The Illumination

A world where videos of the supernatural go viral every day.

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Edward "Eddie Odin" Bouvier made a Move (Unifel GMed) 11 hours, 51 minutes ago. View Move

Mercenary Group Saves Kubota Gardens

A Breaking News Segment interrupts the weather forecast: A woman is seen in the Kubota Gardens wearing a windbreaker and holding a microphone: "If you've been keeping an eye on the news, you'll know that lycanthrope attacks have been being reported around the area of the Kubota Gardens! We have good news for those affected and living in the area today, however. Last night a group of heavily armed and armored men and women stormed the area with silver laced weapons and took down all the currently known shapeshifters that were active! We tried to get ahold of their leader but they declined to comment." Here, she smiles at the camera. "However, I met with one of their lower ranked members at a bar! Their identity will be kept anonymous for their protection, but they told me they were a group working for a healthcare organization calling itself the Silver Cross. Their closest clinic is a state away in Oregon, but it seems their mission is to help these creatures, not just put them down! We'll have to see how well that goes for them. Keep an eye on KOMO 4 TV and we'll keep you updated with the latest developments. Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming!"

Cinder Alynth made a Move (Unifel GMed) 2 months, 2 weeks ago. View Move

Bellingham Bar Brawl

Last night at the Thai'd Hands, a tattoo artist just off her shift started a fight with someone for wearing red laces on their boots. Instead of jumping in to assist the poor defendant, the bartender started cheering her on as her friend joined in. The cops were called when someone walking by outside the bar heard the commotion, but it took them a while to arrive - when they finally did, the perpetrators had cleared out of the area and the poor man was tending to a broken nose outside, having been kicked out as if he had been the instigator!

Latest Journals

2 months, 3 weeks ago: Za'id wrote a Downtime Journal for Lost and Found

A New Friend

Diamond reached out to ask for help with something that my skillset was good at, so let them know they owed me a favor and did the job. It went off without a hitch. I look forward to calling in that favor one of these days.

More importantly, after some poking around I met an Ouroboros Agent named "Tombe". He had clearly had his life sucked out of him by something, and was barely still considered "alive". I have made it my short-term mission to find some way to restore his life, as it seems a good step on the way to my real goals. I did not make a deal with Ouroboros, as they seek to know all about me and my contacts which is simply not doable. I value my privacy, and I know some of the supernaturals I meet will definitely value theirs as well. Still, I have a way to contact them now as needed.

Micky is a great help - I'll need to see if I can keep him around once I'm in San Francisco.

2 months, 3 weeks ago: Diamond Jasper wrote a Downtime Journal for Lost and Found


The library had something in it - something worth reading. Their textbooks are different and talk about new things, but none of it seems to be what happened in the bathroom mirror. When I left Eddie behind, I thought I saw me.

I was so indescribably beautiful, I had to leave immediately. I haven't looked in a mirror since.

Jun, I hope your name is enough. I want to see what you look like, what you really look like. It's going to be a lot closer than expected. I should have asked if Baphomet keeps the arms, you could use my old ones better than me.

I love you, Jun, and we're going to be together because of that naughty cat.

Oh, and Seattle was nice. I'll take you sometime soon, show you the gardens once they're repaired.

"King Jasper". I can't wait to let you hurt me one last time.

I have to wait.

2 months, 4 weeks ago: Edward "Eddie Odin" Bouvier wrote a Downtime Journal for Bobasaurus

Opening Doors

This contract business is addicting. New powers, new capabilities, new avenues - it's like a high that never ends, a train that can only get faster. New power flows through me - biblical power, the power to bind oaths on the stones of Hell itself. It's exhilarating - I don't know if God or Lucifer or anybody else is doing this for me or if I've simply found some way to tap into the nature of the universe, but wherever this comes from, I'm not going to squander it. My plans are coming along quickly - I have the trucks and the burner business, and I've made some headway with the Donna. We have a trial period - apparently her accountant wronged her somehow and she's been keeping him with some kind of lycanthrope as punishment, but it created the perfect opportunity for me to get a wedge in with the organization. I'm not where I want yet, but I've forged a covenant between Moreno and Lavaz written in blood in basalt diabolical. I have no doubt that soon, Donna Lavaz will come to understand what she could accomplish with these powers, and how little the price I ask truly is.

