply taken by the program because no-one would miss them wearing simple street clothes and hoping they can bullshit their way into a new case.

Whatever their circumstance or the words of their contract, the squad has one job. Uncover the truth, and exterminate the problems.

House Rules

Contractors from GA5-1921 Are portable, and may play in Contracts in other Playgroups.
  • Under Contract: Gifts may only be acquired by Contractors by signing contracts with Djinn or Handlers and completing Contracts. Otherwise, they must be the result of curses, faith or other forms of occult worship/circumstance, not by happenstance.
  • Invoke the Contract!: Each player may, once per Contract, reduce the Difficulty of a roll by 2 by specifying an aspect or term of their contract narratively to the GM which would grant them authority in this case and gain their Djinn or Handler's assistance. However, if this is not convincing to the GM, they may increase the Difficulty of a subsequent roll by a number befitting the severity of their failed invocation.
  • More Bonuses!: Bonuses to the same dice pool do stack, unless granted by the same Effect. 

Full Setting Description

The supernatural is not all commonplace but rather hidden in plain sight by a veil barely maintained by its population and governments. Handlers, as they are known to the various task forces that make up the branch, are only known to the initiated, or those who manage to push through the ecurity of the national government, but rumours do sneak out occasionally. GA5-1921 is a similar urban legend, like the Men in Black (or the progenitors of this phenomenon), their deeds covered up by rumours of mass hysteria, drug scandals, gas leaks, censorship and the occasional scapegoat.


Each Contractor within the squad has a Handler, a higher-up and servant to the Djinn who mediate contracts and deal with the bureaucracy of it all. Generally, each Handler has a specific kind of Contract that they deal with, such as exterminations, retrieving supernatural objects etc, but many dabble in different areas. Squad members can change Handlers, but do not go without one. (Handlers stand-in for Harbingers.)



World Events

Posted by mmmsquid, 1 month, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

UV Insurance

First name: Alexander

Last name: Draxler

Phone number: ███████████████

Email: ████████@████.██

Type of Incident: Accident at work

[All employees who work in Switzerland are obligatorily insured against accidents and occupational illnesses. Accident insurance (UV) covers damages that arise if insured persons have an accident or suffer from an occupational illness. The benefits include medical treatment and financial support.

The premiums for insurance for occupational accidents and illnesses are paid by the employer. The premiums for insurance for non-occupational accidents are usually paid by the employee. Employers are liable for the entire premium amount but deduct employees’ shares from their salaries. The premium amounts differ depending on the insured person’s income and the type of company.]

Notes on case:

Alexander is currently staying for prolong treatment at ███████ hospital, in █████████. He has suffered numerous injuries from the plumment off the balcony at his workplace whilst setting up decorations for the festive season. Other employees were convinced the area was completely safe and the only way he could have fallen was if he had jumped, however Alexander has no such history of suicidal ideation. He cannot yet comment on the case, but the payout for treatment and for family has been swiftly managed. This case matches similarly to one from a past Christmas season, further investigation may be necessary.


Posted by CreepKit, 1 month, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Pumpkin Patch

Various public forums, mainly those focused on the paranormal, have started reporting on a mysterious place known as The Pumpkin Patch.


r/Ephemeral, a subreddit known for sharing stories of weird, supernatural events, have started talking about the Pumpkin Patch, mainly how to get there and what is there.

“Theme parks galore!”

“A fighting match!”

“A chance to see the Pumpkin King”


*EDIT ??/11/2026 - Several hours after the posting of this article, r/Ephemeral have took down the posts regarding the Pumpkin Patch. We have reached out to r/Ephemeral for comment.


  • I.Vidia
Posted by mmmsquid, 3 months, 2 weeks ago. Permalink

Abandoned apartments see publicity again.

After the frightful murders and possible hazards befalling the apartment blocks on 28th street, tenants and staff alike had fled, leaving the building in a state of empty decay.

The monster of a man suspected of the four murders was never caught, himself fleeing elsewhere and to this day he has not be found and consequently appropriately charged.

Regardless of this, late in the night groups in vans have pulled up nearby the apartment block, teams in hazmat suits entering the premises and taping them off from outsiders, it is unclear exactly as to why.

Several individuals of these teams have been seen playing various roles in whatever investigation is underway, malformed bodies rolled out on stretchers and bags of evidence pulled from rooms. 

Our journalists have approached to question, but have been promptly shut-down, even when asking of the suspected murderer and his connections to online ‘occult groups’ and extremist posters.

Hopefully, all will be brought to justice and the families of the deceased can finally rest. More at 7 with our following stories…

Posted by mmmsquid, 3 months, 4 weeks ago. Permalink


Ariccia Pizzeria

Ariccia, デポアイランドシーサイド 9番地21 1F Mihama, Chatan, Nakagami District, Okinawa 904-0115, Japan.

X1 BISMARK (ビスマルク)¥1,850

TOTAL: ¥1,850
NAME: Nath.

ADDRESS: ██████ ████ ███ ██ ███████


Ariccia Pizzeria

Ariccia, デポアイランドシーサイド 9番地21 1F Mihama, Chatan, Nakagami District, Okinawa 904-0115, Japan.

