ShadyTradesman has played 16 Contractors in a total of 129 Contracts, earning 107 Wins, 10 Failures, and 5 Contractor Deaths.
They have survived 14 Contracts where another Contractor died.
View Contractors
ShadyTradesman has run 91 Contracts and 5 Moves in 7 Playgroups for 231 Contractors and 113 Players. Contractors in their Contracts received 215 Gifts, failed but survived 48 times, and met with 29 unfortunate ends.
They have achieved the Golden Ratio 7 times.
View Contracts and Scenarios
The Contractors must escort a vampiric dog on a plane from San Francisco to Hawaii. Can they keep his bloodlust in check, or will he become a monster and cause mayhem?
The Contractors visit the small town of Rachel, Nevada and chase down an alien on a pig bus.
The contractors act as protection for a high school party
Contractors visit an island to grant a wish and end up destroying a society
The Contractors must simply decide who amongst them will win.
The contractors must break up a couple of young lovers. He's a selkie who wants to return to the sea, but she is a very possessive bird indeed.
The Contractors are hunted by a trio of celebrities on an island in Papua new Guinea. The objective: get to the extraction point. . . ALIVE!
Someone gets a chance to ask a group of Contractors for a favor and chooses unwisely.
The Contractors visit a small town where there is an ongoing witch hunt. Their goal: save one of the witches.
The Contractors visit Bobasaurus and retrieve the source of some delta radiation.