Soon, the tweetybird will tweet no longer, and hopefully those god-awful trucks will die with him.

3 months, 1 week ago: Edward "Eddie Odin" Bouvier wrote a Downtime Journal for Sanctuary

The Tweetybird Episode, Part 1

The Talent was a little shitbird, but he's also not a liar.

I can feel myself learn faster, heal faster, endure stress better. The spear I took from the farmhouse - strange abilities have awoken in it, and they give me a confidence I did not have before. I feel like the Highlander when he discovered his Quickening - and I have contacts now who have experienced the same.

It is time to plan something big.

The first step requires the acquisition of a new identity - someone useful, the kind of face I can get a delivery truck registered to. Lavaz gave me a good target - some rich white douchebag who spends his money golfing and probably buying indulgences from his local church so he can keep his Venezuelan chocolate slaves or whatever the fuck. She's a viper, that woman, but I will put up with her for now. I should have the liquid assets to pay her fees once I take him out anyways.


I met a colleague on the job - I don't know who he works for or what his real name is, but he's a man after my own heart and just as paranoid as me. I introduced myself as Eowyn, and he as Merry, and between the two of us the job went a la mode. Stuck around and had a dinner the next day and got to attend the Pensacola Yule Armory Convention, which was a good way to unwind after an assassination. I got his number - once I get a new phone, I'll have to contact him.

Speaking of people I will need to contact, I should reach out to Blanche when I can - that creepy ass doctor has very, very smooth skin, and they let me do all sorts of things I wanted to to pay me back for how the farmhouse job went. Good taste in restaurants too, and they make the cutest noises, just like a pigeon.


I need to get laid more often.

Maybe after I turn the world's biggest muskrat into a grease stain on a concrete block.

The Illumination was created by Unifel 3 months, 3 weeks ago

Playgroup Leader

Zelda the hedonist superhero
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor
Marian the whimsical plumber necromancer
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor
Nia the e-girl catgirl
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor

Playgroup Member

Judith Bard the mendicant nun cult leader
A 1-Victory Newbie Contractor

Playgroup Member

River the fed-up barista parasite host
A 2-Victory Newbie Contractor
Sage the pragmatic hippie witch
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor

Playgroup Member

Playgroup Member

Illuminated Earth

Illuminated Earth is a twisted reflection of the modern world where the advent of smartphones and the internet confirmed the existence of the supernatural instead of disproving it. Here, witch hunts have merit. Billionaires and Senators employ paranormal advisors and bodyguards, and everyone knows. Charlatans become pop culture icons, and each revelation inspires a new cult. The world is changing. The secret societies that pull humanity's strings scramble to adapt.

Now's a good time to move up.

House Rules

Contractors from The Illumination Are portable, and may play in Contracts in other Playgroups.
The Illumination grants 6 Experience points to GMs who achieve the Golden Ratio.
  • Citizenship: Active Players are expected to GM Contracts from time to time. If you have played as a Contractor in your most recent six Contracts, you are barred from playing in The Illumination again until you GM.
  • Supernatural Powers: All non-mastery, non-concealed Powers must be obviously supernatural when activated or grant a mutation that marks the wielder as supernatural or bizarre if discovered.

Full Setting Description

They named that time The Illumination, and it was by the flash of a camera phone.


The year was 2004. Until that point the Earth was as we had always known her. We filled her cruel vastness with legends, superstitions, and rumors. Warlocks, monsters, and gods lurked on the edge of the collective consciousness, always a possibility but never more. We lacked evidence. That evidence came as humanity filled its pockets with technology equipped to capture and transmit.


An iPhone found on High School senior Nate Klienman’s mangled corpse held a video of his girlfriend’s bone-snapping transformation into a monstrous wolf creature. A Brazilian widow documented a series of conversations with the misty figure of her late husband. A Chinese fishing boat caught a mermaid in a net and put it on display in the Beijing aquarium.