Italian Beer ~ (イタリアビール各種) ¥950

Italian Beer ~ (イタリアビール各種) ¥950

クラフトビール ¥1,050

クラフトビール ¥1,050



MIX FRIED SEAFOOD (ミックスシーフードフライ)¥1,750

TOTAL: ¥9,992

NAME: Tachibana Retsu

ADDRESS: Chuo 2-6-47 2F, Okinawa, Okinawa, 904-0004

Posted by mmmsquid, 5 months ago. Permalink

V.I.R.A Announces Breakthrough In Viral Control.

In a world threatened by biological hazards of all kinds, V.I.R.A has made a remarkable advancement that promises to redefine humanity’s relationship with disease.

”Our latest research has given us unprecedented control over viral agents.” Stated Dr Elara Ventris, chief scientific officer at V.I.R.A. “Through our proprietary techniques, we can now direct and spread the containment of viruses with surgical precision. This means the end of uncontrollable outbreaks and the dawn of a new era of safety.”

This new method allows for the targeted control and release of viral agents, ensuring only select populations are affected while others remain protected. 

”Our goal is nothing less than that of global safety, by mastering the very agents that once threatened us we ensure that not only outbreaks can be managed, but also that those who follow our guidance will be shielded from harm.”

Critics have expressed concern over the ethical implications of V.I.R.A’s methods, but the organisation remainds steadfast. “Fear of change is natural, but we must not let hesitation stand in the way of progress.” Ventris assured, “Humanity will no longer need to fear the unpredictable. We will decide the future.”


Posted by mmmsquid, 5 months, 1 week ago. Permalink

Weather warnings Canada

What should I do?
Make sure to wear heavy winter clothing and avoid going outside unless necessary. Do not drive unless absolutely necessary, as visibility will be extremely limited. If you own a store or manage a company, then you may want to close for the duration of the warning as you will most likely receive little business and will be putting your employees in danger if you stay open. Businesses and schools may also be cancelled, so do not attempt to enter.
Why is it issued?
A Blizzard Warning will be issued if the following conditions are occurring or expected:
  1. Timing must be within the next 12 to 18 hours.
  2. Snow and/or blowing snow must reduce visibility to 1/4 mile or less for 3 hours or longer.
  3. There must be frequent or sustained wind gusts of 35 mph or greater
What's the difference between this and a Winter Storm Warning?
Winter Storm Warnings are issued based on snow accumulations, while Blizzard Warnings are based on wind speeds.
Posted by CreepKit, 7 months ago. Permalink


Beware Mammon, the Demon of Greed

An entity who will give you what you need

His golden tooth shines in the moonlight

As his goal is to seek and unite


A close-knit family the Deadly Sins once were 

Til Harbingers from beyond began to stir

False Harbingers they are

Creating deals and taking souls of those from afar


The Deadly Sins, known for their sinfulness 

Found themselves becoming infamous

For they may be Sinful and “Evil” according to the world

Some of the Sins only wished to reunite the family of the Underworld


Beware Mammon, the Demon of Greed

An entity who will give you what you need,

A father and uncle is what Mammon truly is, 

A man simply trying to create and nurture a family that is his

Posted by CreepKit, 7 months ago. Permalink

"Project Golden" - Meeting Minutes


Big Boss






Objective: Find a way for Greed to occur without the presence of Greed Himself

Ideas proposed varied in scale. Duke Focalor proposed the idea of monopolising business itself in the Human world. This would include buying out companies and using powerful businessmen. This idea is flawed as Big Boss wishes to avoid meddling in the affairs of humans.

Duke Berith proposed using propaganda to encourage committing Greed rather than other sins. This idea is flawed as Big Boss doesn't want to intrude on the business of the other sins.

Duke Andras proposed meddling in the affairs of other Harbingers of Greed, specifically that of Harbinger of Greed of GA5, Midas. However, Big Boss wanted to avoid causing any strife within that organisation.

President Morax proposed a balanced idea. Creating casinos, known for being places of Greed. Create them in areas where any species could enter them. The casino itself would be powered by the sin of Greed itself, rather than Big Boss. Morax also suggested how this could be a good way of finding Them.


Upon mention of that name, Big Boss seemed to be willing to go along with the idea.



The first prototype will take place in Noctisium. Given that the city is friendly to business with demons, it seems the safest option. It will also allow us to see whether the organisation, GA5, will respond to the sudden appearance of the Casino. Though, given recent matters, we speculate a certain Envious Harbinger, may try something...



Posted by CreepKit, 7 months, 1 week ago. Permalink

Beware the Golden Man

The Golden Man roams this world, with Greed etched in his heart.

He seeks out those with powerful souls and makes deals with them.

They say the Golden Man has roamed for many, many years, with only one goal in mind: Greed.

So next time you make a deal with someone.

Check the colour of his tooth.

Beware, beware the Golden Man

Posted by CreepKit, 9 months, 1 week ago. Permalink


Every form of life exists for a reason. To live happily. To despair. To love. To hate.  To find something to live for. Or die trying.

We all exist together, despite our differences. And yet some would try to separate the bonds between us for their gain. They would uproot that which binds us all together.

They say that perfection isn't real. That mistakes and accidents are what make an experience worth living.

The world has many fronts. The sea. The sky. The ground. All with differing lives. And yet we manage to exist all together.


We are all connected by the Tree of Life. Some of us have a more direct connection than others.

So allow me into your mind! And show you what it means to Live!

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