
Calculating Master

jwesley123 has played 36 Contractors in a total of 269 Contracts, earning 231 Wins, 27 Failures, and 10 Contractor Deaths.

They have survived 31 Contracts where another Contractor died.
View Contractors

Just God

jwesley123 has run 126 Contracts and 5 Moves in 3 Playgroups for 296 Contractors and 119 Players. Contractors in their Contracts received 375 Gifts, failed but survived 65 times, and met with 51 unfortunate ends.

They have achieved the Golden Ratio 42 times.
View Contracts and Scenarios


Harold Polk The Lawyer Symbol of true american justice

A 11-Victory Seasoned Contractor from Maelstrom

Connor Inkz The Tattoo Artist tattoo artist

A 23-Victory Professional Contractor from Maelstrom

Darren Stanley The White Cat Cat

A 10-Victory Seasoned Contractor from Maelstrom

Derek Knight The A fearless storm chaser and meteorologist. weathermancer

A Newbie Contractor from Maelstrom

Patrick Oneal The Half-Leperchaun Theif

A 19-Victory Professional Contractor from Maelstrom

Lucian Evermore The Recently Turned Vampire Vlogger of the vegan vampire

A 9-Victory Novice Contractor from Maelstrom

Taku Smith The Child savior

A 8-Victory Novice Contractor from Maelstrom

Stinky Pete The Homeless Drunken Martial Artist Martial Artist

A 8-Victory Novice Contractor from Project *******

Frank Lambert The Sailor aquaman

A 4-Victory Novice Contractor from Maelstrom

Jacob Wesley The High School Dropout Drug Addict Loser

A 7-Victory Novice Contractor from The Netherworld

Paula The Monster Hunter Driver

A 13-Victory Seasoned Contractor from Project *******

Sally Doberkowski The Wanna-be Voodoo Queen Voodoo Master

A 5-Victory Novice Contractor from Maelstrom

Kevin Pots The Alchemist a

A 1-Victory Newbie Contractor without a home World

Harry Johnson The Underground Boxer

A 3-Victory Newbie Contractor from Maelstrom

Thomas The Circus orphan

A 2-Victory Newbie Contractor from The Netherworld

Conner Johnson The Cynical Humanitarian

A Newbie Contractor from Maelstrom

Newbie The Fire eater

A Newbie Contractor from Maelstrom

Kyle Brostein The College Wrestler

A 4-Victory Novice Contractor without a home World

Jacob Rumstein The Old Man trapped in a childs body

A 4-Victory Novice Contractor from Project *******

Adam The The First Man

A 2-Victory Newbie Contractor from The Netherworld

Arakan Watanabe The Swindling Fortune Teller/ Yokai Teller

A Newbie Contractor from Illuminated Tokyo

Scp-999 The Human who accidently ate 999

A 6-Victory Novice Contractor from Project *******

Emiya The Young failed magician

A 1-Victory Newbie Contractor without a home World

Bestest Boy The Neodog

A Newbie Contractor without a home World

John Henry The K9 unit member

A 1-Victory Newbie Contractor without a home World

Preacher The Preacher

A 1-Victory Newbie Contractor without a home World

Deceased Contractors

Kevin Sparkles The My Little Pony Fan boy Friend

A 11-Victory Seasoned Contractor from Maelstrom

Jeremy Wesley The Accountant Leader of Men

A 24-Victory Professional Contractor from Maelstrom

Timothy Humbug The Elderly Miser Miser

A 12-Victory Seasoned Contractor from Maelstrom

Paul Matthews The 42 year old Hunter

A 7-Victory Novice Contractor from Maelstrom

Dallas Smith The FBI Agent

A 8-Victory Novice Contractor from Maelstrom

Conner Metal The Naga

A 10-Victory Seasoned Contractor from Maelstrom

Sister Mary Catherine The Old School Nun

A 3-Victory Newbie Contractor from Maelstrom

John Wulf The Werewolf

A 5-Victory Novice Contractor without a home World

Chuckles smileyface The Clown suit

A 3-Victory Newbie Contractor from The Netherworld

Kimmy Viable The Northwestern College Cheerleader

A 1-Victory Newbie Contractor without a home World

The Man The Masked Wrestler

A 4-Victory Novice Contractor from World of Darkness

Drill Sergant Brown The Drill Sergeant

A Newbie Contractor from The Buisness

Contract Record