Each week brought a new revelation that we were not alone. Superstitions reversed their slow death overnight. Salem held their first witch trial in a century. The jury rendered a verdict of “guilty on all charges” and sentenced Maxibelle Horux to death. A week after her lethal injection, half the jury died from a tainted batch of flu vaccine. A fearful, populist movement arose to rid humanity of the creatures lurking in its ranks. Suspects are forcibly subjected to bizarre tests of their humanity, and the results are often open to interpretation. A mob’s justice is swift.


Yet the paranormal is not merely relegated to a persecuted class. Where some see monsters, some see sentience, and others see opportunity. If a vampire can sustain themselves on cloned blood and work the graveyard shift, why not legalize and tax? Politicians and Aristocrats employ odd-looking individuals as "advisors" or "protection." Entertainment magazines publish revelations every week about which celebrities shed their human skins at home. Charlatans of all stripes, from palmistry mediums to televangelists, have flourished despite the risks. The treatment of the paranormal varies from place to place, person to person.


Long have cabals, cults, and secret societies thrived in the shadows. Their roots run deeply through humanity’s oldest systems of power. Machinations are challenged, and sleeping dangers awaken. The world is changing, forcing long-dormant powers into desperate action. And it is in the midst of this great period of change that The Powers That Be have once again turned their attention to the blue marble. For the first time in two hundred years, Harbingers approach worthy individuals with an offer they won't refuse.

The Games have returned, and a new generation of Contractors are being forged.

World Events

Edward "Eddie Odin" Bouvier made a Move (Unifel GMed) 11 hours, 51 minutes ago. View Move

Mercenary Group Saves Kubota Gardens

A Breaking News Segment interrupts the weather forecast: A woman is seen in the Kubota Gardens wearing a windbreaker and holding a microphone: "If you've been keeping an eye on the news, you'll know that lycanthrope attacks have been being reported around the area of the Kubota Gardens! We have good news for those affected and living in the area today, however. Last night a group of heavily armed and armored men and women stormed the area with silver laced weapons and took down all the currently known shapeshifters that were active! We tried to get ahold of their leader but they declined to comment." Here, she smiles at the camera. "However, I met with one of their lower ranked members at a bar! Their identity will be kept anonymous for their protection, but they told me they were a group working for a healthcare organization calling itself the Silver Cross. Their closest clinic is a state away in Oregon, but it seems their mission is to help these creatures, not just put them down! We'll have to see how well that goes for them. Keep an eye on KOMO 4 TV and we'll keep you updated with the latest developments. Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming!"

Cinder Alynth made a Move (Unifel GMed) 2 months, 2 weeks ago. View Move

Bellingham Bar Brawl

Last night at the Thai'd Hands, a tattoo artist just off her shift started a fight with someone for wearing red laces on their boots. Instead of jumping in to assist the poor defendant, the bartender started cheering her on as her friend joined in. The cops were called when someone walking by outside the bar heard the commotion, but it took them a while to arrive - when they finally did, the perpetrators had cleared out of the area and the poor man was tending to a broken nose outside, having been kicked out as if he had been the instigator!

Blanche Bennett made a Move (baeowulf GMed) 2 months, 3 weeks ago. View Move

Kewlicky Family Missing

Professor Jason Kewlicky, 57, and his family were reported missing Thursday afternoon after Dr. Kewlicky failed to attend class after he was set to return from a 1 month medical leave. The family was reported missing after Dr. Kewlicky's assistant - Amanda Banks, 24, a graduate student pursuing a PhD in Occult Anthropology at WWU - called his neighbor (who has asked to remain anonymous) after the Professor failed to report for class. When his neighbor came to visit, they found the Kewlicky family's home empty. "I knew something terrible had happened right away," Dr. Kewlicky's neighbor reported. "Jason's always been a superstitious sort - we hardly ever speak, but we've been neighbors for years; any time he leaves for an extended period of time, he sets up this little shrine outside his front door - said it keeps malicious spirits from entering his home, he even made me one. He never set it up, so when Dr. Banks called, I knew there was something horribly wrong." 

