CreepKit has played 9 Contractors in a total of 53 Contracts, earning 52 Wins, 1 Failure, and 0 Contractor Deaths.
They have survived 3 Contracts where another Contractor died.
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CreepKit has run 22 Contracts and 0 Moves in 2 Playgroups for 45 Contractors and 6 Players. Contractors in their Contracts received 74 Gifts, failed but survived 2 times, and met with 4 unfortunate ends.
They have achieved the Golden Ratio 2 times.
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The story of the Pumpkin Patch and the blood spilled on the grass.
Save the train before it explodes
Sacrifice someone so you all may leave
Defeat Y-O-R-U
Free Adam from the clutches of the Frankensteins