He is 33 years old, lives in San Francisco, USA, and often appears as a soft spoken eccentric, with warm eyes & curling brown hair. They wear a patently absurd Imperial Regalia, including epaulets, tail coat & feathered tophat.
Issac Norton II lives in Maelstrom, a setting where videos of the supernatural go viral every day. His journal has 22 entries. His Questionnaire has 31 answers.
0 Alertness
3 Animals
3 Athletics
0 Brawl
1 Crafts
5 Culture
0 Drive
0 Firearms
6 Influence
0 Investigation
3 Medicine
0 Melee
1 Occult
6 Performance
1 Science
0 Stealth
1 Survival
3 Technology
2 Thievery
6 Tai-Chi
Latest 3 of 31 answers
Issac Neuman was an up & coming CEO of yet another silicon valley tech start-up, sleazing his way into investors pockets by playing up his Jewish heritage. Valued at Billions & praised as the next Steve Jobs, his life took a dramatic turn after a drug fueled "corporate retreat" where he engaged in an Ayahuasca ritual led by "the best Shaman money could buy." In the age of the Illumination this proved to be more than he could handle, as he was visited by the Ghost of Emperor Norton the First, who showed him the dread inequality & suffering he & his ilk had spread across the City of St. Francis.
Like the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Issac was shattered & remade by these visions, much to the consternation of his peers in the tech community. Liquidating all his assets & donating every last penny, Issac wrote a proclamation describing the true path for a leader is to humbly serve, & with a media fanfare that exceeded some illuminations, changed his name to "Issac Norton the II, Emperor of the United States"
Issac currently lives in a downtown flat that he own in perpetuity from an earlier investment, & tirelessly works to bring about a Utopian ear, guided by the ghost of Emperor Norton I.