In the initial investigation of the Kewlicky home, Bellingham Police found no evidence of a struggle, but did discover a fresh set of luggages with the tags still attached, supporting Kewlicky's neighbor's suspicion that the family never left on their trip. According to Ms. Banks, Professor Kewlicky had been struggling with night terrors, hypertension, and mild hallucinations since an expedition to Iraq in 2016, and would take regular weekend trips to see a specialist doctor in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

The missing persons include Dr. Jason Kewlicky, 57, Alba Kewlicky, 34, and their two children, Mason and Sarah Kewlicky, aged 12 and 7. Photos and a contct number can be found on page 27; if you have any information pertaining to the Kewlickys' location, please contact the Bellingham Police department.

Posted by Contracted_Pyre, 2 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Safeways across Ohio completly sold out of 2% milk after mystery buyer obtains entire stock

Edward "Eddie Odin" Bouvier made a Move (Contracted_Pyre GMed) 2 months, 3 weeks ago. View Move


Monday night last week, Sal was taking out the trash from his family's diner, he found a truly horrifying sight. A body had been discarded by the dumpster with a strange unknown rune carved into its forehead and left hand completely mangled. The body belonged to James Hildren, a long time resident of the area. Police are refusing to comment on how exactly he died, saying they wished to keep the matter private for James' family.

The thought that such a heinous act could be committed right outside an institution known for its wholesome family dining is appalling. Is nothing sacred anymore? Are we still even safe enough to enjoy a nice meal with our children? This reporter fears the worst, but we here at Sunrise News promise to keep reporting the truth, and nothing but the truth for our loyal readers.

Excerpt from "Sunrise News"'s latest issue by reporter John Smith.


Liked that article? Check out this next!

Police sting operation against local Christian Nationalists goes off without a hitch, local priest hailed as hero for integral role!

Diamond Jasper made a Move (baeowulf GMed) 2 months, 3 weeks ago. View Move

Sons of Salem Steal Saint's Supplies!

It was an ordinary Sunday morning when Joe Tucocci's life took a dramatic turn. Joe - a forty four year old hard working delivery man from our very own Jersey City - would find himself caught in a crossfire between the Sons of Salem and the lycanthropic horror that plagues our country! Thanks for coming on the show, Joe, how are you feeling?

I'm, oh, I'm fine. I mean I wouldn't really call it -

That's great to hear, great to hear. Tell me Joe, how did it all go down?

Well, I was driving along my route as usual - just finished up at the rest stop, so I was freshly fed and caffeinated, thank God. A tree fell across the road right as I was coming around the bend and blocked the truck. Could've broken real bad.

You were transporting medical equipment, yes? Would any of your cargo have been damaged had you crashed?

Well, medical equipment includes O2 tanks, mechanical lubricants, that sort of thing. A bad enough crash and that's a recipe for a bomb. Anyways-

And the tree - do you think it fell on its own?

No - way too convenient timing. But-

And that's when the dastardly operative seized your vehicle! Must have been a terrifying experience, to have a gun with silver bullets pointer at your back.

I mean not much scarier than a different kind of gun, but yeah it was pretty frightening. She asked me to hand over my phone and my mace-

You carry classic weaponry, Joe?

N- what? No, the spray.


Anyways I did as she asked, and she told me where I could pick up my truck later, then left me and my mace on the road to clear the tree.

You mean to say you cleared the road by yourself?

Well, I didn't have much else to do.

What public service! When you got back to your truck, were any of the drugs left, or were those stolen?

No, wait, what? There weren't any drugs, I don't-

You heard it here, folks! The Sons of Salem - they may claim to be righteous warriors protecting us from the supernatural, but here we have a first hand account of them robbing this distinguished civil servant and stealing the expensive medications intended for a children's hospital.

I really think you're taking this out of pro-

Thanks so much for coming on the show and sharing your story, Joe. To all our listeners out there - stay safe, stay vigilant, and never trust anybody. Gooooodnight!

