SEAL Boost Cartridge Level up!

This Artifact grants you the power to issue commands to technological devices.
Used by Louis Dupont, Created by leonvanderblight.
(When activating this Effect, it is obvious you are interacting with the target. You must use this Artifact obviously when activating this Effect.)

The next in Louis's foray into computer science is a little cartridge for his SEAL units. Simply retrieve one from your pack, and slam it into the machine and it'll perform an automated hack of the targeted device! Though fingers that are too fast may find themselves encountering a slight bug, as mashing the input as you input the cartridge has been known to cause the device to encounter a null error and hack itself, but, we promise we're working on that!

Exert your Mind and spend 1 minute. Select a Computer within 20 feet. Does not work on Alien technology. Roll a single D10 as a critical failure check. If you roll a 1, the Effect fails, and you disable the artifact for a downtime as it hacks itself.. Roll Dexterity + Technology, with the Difficulty set by the GM depending on the security of the system you are hacking. Sapient targets can resist by rolling Mind at Difficulty 6.

If you succeed, you may issue a single command to the targeted system. This command must have a specific outcome or be a request for specific login credentials. The command you issue must be within the machine's current capabilities. For example, you cannot order a standard security camera to grow legs and walk around.

If your command does not require bypassing the security of the target (for example, typing on a computer that is unlocked), you do not need to Exert your Mind to activate this Effect, and activation only takes a single Action.

Every hack you make leaves behind A gif of a seal clapping and arfing. in the system as a personal "calling card" that informs anyone who uses the system that the hack occurred.

  • You can target yourself if you qualify as a valid target by the other requirements.
  • Your target must be within line of sight, or within range of another sense if more fitting for the Gift's flavor.

Community Artifact Crafting Gifts

This Artifact can change its appearance. When not transformed, it is roughly the same size as a ________ and just as difficult to conceal.

Whenever you show this Artifact to someone, you may give a general description of it, and anyone who hears the description and sees the Artifact will have their mind fill in the details to complete the illusion.

The way the Artifact is seen can mimic specific items (such as a particular painting, a certain person’s ID, etc), but must be of a similar size and weight to this Artifact.

The new appearance is illusory; it will hold up to scrutiny, but its composition is not altered and it gains no new functionality. Any attempt to use it for a function which it cannot perform (for instance, making bread look like a knife and then trying to stab someone) will cause the illusion to fail or allow a Perception check to see through the illusion, at the GM's discretion.

This Artifact produces ephemeral projectiles that can be used as a javelin. It is roughly the same size as a javelin and just as difficult to conceal.

Attack by rolling Brawn + Athletics, Difficulty 6. Successful attacks deal Contested Outcome +3 Weapon Damage.

This item is a living thing. When targeted, it counts as a Living Creature in addition to its other target types. If destroyed or abandoned for more than two days, it dies and becomes unusable.

You also gain the following effects:

  • Hail Storm: You may Exert your Mind to make an attack with against all targets within a 120 degree arc in front of you. Your full attack Outcome applies to each of them, but they may attempt to Dodge or Defend if they are aware of the attack.
  • Magic Quiver: Instead of throwing this Artifact, it is an object that produces an endless supply of temporary throwable objects. For example, bracers that allow you to throw ethereal javelins, or a sack of throwing rocks that doesn’t shrink when you withdraw one.

  • Created projectiles last only until they strike their target and cannot be shared or stockpiled.
  • Reminder: additional Weapon Damage granted by this Effect does not stack with any other bonus to Weapon Damage. Instead the largest bonus is used.

The standard Suit has the following features:

Integral Armor: 2 pts to all locations, including shoes. Impermeable Gloves with mag-lock band for NBC seal.
Full Sensor Suite w/ Haptic Controls & Voice Commands: Biometrics, O2 Quality Sensor, Radiation Detector, Laser Detector, Bug Detector, GPS, Panic Button
Anti-Surveillance Infrared LED Suite: Will obscure the wearer from all low light devices.
Thermal Sink & Climate Control: Will absorb & block heat emissions to power electronics. Can use battery to heat interior for a limited time.
Headscarf: Transparent, NBC Resistant Material. Magnetic strips in the trim allow it to be sealed to the collar for an airtight seal when deployed
Belt: Unbreakable thread, hidden pocket - 2k in local currency
Hidden Pockets: Sleeves, Coat, Ankle
Sensible Shoes: Polycarbonate toe & puncture resistance, hermetically sealed backup battery in each heel.
AI Integration: can remotes access "Slick AI" with a command. Local systems firewall is in place.
Integrated Mobile/AI Assistant: Capable of making calls w/ end to end encryption w/ Triple integrity check (Anti-Sting Ray). Voice to Text translation.
Security Suite: Jailbreak NFC, Bluetooth, Infrared Transceiver, Proximity ID Sensor

This Artifact cannot be broken.

  • "Cannot be broken" means that damage cannot render the Artifact's Effects unusable, nor can it cease to be used for its primary mundane purpose, if it has one.

The creature requires a genetic imprint of the original limb that it is replacing, and must entirely consume the limb that it replaces. If the original limb is regained, it ceases to function, reverting to an amorphous wad of fleshy substance.

This Artifact can be used as a knife. It is roughly the same size as a knife but can be collapsed into a normal arm and hand and concealed. Collapsing or expanding it costs a Quick Action. Unless it is a part of the same artifact as Frobrukt, and it's respective conditional has been satisfied, this Artifact behaves as its mundane counterpart.

Attack by rolling (Dexterity or Brawn) + (Melee or Brawl), Difficulty 6. Successful attacks deal Contested Outcome +1 Weapon Damage.

This item is a living thing. When targeted, it counts as a Living Creature in addition to its other target types. If destroyed or abandoned for more than two days, it dies and becomes unusable.

You also gain the following effects:

  • This melee weapon may extend for a single attack up to 50 feet away. Retracting back into its usable size is a Quick Action.
  • Pin: If you Injure a target with an Attack, you may choose to leave your weapon. If you do, the target is “pinned” to that location until the weapon is removed. Removing the weapon increases the Severity of that Injury by 2.

  • If there is not enough free space to expand the object, it cannot be expanded. You cannot expand this Object as an attack.
  • Reminder: additional Weapon Damage granted by this Effect does not stack with any other bonus to Weapon Damage. Instead the largest bonus is used.

Expend a point of Battery and spend an Action to activate.

You may perceive things through Sight within 75 feet of you as though there were no walls or obstacles blocking your view for the next 3 rounds. You must maintain Concentration to keep up the effect.

Any Perception rolls made through obstacles are rolled at +1 Difficulty.

  • You can target yourself if you qualify as a valid target by the other requirements.

Stock Artifact Crafting Gifts

You gain the following benefits as long as you are wearing this Artifact.

You get +2 dice to any Body resistance rolls you make. You also gain the following effects:

  • Survivor: You are immune to all non-Alien diseases.
  • All Brawn No Brain: You suffer a -2 dice penalty on Mind resistance rolls.

  • These bonuses apply only to Body rolls made to resist Effects and other supernatural phenomena. They do not apply to other contexts such as attacks made while under the Creature Transformation Effect.

You gain the following benefits as long as you are wearing this Artifact.

You get +1 dice to any Mind resistance rolls you make. You also gain the following effects:

  • Naturally Resistant: Any time you make a Mind resistance roll, the individual who you are resisting must Exert their Mind, or your resistance succeeds automatically.
  • Clash Of Wills: If you fail to fully resist an Effect, your Outcome is considered to be 0.

  • These bonuses apply only to Mind rolls made to resist Effects and other supernatural phenomena. They do not apply to Trauma rolls or self-control rolls.