Za'id made a Move (baeowulf GMed) 2 months, 4 weeks ago. View Move

Argonaut Hotel Announces Opening of Occult Library

Early Sunday morning, the Argonaut Hotel announced that it would be converting one of its event rooms into a historical and occult reading library. "We at the Argonaut are proud of our fair city's storied heritage as a home to the weird and wonderful and are always looking for new ways to express the nautical theme for which we're known," said Francesca Lavaz, hotel owner and San Francisco entrepreneur. "The surging popularity of beloved local cryptid 'Baboon Child' presents an excellent opportunity for us to both continue to innovate within our business model and provide rich entertainment resources to our community. It's no secret that sailors are a famously superstitious bunch, and it's high time that the intrepid travelers who sail the Argonaut have the opportunity to embark on the high seas of folklore and myth from the comfort of a luxurious, plush, and classically navy reading chair." The Argonaut Reading Room will not only be open to hotel guests, Mrs. Lavaz goes on to explain. "As much as we are dedicated to serving our guests, we also recognize that our hotel exists on the backbone of our vibrant community. We have always been proud to give back to the community, and the library presents an exciting new way to engage with the wonderful people of our city." Library access will be permitted with either a current Argonaut room key or a San Francisco city ID, public transit card, or California Driver's License with a San Francisco address, and will include full wait service to the Argonaut's cafe and bar.

Posted by MesmerMara, 2 months, 4 weeks ago. Permalink

Kubota Gardens Werewolf Investigation

Local Japanese garden in Seattle has discovered that recent bear attacks were caused by werewolves. Two of the beasts were discovered roaming the grounds early morning and were captured and taken to a nearby facility for detainment. Bodies of recent missing peoples were discovered in a makeshift den near the back of the establishment and all families have been informed. The community is planning to come together to grieve in an open candle ceremony event and honor those lost in this tragedy, while rebuilding the gardens back into a safe and respected place. We hope the families who are suffering come to heal in time with the help of their neighbors.

Edward "Eddie Odin" Bouvier made a Move (Unifel GMed) 2 months, 4 weeks ago. View Move

Ricardo Moreno Found

Last week, during the mess on the wharf, one of the people that went missing was a Ricardo "Ricky" Moreno. With the state of the bodies found on the wharf, it was feared that he was one of the deceased. However, the good news is that this body, at least, was found whole! He went back to work for Francesca Lavaz yesterday, and seemed to be no worse for the wear. When asked where he had been, he stated: "I was just taking a little time away, didn't mean to scare anyone! Please check out the aquarium if you get the chance."

Za'id made a Move (baeowulf GMed) 3 months ago. View Move

Conservation Error Ruins Secret Smithsonian Collection

     Edwin Cooper discovered the leak during an otherwise ordinary walk of his usual rounds early last Friday morning. The building where Edwin until very recently worked is unassuming from the exterior - its corrugated steel walls and blue roof are very much alike any other rural New England industrial warehouse, as is the barbed wire fence enclosing the building's grounds and the small security outpost guarding the only road in or out of the small compound built from portable structures which serve as break-rooms and supply storage for the facility's staff. What the facade conceals, however, is far from ordinary. 

     Edwin's rounds were like clockwork - they began at 3 AM when one of his colleagues would relieve him from the first half of his shift at the guard post, where he would take fifteen minutes to refreshen himself in the break room with a cup of coffee and yesterday's newspaper. After he finished his break, Edwin would exit the poorly ventilated portable structure and make his way into the warehouse - there, he would spend another fifteen minutes doing a cursory sweep with his flashlight. "That's the only time we would ever find anybody, " he explains. "Usually teenagers breaking in on a dare or looking for somewhere to smoke before they had to get to school." Edwin's shift ran from midnight to 6 AM, after which he would return home so he could get his three children - Gabriel, Annette, and Michael - ready for school. When he talks to me, I can see the deep bags under his eyes and the heavy lines in his face: the toll of fifteen years supporting his family on a graveyard salary. "There wasn't anybody that morning - I did scare off a raccoon, though." After sweeping the warehouse, the true purpose of Edwin's job began. 

     He would head into the back of the warehouse to a gender neutral restroom door locked with a combination code lockbox. Instead of entering any numbers on the box, Edwin would key his way through by pressing his thumb onto the men's symbol's head to activate the fingerprint reader hidden inside the tacky signage. Behind the bathroom door was not toilets, but an elevator down to the real facility: a hidden network of sub-levels which constitute a secret storage facility for the Smithsonian museum. "We didn't have authorization to go to the basement," he tells me. "That was just for the researchers - we only ever went there if they needed help carrying something heavy, and we never got to go into the labs." Edwin's concern were the five archival sub-basements and the tens of thousands of artifacts they stored, all of which were neatly packed in wooden crates carefully labeled with manifests of their contents. "My job was mostly checking the walls and the crates for damage," he explains to me. "The facility had lots of problems with mice, rats, snakes, that sort of thing getting in through cracks in the concrete. Anything that got in could damage the collections, so I was supposed to survey all the walls and write up a report of any wear and tear in found." The walls were sectioned off into ten by ten foot squares, each of which had a serial number and a line on Edwin's checklist where he could record any damage. "It was hard at first, but you get used to it over time. It becomes subconscious - your mind gets reshaped into thousands and thousands of little gray squares, like the building is part of you, so that when something is wrong you just know it. There wasn't anything wrong that morning, so I decided to go a bit faster so that I could maybe finish early and get a little sleep in before I had to drive my kids to school." Unfortunately, sub-level five proved Edwin wrong.

     "It was coming from a big crate in the back corner. The panels had burst open a bit, like this," he says and gestures with his hands to show how the front panwl of the crate had come away from the side panels and the lid. "It was this thick, ugly, red brown slime - all gooey and stringy, and it was spilling all over the floor, all over everything." He gestures again, swirling his hand in a wide circle, and his eyes leave my face to get lost in the memory. "There was a huge amount of the liquid, like an aquarium tank had burst inside the crate and blew it open, and it smelled like blood. The smell was powerful - like it was coming from inside my head. In the moment, I forgot all my training; all I understood was that there was a crate of history in front of me and that every moment it stayed how it was, it got less likely any of it could be saved." Edwin ran to the crate, grabbing the edge of the panel and ripping it open with his bare hands. "So many things spilled out - hundreds of small artifacts, all covered and soaked in the slime. I was confused, at first - I remembered the manifest on that crate. It was labeled as being full of unused tank components from World War 2. Then something I recognized hit my shoe, and then I saw the rest." Tears start to form at the corner of Edwin's eyes and I ask him if he wants to stop the interview, but he waves me away and swallows to compose himself. "It was a small cloth doll of an Indian girl - all soaked and destroyed from the slime, but I recognized it perfectly. It was my grandfather's doll, passed down to him by his mother, and her mother, and all the way back to before." Edwin chokes up at this point, and I ask him if he wants to stop, but he insists we keep recording. "The doll was from before my family was called Cooper; it was the last thing my grandfather had left from before we were forced to move to Oklahoma. There were countless other things too: clothing and headdresses and blankets and treaty belts, all stolen, all destroyed." It's at this point Edwin breaks down, but before I can ask, he insists on continuing the interview. "It's important people hear this story," he says. "It's important that people understand that it's not just things, it's someone's friends, someone's family. My grandfather studied anthropology at Harvard - he took the doll with him and he specialized in the history of our tribe. The doll went missing during a trip he took to the Smithsonian as part of his dissertation. He insisted they stole it, but nobody listened. When NAGPRA passed in the 90s, he tried to take it to court, but by then he'd already lost all of his connections in academia." Charles Cooper - Edwin's grandfather - continued to file claims under NAGPRA against the Smithsonian until he died of a heart attack in 2007. "Grandpa was only 67 when he died; the doctors said it was his diet, but we all knew it was stress." Edwin takes a moment to compose himself, and I offer him a coffee. He accepts, and we pause the recording for 15 minutes. "There was only one artifact in the crate that wasn't destroyed - it looked Greek, a big bronze vase with a pair of snakes sculpted to wrap around it. I'm sure it was stolen too, though not from us. I don't remember how long I was down there sifting through the slime, looking for anything that had survived, but it must have been a while because the next guy found me after I didn't come back out. The Smithsonian fired me after that - they said I breached contract when I opened up the crate, threatened me with lawyers and the NDA I signed like they didn't have blood on their hands."

Edwin is expected to appear in court in the following weeks to testify on behalf of the Choctaw nation. In the meantime, if you wish to support him, please....

NPR, This American Life, Interview with Edwin Cooper by Angela Schultz.

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